salam, i am new sister


Staff member

***I moved the thread to the Introduce Yourself section.***

Welcome to Islaam and to the Forum.

Insha'Allaah, you can post your story here, Masha'Allaah there is a many stories in that thread.

May Allaah bless you, me and all our Brothers and Sisters with good. Ameen.

Walaykum Salaam.


Junior Member

Welcome to the TTI family.

Enjoy your stay here and write what you know. Seek knowledge and teach what you gained.

Allaah will help you and all of us.



Junior Member
Salam sis ....

Welcome to TTI world and warm welcome to the ummah ... you may find this site beneficial ...

I ageed with Ditta. Sis, share with us, how you fall in love with Islam ...


New Member
New Sister from UK living in Cape Town


Sorry I have taken so long to reply to you.

My journey began many years ago in a small town in the north of england. I wasn't very happy with the typical small town life, influence of alcohol, etc. The society didn't feel very clean, pure or sincere.
I decided one day to leave and so went travelling/backpacking. I went to a number of countries and while in Hollywood, LA I met a man working in a hotel who seemed to portray a life that I would like to live. He gave me a job and after about 1 year we returned to UK and got married. His way of life was pure, clean and sincere and of course alcohol free as he was a muslim. We decided to move to Cape Town South Africa as he is South African and we felt like a change from British life. I began islamic classes, just basics, and felt that this was the true religion and way of life for me.
i had a more practical road to islam.

Hope this is of interest to you. How did you find Islam?

Salams from your sister Jahaan :hijabi: