The missed happiness .. did you find it ?


OntheWayOf ALLAH
masaAllah ya sister :D:D excellent writing :D thanks for sharing :D While reading I said alhamdullah :D Alhamdullah for being muslim and alhamdullah for being a member and sharing such a beauty here :hijabi:


Seeking Allah's Love
ALLAH is the most merciful

islam is so beautiful


may ALLAH bless u

thnx alot


Fatima S.Ar

Happiness = Islam
JazakaAllah Khairan for sharing this beautiful thread.Thanx for this opportunity to express my point of view..

Before islam,i had everything I want Alhamdulilah but there is no real happiness...Am talking about my soul being happy.

I used to be really jealous when i see my muslim friends pray..u can say am 24/7 with my muslim friends in my hostel(during my university life)..i just love that white cloth they wear for prayer and the act of praying is so of the reason i converted coz i do wanna pray that way...i just love the way muslims worship Allah and i love salah :)

now happy with blessed life and there is nothing to complaint...what else i could ask for when Allah has given me the best in dunya-ISLAM...

mashaAllah...and i just wanna share this happiness with others and i want others to be happy as well..

Life is not a bed of roses...when u become a muslim u will face more problems because Allah loves u and Allah test dont complaint and just say Alhamdulilahi Robbil A'lamin


Yes my dear , u r right
I really loved ur story , u could find the happiness by seeing the light of faith .

you are so kind , I wanna to make all the ppl happy as well .

May Allah help us .. Thanks :)

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
first thing sis the post was awesome

:jazaak:second ;
i'm happy coz i'm one of the followers of Allah most beloved prophet.:SMILY252:
i'm happy coz i'm at peace.:hijabi:
and i'm happy coz i read ur post.:ma:
