Sami al-Hajj speaks of his Guantanamo ordeal


Asalamu Alaykum!

that is so sad to see muslims being treated in this way Alhamdulilah this brother escaped his opressors.:girl3:

May ALLAH (SWT) help our muslim brothers and sisters who are being opressed by their opressors. AMIIN:tti_sister:

Jezakallah kheir for sharing bro,


Calm Member ((^_^))
Salamo Alaykom

La ilaha illah Allah

lahawla wala qowata ila billah :SMILY23:

Praise to God for his safety

Yeah Where's justice where's humans right ?!!

Thank u broTher


Sami al-Hajj returns to Al Jazeera - 31 May 08


More than six years after he was captured and held without charge in Guantanamo Bay, the Al Jazeera cameraman Sami al-Hajj has returned triumpantly to Qatar - his place of work.


New Member
it is very sad that this happened, particularly knowing that this goes in within my own country. i am very happy to see however that sami has been released after six and a half years of detention and hope that others in guantanamo will be released as wel inshAllah. as someone who lives in the united states i am well aware of the smear campaign perpetrated by the bush administration against al jazeera and am extremely glad to be able to see al jazeera programs on the internet so that i can learn for myself that it is a valuable link particularly for myself being someone in the west to a perspective that i dont get to see everyday being a united states citizen. thank you so much for posting!


Pls mak Duwa 4 me

Jazak Allah for sharing it brother. May Allah have his mercy on all our brother there in guantanamo. Ameen.