Revert Sisters


New Member
Asalaam Aluakim;
When (if )did you decide to wear hijab? :hijabi: Why did you finally decide to put it on? Was it hard at first?
Have you experienced any problems with non-believers because of it?


Junior Member

I decided to wear hijab about three weeks after converting. I think the quick edcision made it easier on me in the long run because it just became part of my conversion experience. People were more accepting of my hijab because it was just aprt of the entire change. I think if I had waited longer I would've lost my courage. :shymuslima1:

Strangly enough the person who ahd the most problems with my hijab was my ex-husband. We were still working out the divorce agreement, of course I could've cared less what he thought.

The only real issues I've had was at the airport when I am coming back into America....I attend medical school in the Caribbean.



A Muslim Girl
I decided to wear my hijab last year no i expireanced no problem bcause most of the ppl knew why i wore it .


Salafi Dawah is the best
...I think the quick edcision made it easier on me in the long run because it just became part of my conversion experience.

Sister I believe thats so true, if I would have worn my hijab as soon as possible I wouldn't be going through what I'm going through now.:wasalam:


No God but Allah
Assalamo alikom

Wearing Hijaab is a compulsory on adult Muslim females. We should wear it no matter any problems we may be exposed to. It just like our prayers; we should perform it under any circumstances, even with our eyes or hearts.


Junior Member
Assalaamu alaikium

I started to wear hijab last Ramadan - 3 years after accepting Islam. I wish with all my heart I had done it sooner as I anguished over it. I put it off for a long time with silly excuses - and in actual fact its been very easy and so good alhamdulillah - i have no idea why I was making excuses. I really recommend that you wear it as soon as possible after you revert ( all sisters) because its a lot harder when you wait - espcially peoples reaction. If you do it all at once they accept it - if you wait like I did they start asking " but you didnt do it before and you were muslim so why now" and think you are becoming too deep in your faith or something!!! ( I am talking about non muslims reaction.) But really its been so easy and I am proud that my outside appearance now reflects my inside - I look like what I am now alhamdulillah



Salafi Dawah is the best
Wearing Hijaab is a compulsory on adult Muslim females. We should wear it no matter any problems we may be exposed to. It just like our prayers; we should perform it under any circumstances, even with our eyes or hearts.

I know the hijab is compulsory, I'm not stupid, I HAVE read the quran!
Everyone has their struggles, have some compassion...geesh


No God but Allah
Assalamo alikom

I know the hijab is compulsory, I'm not stupid, I HAVE read the quran!
Everyone has their struggles, have some compassion...geesh

Dear sister, I assure you that I have posted my reply before reading your post. Then when I read your post I wished that you don't take my reply personally. I do love and respect you and every revert sister. I always see you as better than us who were born as Muslims. May Allah guide us all to what He pleases inshaa Allah.

Your sister, Amany


a lonely traveller
Wearing Hijaab is a compulsory on adult Muslim females. We should wear it no matter any problems we may be exposed to. It just like our prayers; we should perform it under any circumstances, even with our eyes or hearts.

I know the hijab is compulsory, I'm not stupid, I HAVE read the quran!
Everyone has their struggles, have some compassion...geesh

walaikum as salam wa rahmatullahi wabrakatuhu

Sister jabba, calm down :) :SMILY139: :biggrin: sister farhopes was just giving an opinion. She did not criticise anybody.

your brother in Islam


Salafi Dawah is the best
I am just so tired of hearing "oh you don't wear hijab, you know you have to, it says in the Quran." ECT, they think I am just making excuses, or I am "anti hijab" which is 100% untrue. They make untrue assumptions, which if you read my "Low Imam" thread you would understand ( Sorry brothers I put it in the sisters sect, maybe I'll end up moving it...). No one helps me to wear hijab, they just critisize.


a lonely traveller
I am just so tired of hearing "oh you don't wear hijab, you know you have to, it says in the Quran." ECT, they think I am just making excuses, or I am "anti hijab" which is 100% untrue. They make untrue assumptions, which if you read my "Low Imam" thread you would understand ( Sorry brothers I put it in the sisters sect, maybe I'll end up moving it...). No one helps me to wear hijab, they just critisize.

Dont worry dear sister, I will make duas for you. My own sister does not wear hijab. So its kind of depressing for me as well.



No God but Allah
Assalamo alikom,

I am just so tired of hearing "oh you don't wear hijab, you know you have to, it says in the Quran." ECT, they think I am just making excuses, or I am "anti hijab" which is 100% untrue. They make untrue assumptions, which if you read my "Low Imam" thread you would understand ( Sorry brothers I put it in the sisters sect, maybe I'll end up moving it...). No one helps me to wear hijab, they just critisize.

When I first wear my Hijaab I was at secondary school. I was late as I should have put it on three years before that stage. To be honest, before wearing it, I didn't like it at all when anyone urged me to wear it. Although my dad, may Allah bless his soul, was a religious man, he didn't push me to wear it. He was just talking to us, guiding us very gently and with great love and wisdom. When I wore it I did with deep faith and conviction.

I know how you feel sister, Jabba. Don't be upset with the people who criticize you. They do not know how to convey the words of Allah with wisdom and beautiful preaching. All you have to do is to ask Allah very honestly to help you wear Hijaab and to make it easy and lovable to your heart.


