Suhoor ideas



I hope everyone's having a blessed Ramadan so far. Does anyone have any ideas for quick and nutritious suhoors? Unfortunately, in my house everything's deep-fried in oil. :(

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Wa'alaaykummussalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh Sister Shahnazz,

Dates. Fruits. Lots of water. Milk. :)

At home, my mom will DEFINITELY prepare some rice and at least two other meals. It can just be some easy, watery vegetables plus with omelette. That's nutritious enough. Eggs consist of Omega 3 and we don't have to say anything more about the importance of vegetables.

Quick and easy to make. :)

Hope you're having a good Ramadhaan so far, inshaa Allaah.


sister herb

Official TTI Chef

Try some salad with beans. All beans are good beans. They’re rich in protein, fiber, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc.

Don´t forget vitamins: from one mango you will get 100% of a day’s vitamin C, one-third of a day’s vitamin A, a decent dose of blood-pressure-lowering potassium, and 3 grams of fiber. Try for example mango milk shake: 1 sweet mango, 1 - 2 cups milk, sugar or honey if needed. Mix together and drink.

Sweet potatoes: bake and then mix in some unsweetened applesauce or crushed pineapple for extra moisture and sweetness. They have carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.

Nuts are good too. From wikipedia: Many nuts are good sources of vitamins E and B2 (riboflavin, an antioxidant), and are rich in protein, folate, fiber, and essential minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and selenium. Raw or unroasted walnuts are considered the healthiest, with twice as many anti-oxidants as other nuts.

Nuts are most healthy in their raw form. The reason is that up to 15% of the healthy oils that naturally occur in nuts are lost during the roasting process.


Smile for Allah

We used to always have eggs and toast and milk for suhoor at our home, though from a couple of years, I find it hard to eat anything much in the early morning, so it's just toast and milk for me. And of course, water. I try to drink as much water as I can, since it's really hot these days, though I can't usually drink more than 1 large glass of water. I wish I could drink more because then I feel thirsty throughout the day. But then I have to remind myself daily that I am not a camel!


as-salam 'alaikum

dates and milk, these meet the need of carbohydrates and protein
and a lot of water

wassalamu 'alaikum


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
As-salaamu `alaikum warahmatullaah!

I found that 'eating' food for suhoor actually makes me hungry throughout the day rather than having the opposite affect..:[ So I started having 3(I like doing things in "witr") dates and a glass of water..while everyone is running about stuffing down last minute food they forgot to eat beforehand.
And I haven't really felt any hunger after that..:)
Aside from dates, water/milk, I'd say, try fruits... Lots and lots of them.=)


Nothing but Muslimah

Lot of vegetables, specially cucumbers :)

And have a fruit salad ! It really makes your day Alhamdulilah

Consume aloooot of water


Junior Member
Fruits are so expensive here. people barely afford them. Milk is like 100 Rs per Kg and it is still mixed with water. dates are also so expensive. for most of us , it is only rice with some Daal or Potatoes but Allhamdullillah. Shukar allhamdullillah that most of us dont have to beg to some one. my country's conditions are such that middle class is diminishing at alarming rate and whosoever try to earn halal cant make both ends meet. in ramadhan , so called pious Muslims of Pakistan increase the rates of everything by 100 to 120% and government does nothing. people are snatched away the chances to make fast. Great islamic atmosphere in Pakistan. thanks to Allah that most of Pakistanis are doing good and surviving. here problem is not to get energy or carbohydrates or proteins. the problem with most of Pakistanis is to fill the stomach. May Allah destroy those who take advantage of ramadhan and increase the prices.

one of the great writers of Balochistan wrote

" here people sell rotten Pyrus pyrifolia in the name of Apples". lol


Junior Member
Fruits are so expensive here. people barely afford them. Milk is like 100 Rs per Kg and it is still mixed with water. dates are also so expensive. for most of us , it is only rice with some Daal or Potatoes but Allhamdullillah. Shukar allhamdullillah that most of us dont have to beg to some one. my country's conditions are such that middle class is diminishing at alarming rate and whosoever try to earn halal cant make both ends meet. in ramadhan , so called pious Muslims of Pakistan increase the rates of everything by 100 to 120% and government does nothing. people are snatched away the chances to make fast. Great islamic atmosphere in Pakistan. thanks to Allah that most of Pakistanis are doing good and surviving. here problem is not to get energy or carbohydrates or proteins. the problem with most of Pakistanis is to fill the stomach. May Allah destroy those who take advantage of ramadhan and increase the prices.

one of the great writers of Balochistan wrote

" here people sell rotten Pyrus pyrifolia in the name of Apples". lol

Astagfir'Allah. I miss my birth country and I HATE to see such a beautiful place that would ACTUALLY be *very* well off destroyed because of selfish, corrupt monsters people call the "government".



Junior Member
I eat bananas and orange squash. Anything else harms my stomach, unfortunately. Once, I tried something different and actually vomited, which broke my Fast. So, I stick with bananas.


Whole grains such as breads and cereals.....eggs, fruit and dates. Lots of water Insha'Allah. I usually have a cheese bagel, orange juice, dates, water and a teaspoon of honey. Too much fried food in the morning is not good and can give you heartburn.

Eating in moderation is the key.:hearts: