Secret Marriage..


New Member
Re : Second Marriage

assalamualaikum wa rahmathullahi wa barakatahu

Respected Sister

let me first tell you the status and the perviledges of women is islam
1. Gold is halal
2. Silk is halal
3. Can watch progames conducted by non mahram like wrestling running race etc that too in halal manner.
Aisha Ra Once togather with Prophet (pbuh) saw the dance of sword of two african men (a haddith from one of the four authentic books)
4. To look after the family to do household jobs is not the responsibility of women
5.Can demand for Meher how much she wishes
6.A woman can at any point has teh right to give divorce to her husband through quazi
7.Jihad is fard only for men

Respected sister do u still belive that islam has belittled woman

then here a few donts for a man
1.Gold haram
2. Silk haram
3.Wearing of clothes below ankles haram
4.His duty to look after his family including cooking. washing and financially
5.His duty to look after his parents and not Daughter in laws

Sister hope now u undertsand how islam has upheld the status of women

I personally believe that once if the husband informs teh first wife then this will naturally spoil their married life and then lead to a divorce so it is better that he hides it.

and if the man fails to do injustice to between his wife then he will get on the day of reserruction with one side hanging down.

alhamdulillah siister u have been saved from such a luxury, such a trail and such a torment.

and let me remind you the unfavourable sex ration in this world at any N point time there are more number females living when comapred to males so polygamy is teh only way stop or to avert Zina

and moreover if teh sister is a good muslim woman then she will hope for reward of patience with allah only and not with anybody else and she would also wish that her husband

hope i answered ur question May allah shoe me teh straigth path.Sister if this has been helpful pls pray for me and if not if pls giveme teh correct answer

as far as your question is concerned the