Salafi Dawah is the best
I know how you feel sister, Jabba. Don't be upset with the people who criticize you. They do not know how to convey the words of Allah with wisdom and beautiful breaching. All you have to do is to ask Allah very honestly to help you wear Hijaab and to make it easy and lovable to your heart.


Well I am upset with the people who critisize me!! I have never felt like less of a Muslim in my life!!!


Staff member

Well I am upset with the people who critisize me!! I have never felt like less of a Muslim in my life!!!

We cant stop you feeling like that im afraid, only you can stop yourself feeling like that. And you have to. If you really really believed you are no less a muslimah than me for not wearing a hijab than you wouldnt have this feeling. Its not that I consider you less, its, forgive me if im wrong, (and please dont yell at me) its more that you yourself think youre less? AND YOURE NOT. So only YOU can sort this out sister and PLEASE DO.
Stop letting ignorant talk upset you like this.

I started wearing a hijab aged 9, primary school, i didnt even need to, my parents didnt intervene they let me do my own thing really, im glad they didnt stop me even though they may have wanted to (looking back, i wish i'd chilled a bit more when i was 9 :p)

Any problems...let me think..not that i remember, i think i was too stupid to pick up on the sarcasm actually...good thing too!
I dont know how i would be as a revert wallahi that would be pretty hard for me i think..actually...alhamdulillah i dont have to go through that like you sisters do. I pray its made easier for you :(



a lonely traveller
Why is it depressing for you? Is she less of a Muslim because of this?

As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wabrakatuhu sister
I dont consider anybody more Muslim or less Muslim because I dont have the right to judge anybody sister.
Why its depressing for me is due to the fact that people dont glare at you, rather they look away from you if you are wearing a Hijab but if you are not wearing one, people stare and look at you more.



Sister Jabba, I was born into a Muslim family. I started wearing hijab at the age of 50. Let me repeat this I was 50.
I started to wear hijab when I had arrived to the Truth with all my heart. It caused major tidal waves; but slowly my sons got used to ninja mommy. A sister made a veil for me. InshaAllah, I will wear it to the masjid first. My son has asked me to make more for myself as they are beautiful.

Only Allah knows what is in our hearts. So do not beat yourself up. We are all here for you. I started wearing scarfs and shawls and slowly they became a part of my wardrobe. And now it the gift most given to me...the sisters at the masjid seem to have one every time they see me...

besides sister I need your energy to help me rant and rave about the political stuff..but I have to go and replace my faucet now .


Junior Member
I am just so tired of hearing "oh you don't wear hijab, you know you have to, it says in the Quran." ECT, they think I am just making excuses, or I am "anti hijab" which is 100% untrue. They make untrue assumptions, which if you read my "Low Imam" thread you would understand ( Sorry brothers I put it in the sisters sect, maybe I'll end up moving it...). No one helps me to wear hijab, they just critisize.

asalamu alaykum to all

sis i read u posting couple of times that u saying ppl are making hard and they think they're better.first no one is better than you the side of Allah except those who are mutaqiin and those who pleasing Allah more than u do( and always there is some better than u or me) second, i just want to tell you that u're truly making excuses for yourself liked or not. and if ppl remian u Allah and his words should thank them b/c they making u nasteha. and they want protect your beatiful body from hell. third, stop arguing one someone tells u something that is in the quran and sunatul muhamed. islam is one u can't take one part and leave another part, u accept all or leave all. anyway, u can say what ever u want but learn and study deeply islam and make u imaan strong. as a muslim it's our duty to protect each other and remain Allah swt. if u want to take baby steps remember there is no granti if u live next min. so do fast and react like u have no time or u will next min. it's same thing one some say i will start praying tomorrow. anyway, this is shaydan and don't let him get u beat him and don't make him happy.

may Allah forgive us and make our imaan strong and when he take us take us as a mutaqiin. i want to remain u all itaqullaha haysama kumtu.

wasalamu alaykum


Junior Member
I think this is quite depressing...
I just don't get it why muslims would argue with each other.

And, just now, I read about cliques too...
That's quite depressing...

I mean, PEOPLE! Help me out here...
Why are there negativity?

Oh, nevermind...
I guess I contributed to the negativity myself...
Sorry about that.

Just one thing, most Asians are not confrontational. If they do confront, it's because they can't stand it anymore. Arabs, always have cliques, and they don't really mix with other races... Pakistanis are very humble (a lot of my pakistani friends are), and they normally avoid confrontations. It's in the culture.

Just a humble note.
Sorry, if, of all the people, we muslims can't do anything to overcome such cultural differences. Just don't disgust each other. We can't afford to do that anymore. Every person around us, is our reasons for our own behaviour, and they become a test to us/our Iman. Don't fail the test, ok.

I'm saying this to myself, really.




I believe it is not depressing. We are able to vent. We are able to tell each other the ordinary things that we need to address to make our deen pure.
Sometimes we need a little negativity to get some energy. Sometimes we just need a hug.

So here's a hug to all my dear brothers and sisters..and a huge one for Sister Jabba,
your appa