Share Islam! No more friends!!!!


Junior Member
asalam aalikum everyone,

a few years ago, I had to see a councelor, because my mom said I needed "help" or whatever... He (the councelor) said that I'm crazy... My feelings are hurt by it...but why all of a sudden does this bother me??

Hmmmmm...I'm not sure...

I gave my friend Dawah and she seemed very confident about converting... I told her a lot about Islam, Allah, the Prophet, Paradise and Hell... later, the next day, the girl's mom calls the house and my mom began yelling at me about it. I simply told her about it! I wasn't trying to recruit or brainwash her!! My God! My mom said, "She doesn't have any friends, she runs them all off to be a Muslim!" That made me feel angry, upset, and unwanted...
I still have Allah, I thought, and that is true... I want to make better friends inshallah, Muslimah sisters as my dear friends.


May Allah bless us all and forgive us our sins, ameen.



Servant of Allah
i'll be your friend my dear. and no you're not crazy, they are! because they're denying their lord Allah and worshipping a man who has never asked them to worship him. so don't go see a counselor. just be a good muslimah.


Junior Member was just today morning i was wondering.."sakeena didnt appeare for a long time on tti..whats up with her..i used to see her arround ever time i sign up" and subhanallah you just posted Today!!!! ...

dont worry sister..sisters here in tti are all your friends..we are all here for you.:hearts:


Junior Member
Assalamu Aleykum,
Yaa uktii fillaah dont worry we're all your friends
and we'll do our best to help eachother in the sake of Allah insha Allah fiddunyaa wal a'akirah. Don't ever feel lonely Allah is here for you and us your Muslim freinds too.
I also gaurntee that your not crazy. Most Kaafirs say this as they said to Prophet Muhammad PBUH so dont worry your not the only one. Your 100% fine insha Allah.

Wassalamu Aleykum


Junior Member
Asalam aalikum,

thanks sisters, hey I didn't want to see a councelor, my mom made me see him... he was Catholic and he liked the way MNuslims dressed, his daughter's dressed like hoochie girls, it's true! Heinformed my mom that I'm "crazy"!

I want to share Islam, in a nice, patient, gentle way, and they yell and get very angry with me!

sisters, I truly appreciate all your help and goodnes masha'Allah.

I want good friends inshallah.I want to see my dear sisters in real life! I'm not always going to be online subhanAllah.





Junior Member


During my spring break... I went to the new Aquarium with my family. lol it was soooo cool! "Harry Otter" lol what will they think of next? Hahahaha!!

After that we went to a cool shopping center place downtown and it was...different...many interesting

I saw a man a very ignorant way...he was dressed in read, a black man...He was yelling a lot of mean hurtful things..."Women are an abomination!" I don't remember ththe other was just so mean....

I can't believe he is allowed to preach Christianity is a evil way, but I'm in deep hot water if I dare give Dawah in a sweet gentile patient way to my friend.... :(

Ooh, I saw three Muslims walk into the woman was wearing a black scarf and dressed in black, another woman, a friend I suppose, was holding her arm and she woer a NIQAB!!!! A man was with them....they were just walking and talking...happy go lucky, like nothing was wrong, no vil stares or looks...I have never seen a woman in full niqab before! It suprosed me....almost shocked me! I didn't say anything..... my mom was I got out their way....and went into Glitters and bought some Indian bangles...


Junior Member

Assalam O alakum,

My dear sister, Dawah is a responcibility upon us, and it make our own Imaan firm and make us a better Muslim.

Dawah can be given to anyone with sunnah ways of the noblest amongst all of Allah's great prophets Muhammad (may Allah peace and choicest blessing be upon him and all of them) but to start with our self and then pepole close to us our family and so on, then relitives communities countries etc.

May Allah accept me and all of us to be a inviter towards Khair (Goodness) and save us all from tricks and troubles of Nafis and Shaitan (Ameen)


Junior Member
I don't understand? I forgot to mention that we're very close friends...she told her mom what I told her about Hell...she ran along with that....not caring that I told her abt Paradise and life as a Muslim.... I just wanted to tell her about it, that's all! :hearts:


Junior Member
as salaamualaikum wa rehmatullah wa barakaatuhu,
sister i am very much impressed by ur attitude and strait forwardness,and the simple way
to make dawah.alhamdulillah.
my name is tarannum.can i be ur friend and sister in islam.and sister can i know ur age ?


Your Sister In Islam
salam sister,

wow. i think ur a very great sister, when it comes to ur mum hopefully allah will open her eyes. anyone would be lucky being ur friend, that's something ur mother should know.

from ur sister and insha allah friend
- manal.


Junior Member
asalam aalikum,

damn, I was just typing this and I found myself on google!!! Anyway, I'm happy as a Muslimah, you can't convince me otheerwise lol Look she can yell at me... I can't say anything...I have to wait until she's done 'ripping my heart out', whatever! I'm not the one forcing them to go to an idolatrous place to worship a man!!!


Here to help
im very sorry to hear about yr problem:(, inshallah it gets solved ASAP..

some people are unreasonable, dont worry if you aren't accepted by a certain few, those are the people that you dont want to associate with anyway, because they are ignorant and unreasonable.
You are doing a great job by educating people about what your religion is really about, and i encourage/and aploud you to stay the same and do this to every friend(well almost every friend)..
we all here are yr friends:D


Junior Member
haha really when the amount of ignorance becomes so makes me mind tilts haha.

sister or brother, its a fact when converting to islam you will lose many friends, but than again YOU GAIN MANY BROTHERS AND SISTERS.

this also applies for the ones that were born and raised as a muslim, whenever they try to be sincere and steadfast in their deen, their so called friends start seeing them differently..simply because they dont have the knowledge yet and the guidance from allah ta3ala!

keep your head up sister, your investment will be very very very much worth it. ALLAH promised us muslims janaah!


