Saudi Arabia's new approach to "Jihadis"


قل هو الله أحد
v. interesting

the discussion with sheikhs ..etc are well established methods

the drawing bit was rather OTT


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Staff member
Alhamdulillaah. I hate it when the nations of kufr attack Saudi on their dealing with terrorism. They've done far better than any other nation subhaan Allaah. Especially those who respond to terrorism with terrorism (Occupation of Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan etc). The paintings bit was quite funny.

warda A

Alhamdulillaah. I hate it when the nations of kufr attack Saudi on their dealing with terrorism. They've done far better than any other nation subhaan Allaah. Especially those who respond to terrorism with terrorism (Occupation of Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan etc). The paintings bit was quite funny.


they have done much better because they are not prejudiced.
they know the problem well
you do not counter the problem by a problem

they should send the people they catch to saudia instead of sending them to those secret jails they have around the world worst of all guantanamo.