self confidence?

saima abdullah

my life iz 4 Allah
self confidence?
we heard so much about self confidence and self reliance but what is Islamic perspective of this .. what are parameters and limits for a Muslim and where tawakul fits in this modern phenomenon?????


Junior Member
:salam2: dear sister saima abdullah

I like this topic.

A humans worth in Islam depents on his relationship with his Creator. Not on his physical apperance, not on his skills, and also not on how much money he earns....

I believe If we strenghten our relationship with Allah this will help to boost our self-confidence.



New Member
Assalamu alaikum, I think when building someones self confidence it is imporatnt to know what is permissible/impermissible and the boundaries that Allah has set for us, then at least we have so much too work with, we can be as ambitious as we like yet we know our boundaries.
Also when it comes to self reliance, ultimately our reliance is upon Allah, if we want something, we work towards it, while at the same time we make dua and rely upon Allah to grant us our goal.
I think the following hadith perfectly demonstrates this;

One day Allah's Messenger (sal Allahu alyhi wa sallam) noticed a Bedouin leaving his camel without tying it. He asked the Bedouin "why don't you tie down your camel?"

The Bedouin answered "I placed my trust in Allah"
At that the Prophet said "tie your camel and place your trust in Allah" (Tirmidhi)


to Allah we belong

lock the door and place trust in Allah.

study and place trust in Allah.

give interview and place trust in Allah.

All the work is useless unless He gives success. ppl are stupid that they think they are succesful due to their skills, knowledge, personality,etc. we forget to know Who gave us skills and all blessings?

i know many MBA's without job and many illiterate with a huge bank balance.