The Guy Who wrote me about Islam...


Senior Member
Oh, so suami kak ni cinalah? Tapi kalo pasai perayaan pasai culture saya celebrate juga, chinese new year, deepavali kira cultural celebrationlah yang saya tak sambut wesak, thaipusam, christmas.

ha yer,mmglah tak sambut kalo upacara keagamaan i tgh busy buat kek lapis org order utk cny.bleh visit blog kalo nak tgk.


Junior Member
Yes it is my real name and I'm a muslim.[/QUOTE]

i wonder whether u hv another name instead of ohhockleng :hijabi:
Allah with u insyaAllah



Senior Member
Yes it is my real name and I'm a muslim.

i wonder whether u hv another name instead of ohhockleng :hijabi:
Allah with u insyaAllah


no,he doesnt have any other name,his name is Oh Hock Leng.he is chinese muslim.
sis u dah tgk mesej peribadi tak? ada hantar mesej kat u td.

warda A

i think


sorry people, i thought this was the english forum, dont you think it is rude to converse in malay here?
i think maybe the mods give you a forum in malay language if it isnt there already.

iam sorry if you are offened but just wanted to point out, we all would like to know what you are saying.


Senior Member

sorry people, i thought this was the english forum, dont you think it is rude to converse in malay here?
i think maybe the mods give you a forum in malay language if it isnt there already.

iam sorry if you are offened but just wanted to point out, we all would like to know what you are saying.

We are just talk about ourself in here,Im asking brother ohhockleng where he lives in Malaysia & sister whitehijab asking why he doesnt has a muslim name because he has a chinese name,thats it.
im not try to being rude,but this TTI forum is for everybody.I can speak whatever language i wanted to.It doesnt matter,because Im muslim.



Junior Member
Asalaamu Alaikum

Here is an example from the comic book. My Malaysian friend sent it to me.


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Junior Member
walaykum salam sister,
im fine alhamdulillah.
the guy who pm me is native from Sabah,yea u know that the Bible in here was written in Malay,and u know that Malay are totally muslims in here,so he already on my yahoo list since end of last year,he keeps asking me if our prophets are in bible,so im asking him which bible that he refer to? he didnt answer me,but he told me that he is Catholic.
Yea its true what sister Dianek told us,Quran means nothings to them,bcoz theyre straight to their own life,born & died what they belongs to.
I already give him a website from yusuf estes,but i dont think this guy interested to read quran,to know who is our Jesus pbuh,or just like he told me if our Allah is same as their Allah.? What?


WA Alaikum Salaam

I think Ohhockleng would be a great person for him to talk to. Its sometimes better for converts from the same country to explain things to each other. I'm assuming you are a convert :)..your ancestors could have been the converts. My husband's great grandpa was a chinese convert :)

Wa Salaamu Alaikum


Senior Member
Asalaamu Alaikum

Here is an example from the comic book. My Malaysian friend sent it to me.

Walaykum salam warah matullah sister,

The comic book from Singapore huh? I never heard these comic,of yea about the guy who wrote me,he actually wanted me revert to Christians,lol its really makes my laugh.
But i already ignored him.May Allah swt guide him.

Sister are u in Canada right now? When are u coming here? May Allah swt bless u & whole family.
ur sister in Islam.



Asalaamu Alaikum Dianne,

Apa khabar? This guy needs to read "Jesus A Prophet of Islam"..not sure though if you can find it in Malaysia. Also he should read stuff from Ahmed Deedat and also "The Bible , The Quran and Science" ..I know that one is in Malaysia and written in Malay too but maybe the guy you are talking to is chinese. I heard in Singapore they are sending out comic books against Islam. Malaysia needs to do more dawah ..even with themselves. Maybe you could send him to ABIM or PERKIM.

Wa Salaamu Alaikum

pls who did you hear it from? the phrase ' i heard it' without mentioning the source has been used by many. i find that putting information for others to read by starting or including in the sentence ' i heard it' is wrong. i categorize it as gossip.

warda A

We are just talk about ourself in here,Im asking brother ohhockleng where he lives in Malaysia & sister whitehijab asking why he doesnt has a muslim name because he has a chinese name,thats it.
im not try to being rude,but this TTI forum is for everybody.I can speak whatever language i wanted to.It doesnt matter,because Im muslim.



thank you sister for your honesty,as you say you can speak whatever language you prefer,unfortunately this is in english. am sorry i wouldnt like to aurgue just making an observation.


Junior Member
pls who did you hear it from? the phrase ' i heard it' without mentioning the source has been used by many. i find that putting information for others to read by starting or including in the sentence ' i heard it' is wrong. i categorize it as gossip.

Asalaamu Alaikum

Yikes! As I said in my last Malaysian friend sent it to me and I even showed one of the pages as an example. This is not the first time I have heard about this sort of thing in Singapore. Singapore is mainly chinese and mainly Christian and malay muslims are the minority there. Perhaps someone in Singapore can back this information up.

Wa Salaamu Alaikum


Junior Member
Walaykum salam warah matullah sister,

The comic book from Singapore huh? I never heard these comic,of yea about the guy who wrote me,he actually wanted me revert to Christians,lol its really makes my laugh.
But i already ignored him.May Allah swt guide him.

Sister are u in Canada right now? When are u coming here? May Allah swt bless u & whole family.
ur sister in Islam.


Wa Alaikum Salaam

Tidak ada duit, lol. Tidak boleh balik kampung. Hubby is supposed to go this year insha Allah with our son to get his IC. I don't know when I will ever go again.

Wa Salaamu Alaikum


Senior Member
Wa Alaikum Salaam

Tidak ada duit, lol. Tidak boleh balik kampung. Hubby is supposed to go this year insha Allah with our son to get his IC. I don't know when I will ever go again.

Wa Salaamu Alaikum

Kesian u sis,balik kampung kena makan budu nanti u pm me ok.


khir al-syazwan

New Member
I received a message from one guy who defends the context of the Bible.he wrote me this -

if you are trying to describe other religion using your own religion, then it is are forcing the verse to happen/to act like what you are saying...the translation will wrong...the prophet you call muhhamad never been told in the bible or by other prophets...but, we christian still respect other religions including Islam...we know the teaching by muslim about christian are wrong....the words and verse are different...the contents are wrong, the history of the birth of Jesus also wrong...then, thats mean the source of the teaching also wrong...thats why we christian never get angry by other when they say christian is wrong because we know who is wrong...hehehehe...go to go now...please check, who is the saviour as mention by Moses...

Assalamualaikum kak dianne. saya pun orang sabah dan saya tahu sgt mcm mana orang kristian sabah ni. ada sesetengah diorg ni memang x bcampur ngan bangsa lain even sama agama. tentang rujukan kitab diorg pulak, saya x pasti sbb kristian kat sabah ni ada mcm2 fahaman. walaupun katolik dominan tp ada lg skool lain mcm true jesus church (tjc-diorg ni x pcaya salib dan sembahyang hari sabtu), sidang injil borneo (sib), 7 days (diorg ni xble makan seafood) dan mcm2 lagi. apa yg saya tahu diorg merujuk kepada bible melayu iaitu al-Kitab tetapi stiap isi al-Kitab bagi setiap skool juga amat berlainan.
dan diorg semua ni pun memang xble sefahaman dalam bab agama. mcm Katolik diorg tuduh TJC ni sesat. TJC plak tuduh katolik menyeleweng dari fakta. mcm catholic vs orthodox dekat barat jugak la. yg pasti dkat sini x ada orthodox. skool-skool ni smua adalah pecahan drp ajaran katolik yg tiba awal di sabah. dan untuk pgetahuan saudara2 malaysia yg ada kat sini, kebanyakan skool2 tu (mungkin semua) adalah direka sendiri oleh orang tempatan. jadi x mustahil juga kalau diorg bleh ubah Al-Kitab tu ikut selera diorg sendiri.


Junior Member
Asalaamu Alaikum

Here is an example from the comic book. My Malaysian friend sent it to me.


Hi I'm from singapore! Well, ive not seen a comic like that here. Besides, if it were to be sold on the streets, it would create a huge hoo-hah among the masses both by muslims and non-muslims alike. And it will become a major national issue.

But i must say, that comic really pisses me off. For obvious reasons!

May Allah, show the right path, for the cartoonist.