Sick in july


Sister in Islam

I feel so ill today I didn't make it in to work. I ache all over and have a vile sore throat. I cannot belive its July and I am sick! Horrible UK weather.


Be A Stranger
Assalamualaikum Sis,

Hope you'll get better soon, inshaAllah.
I think I know how it feels like.
How's the weather there in U.K? is it it hot there...? (I haven't been watching the news lately)



Junior Member
Salaams sister!

I sent you an email - I was wondering why no reply! Sorry to hear you are ill.:girl3: I was ill a few weeks ago too - I think there is something going round! Make sure you stay in bed and rest insha'allah!

Remember also that illness or any suffering is expediation for your sins insha'alllah - I will find the reference and post for you. It is better to receive any punishment you are due - which we all will have - in this life then in the next insha'allah.

Salaams and take care xx


Sister in Islam
Hi there,

nazihah...the weather is cold and wet, don't think it has rained today! But it is usually warm and sunny here at this time of year.

MM; this is defo a punishment,,,,,my throat is killing me lol!

cheers for words of encouragement.....I am going back to bed ta rah!



Hot tea with lemon and honey...a hot sticky bun...a good tear jerker movie...a blanket and a box of tissues...



Have a good rest and drink lots and lots of plain water.
Hope you get well soon


Sister in Islam

I am a little better but still off work.

I think I am really working off some sins here! I had the mother of all rows with hubby...I couldn't sleep because i was crying so much. I had bad dreams all night .....aargh i am just wallowing in self pity here. Sigh

I was so depressed last night all I could do was to keep asking Allah to help me get through it.


Junior Member
Salam My Sister,

I hope inshalah with the help of Allah (SWT) you will get over it. As the brothers and sisters said drink some hot tea with lemon and honey it is the best for flue.

I hope i can visit you as in Islam visiting the sick is of great great reward.

3afaki Lah


There are Shifa' Ayat (Cure Verses) that you can read inshalah: Atawba 14, Younes 57, Anahl 69, Alisra' 82, Ashoara' 80, Fassalat 44
