Salam Alaikum all


Junior Member
Bismillah ir Rahman ir Rahim

Hi I am a reverted Muslimah of going on 6yrs InshAllah come August. I have come here to InshAllah learn more about my beautiful deen and make some new friends.


Amirah :hijabi:



W-Salam Sister,

You are welcome here.

Pretty soon we (men) on this site will become extinct!

:SMILY209: :SMILY335: :SMILY209:

Bismillah ir Rahman ir Rahim

Hi I am a reverted Muslimah of going on 6yrs InshAllah come August. I have come here to InshAllah learn more about my beautiful deen and make some new friends.


Amirah :hijabi:


Tamed Brother

Welcome sister. Enjoy your stay in watching videos and learning about Islam. May Allah help us succeed.



Junior Member

Welcome sister. I hope you will have beneficial sharings and we will learn lots of things from each other.




Junior Member
Shukran all for such a warm welcome. InshAllah I will enjoy my stay, there is so much to learn yet so little time so I take one day at a time. May Allah(swt) accept our will to learn Ameen

I already see quite a few interesting articles for me to read up on.

Salam Alaikum
Amirah :hijabi:


Junior Member
Welcome sister

Mabrook on your conversion. I, too, became muslim about 7 years ago. I am an American muslim sister. Did you marry a muslim brother and thats how you started learning about it? I married a brother about 22 years ago but just recently found that I was ready to accept Islam. Alhumduillah. What I knew back then, was just minimal, but it all made sense to me. I just wasnt ready to accept it. My husband always said he hoped I would become muslim before I die. I did. I always tell the story how my nonmuslim mother suggested I go to the mosque and see what they were teaching our son as he had started going to the weekend Islamic school when he was about 7. No problem for me. So, I did. She thought I would take him out. lol. Nope. I started meeting sisters, going to halequahs, reading about Islam, searching the internet, etc. I embraced Islam when I was almost 40. alhumduillah. Cant imagine being anything but now. Alhumduillah. I work outside the home in a dept store, Macys and also teach preschool in the weekend Islamic school. I wear hijab working at Macys too.
keep in touch and you can always send me private messages as well here.
Your sister in Islam,


Junior Member
Mabrook on your conversion. I, too, became muslim about 7 years ago. I am an American muslim sister. Did you marry a muslim brother and thats how you started learning about it? I married a brother about 22 years ago but just recently found that I was ready to accept Islam. Alhumduillah. What I knew back then, was just minimal, but it all made sense to me. I just wasnt ready to accept it. My husband always said he hoped I would become muslim before I die. I did. I always tell the story how my nonmuslim mother suggested I go to the mosque and see what they were teaching our son as he had started going to the weekend Islamic school when he was about 7. No problem for me. So, I did. She thought I would take him out. lol. Nope. I started meeting sisters, going to halequahs, reading about Islam, searching the internet, etc. I embraced Islam when I was almost 40. alhumduillah. Cant imagine being anything but now. Alhumduillah. I work outside the home in a dept store, Macys and also teach preschool in the weekend Islamic school. I wear hijab working at Macys too.
keep in touch and you can always send me private messages as well here.
Your sister in Islam,

Salam Alaikum

MashAllah on your reversion sis. I am so happy for you. I am so happy to be a Muslim I want to do all I can InshAllah.

Yes I married a Moroccan brother we married almost 7 yrs InshAllah. It all started out with the stories he told me about Islam and Prophet Muhammad(saw). I was elated to sit down and just listen. So one day I just decided hey I want to be Muslim. So I took my Shahadah Alhumdulillah and just started learning more and more of this beautiful deen.

Alhumdulillah your wearing Hijab and working. Thats something I would love to do, InshAllah in the near future. For now I work in an office setting and am by myself most of the times so its easy for me to Pray :tti_sister: Alhumdulillah. Do you live in the States?


American Muslim

Just Another Slave
Assalamu alaykum,

welcome to the site sister. There are so many things to see and learn here. So many of your brothers and sisters waiting to hear from you! And just for the record, I'm with global...definitely starting to feel alot of estrogen around here (hahaha)


Junior Member
Salamz Amirah

So kool to have you here if you dont mind me asking what made you become a muslim

Just wondering you dont have to answer if you dont want to