South African view on Apartheid Israel


New Member
Copy of letter sent to leading South African Newspaper

Here in South Africa we are continuosly bombarded in the media with pro-Israeli support, this is my take and response to this issue.

Can anybody please tell me how many Non-Muslims have been killed by “Islamic terrorists” in the last hundred years? Probably a few thousand. State sponsored terrorism on the other hand such that which has been practiced by the Israel, United States, Serbia, Russia has killed hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya and Bosnia. State sponsored terrorism as practiced by Israel gets virtually no coverage in our South African media and western media.

Does the white Christians and Zionist Jews in South Africa, know that Israel imposed a total land, sea, air and economic blockade on Gaza sine June 2007 until today and during the recent ceasefire. Do they know that Gaza’s supply of food, fuel and electricity was and still is controlled by Israel whilst the ceasefire was in place. Do they know the pain and suffering caused by this blockade whilst the cease-fire was in place. Do they know that Christian Palestinians are also bearing the brunt of the Israeli terror onslaught. Do they know that illegal settlements continued to be developed whilst the cease-fire was in place. Do they know that Israel conducted extra-judicial killings whilst the ceasefire was in place. Do they know that the extra-judicial killings killed much more Palestinians than the rockets. What they do know is that “hundreds of rockets” were fired into Israel and that maybe one or two Israeli’s were killed and a few were injured and that Israel has the right to respond.

The white Christians and Zionist Jews will never ever be able to identify with the plight of Palestinians, only genuine anti-apartheid peoples of South Africa will however be able to do so, because just like back then, they were unable to indentify with the struggle against apartheid.

The white Christians and Zionist Jews continuously bombard us with the notion that according to the Holy Scriptures Israel belongs to the Jews. If God is a fair and just God, which He is, then by all rights all of Europe belongs to the Europeans, Africa to the Africans, North and South America to the native Indians, Australia to the Aborigines, New Zealand to the Maoris etc. All Europeans should therefore return to their ancestral land.

Today it is the very white Christians and Zionist Jews that are always coming out in support of the terrorist apartheid state of Israel. In their eyes Israel can do no wrong although it has violated international laws, and have been condemned by international human rights organizations such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and International Red Cross. When the respected Association For Civic Rights in Israel (ACRI) recently stated that the Israeli occupation is reminiscent of Apartheid, they are branded as being anti-Israeli there anti-Semitic. I cannot ever recall the South African Jewish Board of Deputies condemning the terrorist apartheid state of Israel, because to do so would be anti-Semitic. Israel has no regard for international law, it is above the law. One example is the recent international ban on the use of cluster bombs used for carpet bombing purposes. Israel refuses to stop using cluster bombs. Today Lebanese children are still being maimed by these very unexploded bombs that were used during the recent war.

The South African situation back then is very similar to Palestine. The apartheid government at the time was guilty of state terrorism just like Israel is today. Back then the vast majority of white Christians and Zionist Jews supported the government. The state of Israel also supported the government of the day. Guess who supported the “terrorist organizations” in South African. You guessed it, the “Muslim terrorist” Palestinians.

The creation of the new South Africa was truly a miracle, because the apartheid government of the time was prepared to sit around the table with the “terrorists” without any pre-conditions much to the dismay of many white Christians and Zionist Jews. The apartheid government even released Nelson Mandela although he refused to give up the armed struggle.

I don’t think I will ever see the creation of a Palestinian state in my life-time because unlike South Africa, Israel wants to be the sole judge and jury on Palestinian statehood. Only when its aims, objectives and pre-conditions have been met, then and perhaps only then will they be prepared to sit around the table.

island muslim

Junior Member
Peace be upon you,

Very well written letter. I would like to highly commend and thank you for your efforts to stand up to whats just.

Thank you.