This is a very helpful thread, I think I can really use the suggestion here to learn more about the topic. I will try to get these free books in this thread And I can also give them to my friends to spread the message all over the world. The internet can be so useful from time to time :blackhijab:
Yeah, I someone posted that freebook site via this Muslim Facebook group that I'm a part of. Mashallah . Ordered mines about 2 weeks ago. Can't wait to get them!
It's been a year since I went to that site and ordered mine. So far that I checked, most who have received their books live in the West or somewhere near Europe.
I live in South East Asia so does this have any relation to the reason I have not yet received it?
Yes, InshaAllaah I'm still waiting patiently, just checking though.
Assalamu Alaykum,
Too do this service for those of us who are interested in learning the Truth and about Islam must ensure a blessing from God!
Thank you for this excellent post.
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I too ordered books from the mentioned website. I highly recommend it to new Muslims. I received more than I ordered. They are very good to read and I love love the books they sent me. I am extremely grateful to them for my books. Alhumdullah
I have also asked for 5 books, ik really hopes it workes out fine, because i saw books that really were interesting for me as a beginner of learning things about the Islam, thank you for sharing the link
As-salaamu alaikum.
jazaakaLLAH, i have received the books that i ordered. jazaakaLLAH.
I thought it will take a month to come to Africa but no it took about a couple of weeks.
jazaakaLLAH again for sharing with us.
As-salaamu alaikum