The Niqab...


Junior Member
Asalamu aleikum wr wb brothers and sisters.

All thanks and praises is due to ALLAH azawajal, the Creator and Lord of the universe.. Whome Allah guides non can misguide and whome Allah misguides non can guide..
Laa ilaha ilallah, Muhamadan Rusullallah.. May allah help us all, and guide us to the right path..
InshaALLAH I hope you are doin well poth in Imaan and health InshaALLAH..

I wanted to start niqab inshaALLAH, I've tried to have it on couple of times and mashaALLAH I love it, the idea of no man can see me behind the niqab, I find it beautiful, respect and honor.. Also, there is limit to what you can afford to do .. As if you used to wear skirts or trousers, then you start being fully covered with the jilbab, if you go out with skirt you will feel naked..

Sometimes when you are out shopping and some men stand and looking at one, some of them smiling and talking while sometimes other are trying to get eye contact with you and there is Satan who are whispers in your ears, it would be nice to start the niqab. .

Because I am student and have one year left, I feel that I should not start it now, even though we are allowed to wear niqab at the college.. Alhamdulillah!!

People tell me if I should start, it should be for the sake of ALLAH azawajal, and it is. If I start wearing niqab because I want to be fully covered from head to toe so I can avoid fitnah, and Satans whispering InshaALLAH..

I've bought few niqab, and mom saw me wearing one of them at home once.. She got angry and told me that I better start lookin for a place to live if I start wearing niqab..

I would love to start it InshaALLAH, but I don't know what to do??

:tti_sister::tti_sister:May ALLAH subhana wata'ala help us, and guide us to the right path.. May ALLAH azawajal make us among those whome he is satisfied with and who will meet in jannatul firdous. InshaALLAH. Aaaaaaaaameeeeen!! :tti_sister::tti_sister:

Jazakallah Khair..
Fi amanillah..


Love Fishing
well if ur a student and u cant find a place to live now,perhaps u should just postponed wearing is not nice to have conflict especially with ur mother.niqab is just an addition and it is ok just by wearing khimar.once ur independent,u may wear niqab.islam doesnt force anyone and may take ur time and act according to ur situation.i wish i could wear but it is just the environtment where i belong now doesnt allow i just leave it.