Salam in Islam


Junior Member
Assalamu alaikum der brothers and sisters--It has now been 7 months since reverting to Islam. I have gone thru some trials and testings,Inshallah, Allah has brought me thru them. Time is going so fast, it seems like only yesterday that I said the Shahada.:salah::astag:


Travelling towards my grave.
:salam2: brother...

welcome to your e-family...inshaALLAH we will be benefited from the site...

as you said, time is going so fast which reminds us about the HOUR....

may ALLAH keep us in the true path strongly...amiin...


-brother IbnAdam-


Assalamu alaikum der brothers and sisters--It has now been 7 months since reverting to Islam. I have gone thru some trials and testings,Inshallah, Allah has brought me thru them. Time is going so fast, it seems like only yesterday that I said the Shahada.:salah::astag:

Nice to see your presence again.
How have you been doing?
I hope everything is well. May Allah make your path easier for you and bestow his mercy and grace upon you.
Well, try to post more often if time permits.



Wa aleikum salaam

Great to hear from you brother and keep standing firm in the faith, may Allah ease all of your troubles and difficulties and may you continue to find peace for your soul by turning to Allah.

Best wishes to you!


Subhana Allah!
wa-alaykuma salam warahamatulahi wabarakatuh

Alhamdulilah! brother its good to hear from u and the good news. insha Allah someday Allah will make u even happier and brother always remember to share the good news with us. may Allah subhana wata'ala be with u ameen wishing u the best......:)