Saying "Allah hafiz"


Junior Member
Asalaamu alaikum -

Recently I spent a few days in the hospital (again) and my nurse was a sister from Afghanistan. Every time I gave her the salaam, she replied with "Allah hafiz" instead of "wa alaikum salaam". I'm not familiar with this form of greeting, and was a bit put off by it.

Is this something specific to that region? I don't think I will add it to my repertoire.

finding light

Ya Rab! Forgive me..
Allah Hafiz basically means may Allah protect you.... its a usual farewell greeting used in the subcontinent (India and Pakistan). But never heard it in response to Asalamu alaikum.... The proper way is to respond with Walaykumsalaam if greeted with salaam....


Islam is a way of life
My Pakistani friends say Allah Hafiz in place of Fiamanillah or wasalaam.