Snow in the desert

warda A


Subhannallah, would you have guessed in your entire life that it would snow in the desert?

Someone sent me these picture of snow in the saudi- iraqi border
i can not put them up so i send as attachment.
I thought to share them
Subhanaallah, Allahu Akbar



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Wa alaikumussalaam,

Jazakillaahu Khayr for sharing. Looks really cool but it looks more like hail stones to me. Surely, it rains hailstones in K.S.A. Well, I've never seen snow in person before so I really couldn't comapre.

warda A

Wa alaikumussalaam,

Jazakillaahu Khayr for sharing. Looks really cool but it looks more like hail stones to me. Surely, it rains hailstones in K.S.A. Well, I've never seen snow in person before so I really couldn't comapre.

i have not witnessed snow either but they say it is
something like that has not happened before i mean at that magnitude.

bintul islam

biz musulmanikh
SubhanAllah, the closest experience I had with snow was when I was on an aeroplane. There were snow flakes on my window and believe me, they look exactly like the sterotypical images of snow we get fromt the media with the edges and all. It's very beautiful. Alhamdula I've been to both Iraq and Saudi, and in Iraq it did hail but never snow, but who knows, the images of Warda might just be snow, it sure did look like snow, as hail is transparent whereas snow is opaque. Either way, snow/hail in the desert sure is a wonder.


muslims RocK
Wa alaikumussalaam,

Jazakillaahu Khayr for sharing. Looks really cool but it looks more like hail stones to me. Surely, it rains hailstones in K.S.A. Well, I've never seen snow in person before so I really couldn't comapre.

i live in canada and its snows aloooot over here and you are true some of those pics look like big hailstones.
:ma: those pics were really something to looka at