terrible suffering in latakia


revert of many years
residents in latakia are being targetted by gunships,heavy artillery and snipers....
people are being rounded up in the stadium aand their identity cards taken away
palestinian camps targetted
women and children targetted
a major bridge..one of two escape routes was set on fire by governemnt forces

how much worse can this get,,,before the world wakes up,,,especially the arab neighbours,,,how can any muslim just watch this suffering and stay silent

what has happened to humanity and compassion...


May Allah Forgive us

Sister you are right. And this is not new. The whole thing is old. It started with Palestine. Then there was Chechnya, Bosnia, Afghanistan, etc. You know the list. If the neighbors (the puppet kings) had to response, they would have responded earlier. But they are too busy with selling oil cheaper than water.

Keep praying to Allah that May He forgive us for not being able to go help our brothers and sisters and also give us the ability to go forth with all kinds of help.