Junior Member
haha really when the amount of ignorance becomes so makes me mind tilts haha.

sister or brother, its a fact when converting to islam you will lose many friends, but than again YOU GAIN MANY BROTHERS AND SISTERS.

this also applies for the ones that were born and raised as a muslim, whenever they try to be sincere and steadfast in their deen, their so called friends start seeing them differently..simply because they dont have the knowledge yet and the guidance from allah ta3ala!

keep your head up sister, your investment will be very very very much worth it. ALLAH promised us muslims janaah!

thanks, I'm glad to hear this.......hmm I want to visit my sisters inshallah! This is USA! The so-called "Western influence" or whatever...maybe I should move to another country :) inshallah!


As Salamu Alekum dear sister

It's really sad to know this's happening to you..,may Allah (subhanaho wat'ala) be with you on it, and reward you the best for your efforts..

I just wanna remind you of something, little sis. I wanna remind you that you're doning the most noble job to be done on earth, the job of prophets and next most honored people, that's the DAWAH to Allah's path.., so just hold on it firmly whatever difficulties you may have..
Another thing is that, it's very NORMAL to face such kind of troubles and problems (meaning; um, people deserting you, calling you nuts, or even starting to - may Allah forbid - harm you) once you start the Dawah. Just review the tales of Quran about prevoius prophets with there nations, or even more, the story of our beloved prophet Muhammad (Sa) and how he was hurt and even forced out of his favorite city of Makkah by his own people just because he was calling them to worship one God, Allah subhanaho wata'ala. I remember a Hadith, when it was at very early beginning, when Muhammad (Sa) went, together with his wife Khadeja, to her cousin Waraka ibn Nawfal, telling him about the very first meeting with the angel Jebbrel, Waraka (ra) said to Muhammad (Sa): I wish I'd have been young and strong when your people force you out of Makkah, then Muhammad (Sa) was astonished: will they force me out? Waraka replied: There isn't any whomever prophet came to his people with what you came to your people with, that they were very hostile to him
What I wanna say is that we all have the best example in the prophet (Sa). So, just don't become frustrated, and - sure enough - don't give up, rather ask Allah for support and assistance, and be patient, for: {those who are patient shall receive their reward in full, without reckoning} (10:39) Az Zumar, and : {And those who are patient, We will certainly pay them a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do} (96:16) An Nahl

May Allah reward you with the best for your efforts
Wasalamo Alekom Warhmato Allah


^^^ما لي وللدنيا؟^^^
assalam alaykom,

oh sister Sakeena..

patient and giving dawah to friends...

may Allaah bless you!


A Believer In Heart
Assalaam Alaykium sis,

Your friends is the one who lost the great opportunity to be educated by you sis so its her lose not yours sis. So don't worry and i am sure where after you go you will find great sisters. Sister when you want to educated others the best way is to give them great Islamic book and tell them to contact you with any question. In my opinion that is the best way. That is what i do. That way they won't just listen to what they want and leave the others like your friend when you are talking to them. I do that and so far Alhamaduallah i didn't ran into any problems. Anyways, my best advice to you about your couslor is to make him uncomfortable whenever your mother send you to him. For example ask hime question about his religon, debate with him and he will leave you along and won't want to see you again. But be sure you are more educated in the topic you chose to discusion with him. i live in the USA so you are well to contact me anytime you need a sister to talk to. Just PM if you need my email. Insha'Allah everything will work out for you.



Junior Member
aww asalam alaikum sisters!

hehehe... hey, guess what? I haven't seen that councelor in years because...well, like he said, I'm CRAZY! lol that's the reason he stopped seeing me lol. It's kinda funny!Well, anyway, Seyena sis, thanks 4 the advice masha'Allah, if you can, please elaborate more on this topic of Dawah! Inshallah, I like giving Dawah. but people can be so ignorant, blind, and so stupid! SubhanAllah...

Islam99-No way! I just fine by myself, please don't drag that into this.

Rimatisma, good to see you! lool *hugs* awww mwah!

Right sisters! Dawah is important!

I'm crazy 4 Islam lol :hearts: hahahaha

ooh, whatever, I can't get througgh to those people!

All she cares about is her boyfriend!

I mean really! When I told her that if a woman converts to Islam, she can't marry or date non-Muslims! She in a single instant, she said, "Oh never mind, forget it, I don't want to be Muslim, I'm fine..." OMG!!!

Any comments?


Sakeena :girl3:

meer suhail

ILM seeker
Asalam o Alykum
MASHAALLAH sis is really amazing to see ur energy
ur not crazy ,,,,
(ur very sane better than me ) i really look forward to what u have to say .amazing the enregy u have ,MASHALLAH,and yeah is nice to see how crazy ur for Islam .it really keeps us going at times ,hehe
and keep doing dawah but be patient ,and invite them in the ways which are best ,
lots of frds will come and go
but u have ur brothers and sisters here ,INSHA ALLAH
we all love u
MAy Allah guide us all


Junior Member
asalam alaikum sister! aww finally, I was wondering where everyone went! lol ah, I'm just being honest, some people! Aw let's see, if I want something, I get it and then I'll share it with people.
masha'Allah!! It good to meet more enthusiastic people! Yaay!

My mom doesn't like TTI and don't want me posting here, it's so crazy! :blackhijab:


love u too 4 the sake of Allah swt!

~Sakeena :hijabi: