The end of Zionism


New Member
Salam alaycoum,

May God's Peace be upon you,

I have created this post to remind you that we, muslims, are not the only ones struggling against Zionism. Hard to believe but it's true, Jews are against Israel, as well as some Christians. Just like Quran says, Mashallah, There are some Jews and Christians (People of The Book) who are honest and faithful. In New York's streets last month, Jews were demonstrating against The State of Israel. Their wish is to eradicate this State from the map and to see a full palestine for Palestinians. Quite surprising, but in fact, real judaism (orthodox) firmly stands against Israel, considered as a criminal state which usurped the Holy name of Israel. Even in Islam, Israel is a holy name, it is the name of a prophet. According to Thora, God All-Mighty had forbidden any jewish regroupement. Jews must live in all the World's nations in peace. That's exactly what Zionists don't do today, They shed blood and crush innocents to achieve their criminal views.

Zionism is Neo-nazism, It's a criminal movement, racist, and expansionnist. According to some of their scriptures (check it on internet if you feel like), non-jews, who are called Gentiles (which means you, me, muslims, christians, etc...), are animals in the shape of humans. God did'nt want jews to be served by animals so He gave them human forms. Others passages claim that jews have a complete right on Gentiles, what belongs to Gentiles belong to the Jewish people (This explains why Zionists massacrate palestinians with no pity). "If a Gentile hits a jew, the jew has the right to Kill him"...etc there are so much other shocking passagers, I would'nt quote everything cuz it's a little off subject.

That is to say that Zionism is NOT judaism and judaism is Not Zionism, they are opposites. We must'nt generalize about Jews. Besides, Theodore herlz, Zionism's foundator, is atheist, has nothing to do with Judaism, it's only the racism of the Hebrew People, who confuse religion and ethnicity.
Orthodow Jews work actively to suppress The State of Israle, and you can find by searching on Internet, many websites made by those jews , condamning Zionism. They were shouting in New York last mouth " Judaism Yes, Zionism No, Moses Yes, Herlz No". A rabbi in Lebanon declared his full support To all forms of resistance against Israel, as well as Iran, and Arab countries against Israel.
Even Christians suffer from the State of Israel, a great number of christians were persecuted out of their lands with muslims by zionists.

Brothers and Sisters, we should REALLY and ACTIVELY take measures to struggle against Israel and put an end to Zionism peacefully and with effective ways such as Boycotting Israeli products and american products owned by Zionist activists. Our friends jews and christians are on our side.
By joining forces, we will be able to change things. It's not over yet. We can still avoid so much suffering in Palestine by our measures.
We must inform as much people as possible. A large number of them don't know the truth of what is happening. Their medias are sometimes controlled.

In the name of Judaism, chrisitanity and Islam, Zion shall go down. If our number is sufficient, we'll be able to change things. Imagine what the World would look like if every one of us boycotts Israeli products and american ones( most of them are owned by zionists). We will see what Israel's gonna do alone on the World market! I don't think the american-Israeli love is gonna last long after that.

So, are you going to Join? Will you stop Children-Killers?


New Member
bycot israel

salam alikom

barakaloho fik for this reminder, indeed each euro, pound , dollar of loss of income for this sionist state is verry verry important


New Member

Just a comment from my side. I dont trust any Jew they are manipulative and evil.
Why else did Hitler have so much hatred for them because he knew their evil. All thata they do has been planned already. What typr of people can do what they do.
As for those jews that appose Zionist/Apartheid/Terrorist Israel yes they may be some good jews but I dont trust any of them. They are very cunning and sly they will have a party to make us muslims feel that there are good jews who support palestine but in there hearts they have evil they do this so we dont hate them and have some feeling that peace is possible that we can live together. They want us to say ,oh there is so many jews who stand with us there is so many christians who stand by us muslims please be wary we have our deen they have theres.
They the jews are also scared if all the muslims have to stand up and go to Israel and kill every jew they the jews wont have no chance they are so small in number but the muslims lives are not on deen and ALlahs help is not here thats why we are so much in number but cant do anything because our lives are like the jews themselves not like our prophet. Imagine Israel is surrounded by muslim countiries and nobody does anything nobody can even protect not even help gaza this is a shame its disgracefull.

How did they steal all the palestinians land ??? every time they stole land then a war would erupt naturally ,then America or some country which are all run by jews including hypocrite Egypt would quicklly come with a peace deal then they would sign but the jews would never fullfill their obbligations and a new war would break out and a new peace treaty would be signed and thats how the palestinians lost there land thi went on and on.

All hamas wants is that they go back to the 1967 borders which was signed.

Thats why I say dont trust any jew there is no peace with them. Fatah is very peacefull with them because they stand with the jews they will give up masjid Aqsa also as long as they get jewish money.

As far as iam concerned the eqyptian president is not a muslim thats why he also supports them.

My brothers and sisters bring deen in your lives take the love of the world out of your heart and prepare for the day we fight because there is no peace with the jews there is no peace with satan.

In the protocols of zionism it is all stated how to control a nation how to weaken them they have already destroyed christianity it is only th sunnat and iman in Allah that will help us muslims and those muslims on the sunnat and on deen will have a tough time as it is most countries descriminate if you are on the sunnat and on deen.
All that 911 and terrorsit bomings that happen are not done by muslims they are all planned to create this image that people on the sunnat and deen are terrorists but if we live as good muslims the good jews and good christians will see that we are peacefull good people. Everywhere you go if you have a hijab or got sunnat beard people look at you as though you are a terrorist or women abuser or suicide bombar.

A muslim is not here to judge which jew is good or bad all I am sying is dont trust any jew be wary of there evil coniving ways dont fall in there traps if we claim to hate them why do we still look like them and live like them lets bring the sunnat and deen in our life and remember we will have to fight because there is no peace with Israel

We muslims should not feel any comfort because some jews sympathise with us this what they want we must feel some comfort so that our anger fury and hatred subsides and we become calmn and soft.
That is why if you hard and tough and on deen and the sunnat like Hamas you are a terrorist and will have to fight and suffer.
If you are soft and a modernist like fatah than you wont have to fight but will lose your deen just like egypt where a muslim cant even have a sunnat beard and the king of Saudi who cant even threaten Israel.
Why cant Saudi tell the Americans and the jews if you dont stop killing palestinians and give them back there land we wont sell you oil.
Oil is the most vauable commodity why cant the world pay in rials for oil instead of dollars like how king faisal wanted thats why they murdered him.
Because all these countries are controlled by jews.

We must prepare ourselves to fight this evil nation who troubled there prophet and we dont need guns and technology we need our deen and sunnah
I pray Allah bring me on deen and sunnah and let me die a mujahid fighting but I cant watch what they do oh Allah grant me the courage to fight them because there is no peace with them.


New Member
Jus another comment forgive for my spelling as I write this in a hurry its my lunch time at work.

In the time of our beloved Nabi SAW there were alot fo jews in medina who waited for the final prophet but because he came from the Aabs they did not accept him this was because fo there pride. So you had JEWs who trully accepted the message those who completelly denied it and those who said they accept but in there hearts they did not. The Nabi of Allah knew who were these hypocrites and whenever there were battles they would not fight and they would also cause problems and make mischief as well create confusion as we all know they were enemies in there heart they hated muslims and wanted to destory the prophet SAW.

Thats why dont take comfort knowing that a small minority of jews support palestine yes we accpet them and acknwloedge them but be wary because the jews are clever and they will create such gorups to subdue the anger and hatred we have for what they do. Even if there are jews who dont support Israel we the muslims of the world need to stand up and fight them the problem is that the leaders of all muslim countries with the exception of Syria and Iran are run by jews so forget about any leader doing anything.
Lets prepare ourselves for the day we the people start doing somethning.


New Member

salam alaykoum,

I'm sorry but this seems like free prejudice against jews. You mustn't generalize about all jews, because if You do you contredict the holy Quran. God said there were honest jews. In sourate Al-Imran God said that Some of the people of The Book are honest and trutheful with muslims whereas others are more like " we have no shame to feel in front of those Gentiles".

You are actually being unjust when generalizing about jews. This is free hatred against jews. You have to make a distinction between Zionism and Judaism. Israel is held by zionists and judaism is against it.
There is nothing wrong in being friendly with orthodox jews, God permitted this. As long as we share a common ennemy, iit would be convenient for both sides to unite against him. We have to stop separatism and hatred between people who claim to be from abraham. Have u ever heard of the association "Brotherhood of Abraham"? well, it's working to pacify relations between monotheists and struggles against mutual prejudice.

I advise u to moderate your position on jews. There are good and honest jews who decided to cut the rope with israel and support muslim countries with demonstrations and morally.
You don't have to be violent. Personnaly, I sens something like blind extremism in your words. I'm not telling you not to fight zionists. You are right about this, it's a duty for every muslim to protect his brother from ennemy. But think my friend, why do you say technology and Guns are useless? do you plan on attaking the ennemy bare'handed or by traditionnal sword like in Nabi's time?
God said in the Quran that You, muslims, shall never throw yourselves in suicidal situations, giving a poor justification of struggling for God's cause. You'll never make it to heaven like this, because You fought to die not to win. Your goal was'nt to win against the ennemy but only to die in battelfield so as to reach Heaven.

My friend, Muslims need developpement. I'm afraid we have no means to protect ourselevs from Israel. It would be unwise to throw yourselves in a suicidal war. Miracles only happen in the prophet's time, You will not be assisted by miraculous angels and win a battle with only 200 muslims against an army of tsahal with 15000 or more soldiers.

Be realistic and reasonnable O muslims. You are blinded by fanatism, and this will lead you to nowhere except failure and a swift death. And God would not be satisfied of that.
I suggest we lead an economic war: BOYCOT should be our weapon, as well as mutual developpement. muslims should regroup in agreements to work and copperate for economic developpement. We have to stop being dependant from the West, it's an immense handicap. Saudi arabia is an obvious exemple for you.
If u are willing to go and fight in Gaza, You are doing nothing more than suicide, and u unconsiously know it but refuse to aknowledge it because you are blinded by jihad and dying in noble causes. Don't make God an excuse for silly things.:astag:

And let me remind you that terrorism is the ennemy of Islam. all what u can do to help Is boycott. The fight against Israel must be legal, acknowledged on the international scene. By the law and international relations, we should be able to change things. Why don't muslim countries boycott the United nations as a protest against the israeli agression? Israelu MUST disappear from the map, it isn't a legtimate state, its roots are bloody. we must spread information to the largest number of pple, because they don't know the truth of what is happening there. campains and demonstrations are effective. At least people would show some interest and remark how serious the situation is.

we are looking forward to a quick improvement in the middle-east and May God assist suffering people against opressors.


New Member
Jews and Zionism


"You are actually being unjust when generalizing about jews. This is free hatred against jews. You have to make a distinction between Zionism and Judaism. Israel is held by zionists and judaism is against it.
There is nothing wrong in being friendly with orthodox jews, God permitted this. As long as we share a common ennemy, iit would be convenient for both sides to unite against him. We have to stop separatism and hatred between people who claim to be from abraham. Have u ever heard of the association "Brotherhood of Abraham"? well, it's working to pacify relations between monotheists and struggles against mutual prejudice."

bro, we are allowed to be friendly with all jew, but we must set our al-walaa' and al-baraa' to them. We must be loyal to our religion but must not be loyal to other than Islam, including Judaism.

I just remind us all that being friendly to a jew person doesn't make them our close brother as we do in Islam. they are still kaafir. Being friendly also doesnt make their religion is true and considered as a good religion since Allah only accepts Islam.

Surah Al-Maeda verse 3 :
"..This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion.."

This is mentioned in Quran Surah Al-Mumtahanah verse 1:

"O you who believe! do not take My enemy and your enemy for friends: would you offer them love while they deny what has come to you of the truth, driving out the Messenger and yourselves because you believe in Allah, your Lord? If you go forth struggling hard in My path and seeking My pleasure, would you manifest love to them? And I know what you conceal and what you manifest; and whoever of you does this, he indeed has gone astray from the straight path"

We are friendly with them in social affairs but dont take them as close friends.

May Allah guides us to straight path as mentioned in Quran :

"Keep us on the right path. The path of those whom Thou hast favoured; Not the (path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray."

Allah knows best.


New Member

I have never said we Have to aknowledge judaism as a good religion, It's not a truthful religion. what I said is that nothing prevents Us from being friendly with jews who don't fight us. Since when jews are our ennemies? u mean Zionists yes, but not judaism.

God said in the quran that we can love people whoever they are as long as they don't fight us for our religion.


New Member

I have never said we Have to aknowledge judaism as a good religion, It's not a truthful religion.



It's not a truthful religion. what I said is that nothing prevents Us from being friendly with jews who don't fight us

I agree but not make them as our close friend and love them more than moslem brothers/sisters. We can cooperate in social affairs and community projects but I just remind us that many verses in the Qur'an that says we must be aware of them even though they are kind to us because they are still not a muslim. This is not only applied to Jews people but also non-Moslems.


Since when jews are our ennemies?

Allah says in several verses that we must be aware of the jews people. This applies to all Jews. If it had been Zionism only, then why the qur'an would not say ' zionism'. In fact, Qur'an use the word judaism people or jews. So this must be set in our mind.

Some of the verses are:

"Certainly you will find the most violent of people in enmity for those who believe (to be) the Jews and those who are polytheists..."

Al-Maeda verse 81

We can clearly see from that verse :)

Another verse :
"And the Jews will not be pleased with you, nor the Christians until you follow their religion. Say: Surely Allah's guidance, that is the (true) guidance. And if you follow their desires after the knowledge that has come to you, you shall have no guardian from Allah, nor any helper"

Bro, this is very very clear :)

So I remind myself and all of us that we must not take them as close friend more than we do to our moslem brothers and sisters since they are our enemy. However, don't make this fact so that we behave unjustly to them.

May Allah guide us all to the straight path as Messenger of Allah peace be upon him had taken.

Allah knows best.


New Member
If no Jew can be trusted, then why did God say in the holy Quran, "And of the people of Moses is a community which guides by the truth and with it they judge." (7:159)

It is true. But we can see clearly that "guides by the truth and with it they judge

We know that prophet Moses 'alayhi salaam teach Islam during his period. So if they follow it then they are MOSLEM :)

This must apply to current situation. Those from Jews background but they believe in what prophet Mohammad peace be upon him has conveyed, then they are moslem.

So, the verse is not contradictory. for current context, we must follow the truth conveyed by prophet Mohammad peace be upon him, which is Islam.

May Allah guide us to the straight path.

Allah knows best


If no Jew can be trusted, then why did God say in the holy Quran, "And of the people of Moses is a community which guides by the truth and with it they judge." (7:159) I've known Jews who were upright, moral, truthful and pious. And I've known Muslims who were corrupt, deceitful and habitual liars.

Generalization about any group is not only wrong but irrational since each individual is different in some way and unique.


Thanks for posting that brother, that should put the argument to rest.
As Muslims we shouldn't put our own instinct and opinion ahead of what is said in the Quran.

When it comes to the words of Allah we must say "We hear and we obey". This is the attitude the Sahabas (may Allah be pleased with them) had and this is the attitude we are commanded to have.

Allah has made the distinction between good Jews and bad Jews, so we should stick to Allah's definition instead of making our own.


Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
Whatever it is, we shall continue to boycott Jewish products. Muslim must work to toward making alternative products to jewish then boycotting will be more effective.