Scholars in Islam


Junior Member
Are scholars considered to be infallible in Islam, kinda like the Pope supposedly is with Catholics when he speaks "Ex Cathedra"?


New Member
Are Scholars Infallible?

In The Name of Allah, The All-Merciful, The Most Compassionate

Peace be to all, whom are Guided,

Thank you for asking question.

this is certainly a Good question?

In Islam Scholars are not considered as Infallible, because they are human being and Humans are prone to do mistakes, in Islam only Prophets and Messangers are considered Infallible (meaning that their verdict is final command for us) because if they made mistake they have be corrected by the Revelation of Almighty. But surely not us or Scholars or any others person. for that matter.. That is the reason Islam regarded all the prophets to the higher in rank.. and not as Normal human beaings and not to the level that they could considered as divine being.

I hope this answer the question

Once again, Thank you for asking question. :)

If any good comes in this reply is Only from Allah, and mistakes are from myself.


Junior Member
Nay, only Allah is infallible. Some people treat scholars as if they are incapable of making mistakes though. That is a form of idolatry and leads to hell.

Beware. :astag: