Revert Sisters


Islam is my life
Staff member

Well I am upset with the people who critisize me!! I have never felt like less of a Muslim in my life!!!

assalamu aleikum
noone is critisizing u ,its just your reaction on every single post in your other thread also,why u feel so offended ,nobody critisizing .Its just obigatory...
Thats all...You are not the only one in this situation i don't wear hijab yet and I'm strugling and feel guilty for that always and I know I don't have excuses for that.I agree with previous post ,there are no excuses the same as for Salah...
May Allah forgive us and make it easy for us..
wasalam aleikum


Junior Member

I decided to wear hijab about three weeks after converting. I think the quick edcision made it easier on me in the long run because it just became part of my conversion experience. People were more accepting of my hijab because it was just aprt of the entire change. I think if I had waited longer I would've lost my courage. :shymuslima1:

Strangly enough the person who ahd the most problems with my hijab was my ex-husband. We were still working out the divorce agreement, of course I could've cared less what he thought.

The only real issues I've had was at the airport when I am coming back into America....I attend medical school in the Caribbean.


asalamu allaykum

sis shy i want to go the caribbean insha alla so can i ask u a question
salamu alaykum


Junior Member
Salaam sister Jabba,

I wrote a response to your thread in the sister's forum so you nkow how I feel. :hearts:




Junior Member
sis shy i want to go the caribbean insha alla so can i ask u a question
salamu alaykum


Sure thing, just PM me so we can keep the thread on topic. :blackhijab:
