should i fight my father for mother's sake?


New Member

My father has lost his job since 2 yrs. He is not earning much nowadays. I try to be patient but my mother thinks I care only for my father and not her problems which she has to face due to financial probs.

What should I do? go and start arguing, shouting to my father?


Salam Alaikum

No,thats not permitted in Islam.
Pray to Allah SWT and try to convince them with soft and obedient voice and manner.
Think Brother,some ppl dont even get to eat 2times a the'll never feel that you're not in a good situation....
Its not always that top income more an you will be happy,there should be one thing must be present and that is the Barakah of Allah SWT.

May Allah SWT ease your situation...

Barakallahu feekum


Junior Member
You know the answer is no. Your mother just needs to air her grievances. Listening to her is sufficient to make her feel you care. So just listen. You don't actually have to go shout and disrespect your father!

If money is creating a rift in your family... then find ways to help financially.
