Regarding Paypal


Your brother

I have to use Paypal feature in our community website for our masjid project.
I know paypal site but it doesn't give me entire overview of how it works and fee structures, etc.? It has lot of possible options and I don't know what options to select in that site. Is there any article which talks completely about its usage? Or anyone of you ever got a chance to work on it?
Please let me know as I am looking for this information.
JazakAllah khairan.


Junior Member
I have used paypal when purchasing things from ebay.

I have my set up as a customer, not as a business, so there are no fees associated with it. I think that you have to pay if you will be getting frequent deposits into the account. the site has an email address though to request additional information.

Sorry, i wasn't of much help.

Inshallah someone else can post.


Just a brother
Paypal account type:


You will have to choose premier or business type. Difference between premier and business is that business charges less fee(in receiving) but there is certain requirement. You would choose personal if you're not going accept credit card payment. With personal account there is no fee in receiving but you're limited to cash payment only. Most people like to use credit card, thus either premier or business type would your choice. Also, with personal you're limited to certain amount of money....I think it is 1000 dollars or something.

You can visit their to see their differences.