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s 091

Junior Member
hi I cant show you a video but to tell you a little about where I am from I can just say England, Stoke-On-Trent. Its very mixed race, plenty of mosques and plenty of churches. Most people seem to get along its a way of life now. There arent really any specialised schools for muslims alone {as I know of}, when I went to school we would all go together. We were taught the same thing but after school the muslim children are sent to mosque. It is the same today nearly 6 years after I was at school. I don't really think there is much else to say so I will say bye now...


Sister in Islam
i am a born and bred Londoner! I am used to seeing all races and cultures and it has made me a nice and healthy, open minded person :)

In fact i had a flashback to my childhood the other day and realised when i was about 5 my mum used to buy meat from a halal butchers! (iam a revert)

There are areas of london that are not that mixed...sadly i currently live in one of them...but i get the train out of there and go to the mosque!

London is a huge city with a population of about 8 million!


Junior Member
Assalamo alikom wa rahmato Allah wa barakato

My country has been hurt by the media as Islam has: many people around the world still think that we all have something to do with drugs and trafficking. In fact, the first time I saw drugs close to me, being consumed, was in London.
They also believe that we live in primitive huts in the mountains and we all carry arms with us for our safety. They also believe that if you go out to the street, most likely you're going to be kidnapped!

Yes, brothers and sisters, I'm talking about Colombia.

We also suffer from the media just showing the bad side of it! But in reality you'll be surprised how different and beautiful can be.
I have lived in Miami, NY, London, Edinburgh and Australia, but my favourite place of all is my country, believe it or not!

We have all the weathers of the world at the same time. It depends in which region you are. For example I come from the capital, Bogota, which is in the colder side(about 13-20 degrees C. all year), but if you drive about an hour you'll be in a different weather, colder, or warmer, you can choose, it depends on how away you are from the sea level.. We have deserts, tropic, snow, cold, or the year round.

That's just one thing to share about my country.

Assalamo alikom wa rahmato Allah wa barakato


Junior Member
few years ago I attended a concert of a native american group and they were incredible. The music was very natural, touching and very sweet. I definitly love these people.


Junior Member
salam alaykum

this is the history of Agadir/morocco : this video was done by a british mate.

and this is agadir right now



Well, i live in NYC. The area I live now is not too good, but Inshallah I would like to move soon. There are beautiful areas in New york, so it is beautiful depending where you go. You got your share of drugs, crime, alcohol etc... but who doesnt???


Junior Member
salam alaikum

i found this video, it's a bit lenghty (20 mins) but worth seeing... oh and perhaps i should warn that about half way through they are killing whales, so if u are a sensitive person, look away there :)

and here's a shorter video, but i have to warn that u can see alcohol in this clip aswell as there is music

My Gosh, HOW BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! That does it, taking first flight to the Faroe Islands!!!!!


Junior Member
I am from Kuwait, an islamic arabian country, which i love very much.. :)

kuwait had a 2 phases history:

1. before the discovery of oil (which i am very proud of).. before 1961:

2. after the discovery of oil ( when people started to change).. after 1961: (1986)





im From the Big Apple. It amazing here..i love it. i moved here about 5 years ago from a remote area. what do i mean by remote? well, people werent used to getting together at mosques or islamic centers, no one really practiced ISlam, but once i moved life became amazingly wonderful. i love the religion i missed half my life and Alhamdulilah NYC gave me the chace to renew myself.! love you NEW YORKKKKKKKKKK!


Junior Member
I am from Kuwait, an islamic arabian country, which i love very much.. :)

kuwait had a 2 phases history:

1. before the dicovery of oil (which i am very proud of).. before 1961:

2. after the dicovery of oil ( when people started to change).. after 1961: (1986)




MashaAllah, u've made me miss Kuwait :( can't wait to go back there, love the country, MashaAllah


Junior Member
My Gosh, HOW BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! That does it, taking first flight to the Faroe Islands!!!!!

Yeah MashaAllah it's very beautiful, but even more so, when u see it with your own eyes and the feelings u get when u sail under the islands, wow, u can't imagine it.. InshaAllah u'll have the opportunity to visit there one day