Interesting Salam my dear brothers and sisters <3


The best richness, is the richness of the soul.
Haha bijna allemaal slechte xd
Ik zit ook in middelbaar :D mijn 6de jaar, boekhouden-informatica
Success met je examens, bid voor mij, ik heb het nodig en ik wil dat mijn moeder eens trots is op mij :)
Wat volg jij op school? :p

ow ow niet goed haha je moet goede woordjes leren ;p Vast veel marokkaanse vrienden?
Ma Shaa Allah dit is mijn 3de jaar ;'')
Ik doe Vwo en jij? Vast ook hé
In Shaa Allah slaag je!

Temoor Ul-Hassan

Junior Member
ow ow niet goed haha je moet goede woordjes leren ;p Vast veel marokkaanse vrienden?
Ma Shaa Allah dit is mijn 3de jaar ;'')
Ik doe Vwo en jij? Vast ook hé
In Shaa Allah slaag je!
hahaha ja heel veel en ook van andere landen en ze leren mij allemaal slechte woorden.
Mashallah blijf je best doen op school zuster :)
Ik doe handelswetenschappen :p en inshallah slaag jij ook.
i like you ^^ and i love for the sake of Allah, May Allah bless you my dear sister :)


Junior Member
Assalam alaikam my beloved brothers and sisters, Alhamdoellah that i have Found this site :D inshallah it will benefit me.
I'm 19 and i was born muslim alhamdoellah, my parents are from Pakistan. When i was little, i always spended time with my grandfather and he used to recite quran and i loved it :). And i also wanted to pray and recite quran, i was only 6 so it was only jibberish xd.But i always knew there was a God, i felt really close to him. My grandfather then a year later died, i was very sad :( inshallah he will be in Janna. When my parents divorced i became very frustated with life, i hang around with the wrong kids, did bad things( not gonna say what because exposing your sins isn't good :p), was doing bad at school. I was thinking about running away from home, commiting suïcide, i felt like God had left me. But about a year ago alhoemdoellah i met some good friends and i had a new islamic teacher, and i learn so much about Islam and i started praying again, and sometime i cry so much for my sins and because i love Allah. I can keep writing about my life, but i don't wonna let you read a book xd
But I really love you all for the sake of Allah, The One and Only. May Allah forgive our sins and helps us in this life and in the hereafter :)
:wasalam: :SMILY139:
You are like me !! My grandfather passed away and my parents got into a big fight. Except I didn't go into anything haram, alhamdulilah. I was just a very reckless person who didn't care about studies and always got into trouble.. But then Ramadan came and my Grandmother after she finished the months of Ida used to take me to the mosque to pray Taraweeh and I found a very unique calming happiness in worshiping Allah. Alhamdulilah that He guided us to the straight path and hadn't left us in darkness. :SMILY252:
I can't wait for this years Ramadan again!!! :applouse-61:

Temoor Ul-Hassan

Junior Member
:wasalam: :SMILY139:
You are like me !! My grandfather passed away and my parents got into a big fight. Except I didn't go into anything haram, alhamdulilah. I was just a very reckless person who didn't care about studies and always got into trouble.. But then Ramadan came and my Grandmother after she finished the months of Ida used to take me to the mosque to pray Taraweeh and I found a very unique calming happiness in worshiping Allah. Alhamdulilah that He guided us to the straight path and hadn't left us in darkness. :SMILY252:
I can't wait for this years Ramadan again!!! :applouse-61:
wow almost same story :D
Yes i didn't care about school either but now i'm doong the best i can alhamdoellah :)
Mashallah that good from you, keep praying and remembering Allah and He will help you.
Yes i love ramadan when the whole family comes togheter and eat :D and worship Allah :)


Junior Member
Assalam alaikam my beloved brothers and sisters, Alhamdoellah that i have Found this site :D inshallah it will benefit me.
I'm 19 and i was born muslim alhamdoellah, my parents are from Pakistan. When i was little, i always spended time with my grandfather and he used to recite quran and i loved it :). And i also wanted to pray and recite quran, i was only 6 so it was only jibberish xd.But i always knew there was a God, i felt really close to him. My grandfather then a year later died, i was very sad :( inshallah he will be in Janna. When my parents divorced i became very frustated with life, i hang around with the wrong kids, did bad things( not gonna say what because exposing your sins isn't good :p), was doing bad at school. I was thinking about running away from home, commiting suïcide, i felt like God had left me. But about a year ago alhoemdoellah i met some good friends and i had a new islamic teacher, and i learn so much about Islam and i started praying again, and sometime i cry so much for my sins and because i love Allah. I can keep writing about my life, but i don't wonna let you read a book xd
But I really love you all for the sake of Allah, The One and Only. May Allah forgive our sins and helps us in this life and in the hereafter :)

Salam alaikum Brother
i'm really happy that now your following the right way :)
Inshallah you will learn here more from our brothers and sisters :)


The best richness, is the richness of the soul.
hahaha ja heel veel en ook van andere landen en ze leren mij allemaal slechte woorden.
Mashallah blijf je best doen op school zuster :)
Ik doe handelswetenschappen :p en inshallah slaag jij ook.
i like you ^^ and i love for the sake of Allah, May Allah bless you my dear sister :)
haha niet goed.
in shaa allah jij ook hé
Wauw ma shaa allah, In shaa Allah Dankjewel!

Shokranlek! you 2 Moge allah (swt) je rijkelijk belonen


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Assalaamu `alaikum warahmatullaah Platina.- and Temoor Ul-Hassan,

Keep in mind this thread is public. English only should be used in public threads to make it easier for the members and guests who frequent the site. There are separate sections for other languages... feel free to use them.

Inshaa'Allaah you may take your conversations to your profile pages if necessary and continue there.

And since the brother has now settled in, alhamdulillaah, and won't be in need of further welcoming - i'll go ahead and close this.

Jazaakumullaahu khayraa.