Salaam everyone!!!


Junior Member
salaamo alaikum everyone

my name is isir, a somali muslimah and inshallah starting college this year after the summer holidays, i have been visiting this website for some time but never being bothered to register.
Religion wasn't important to me until like two years ago, i have been doing more research about Islam and other religions, sadly these days my faith in Islam hasn't been as strong as it should be. Doing more research in Islam meant to me finding out why i beleived in this religion and why i did certain things like wearing the head scarf without knowing the reason behind it, having visited many forums even some which seem quite anti islamic i have learned things about Islam that i never knew of, some of these findings about my religion have sometime been good and other times weaken my faith.
There are somethings in Islam that i struggle to understand but i hope my stay on this forum will clear things out for me a little.

Salaam everyone.
ve alaikum selam,

If u have any questions feel free to ask them, please.

And dont go to anti-islamic websites. They all try to spread propaganda and


Junior Member
some teachings in islam may make u feel that its unfair, but once u think of WHY islam teaches that, you'd understand that its for your own good.

welcome sister, welcome to a whole new family


Umm Zubayr
Assalam aleikum abayoo,

Welcome to TTI, i am glad you've found this place...

Ask any questions inshallah, join the sisters' sensitive section... and participate with us.. we're like a big, beautiful family and u're welcome...

Take care :hearts:



Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum,

Welcome to TTI

It’s nice to have u join this lovely community.

Insha Allah u benefit from us as we from u.

Enjoy ur stay Insha Allah,

Take Care,


Pls mak Duwa 4 me
Salam Sister,

At first I would like to thanku for ur thoughts that u can clear things during ur stay here. Insha allah sister if any doubt u have about Islam pls feel free to ask insha allah here brother and sisters will try our best to answer it in the light of quran and sunna as i think u might have notic this.

A warm Welcome to u to TTI.

Allah hafiz.


New Member
salaam sis welcome inshallah Allah will guide you i know we all struglgle to give up our wordly things but thats just what it is nathing lasts you should think about that life is a test and you will get tested day in day out but inshallah it wil all be worth it one day. feel free to ask what ever you want and remember in islam your never alone you have the biggest family in this world who will support and help one another inshallah be strong my sis dont let the shaytan in your life and remmeber shaytan might even come in the form of a friend or family member take care your sis in islam