The top 10 languages spoken in the world!!!!


UH EWW "Hindustani"?? Nope, I speak Urdu man lol. So for Urdu....HOLLA 497 million speakers!...:mashallah:

Salam Alaykom,

From what I know Namaste means "I bow to the divine (Allah) in you"

So, it is not bowing to another person, but rather the divine (God/Allah) in the other person, because we are all Allah's (swt) creation.

By the way, Namaste does NOT mean I bow to the divine (Allah) in you. It literally means "I bow to YOU" and bowing to any other than Allah is totally HARAM. It's a signature greeting of the HINDU religion, which acknowledges that there is a DIVINITY within EVERYONE. Therefore it is a despicable faith and not what you want associated with you as a muslim.

P.S. I resent the fact that Pashto isn't up there lol.

El Gordito

strength thru faith
i speak English, Spanish, a little bit of Chamorro (native language of the Marianas Islands and Guam)... and Insha'Allah I will speak and read Arabi..

I love the way Espanol and Arabi roll off the tongue... the rhythms and patterns are like poetry...

of course depending on the dialect and culture, you'll get some people who speak any language it doesn't sound good..

in my humble opinion, english just sounds so cold and distant.


Art is my Expression
Wow I thought for sure before I opened this thread that English would be number one. I guess I was wrong, but I am surprised to see Mandarin to be the first. Who knew.

Haha also I never knew "Ei Je" is used to say hello in Bengali. I should've known that since my mom is Bengali.


Junior Member
I agree to that.
the Arabic language is spoken by all the Muslims in the world & not just Arabs.
Thanks Salam

One thing Most of the Muslims can Read Arabic but cant SPEAK or UNDERSTAND it.

In my country Pakistan .every person can read Arabic .

But nobody understands it .

Even if some words are understood then thats due to similarity between urdu and Arabic Since urdu is derived from Arabic.

meer suhail

ILM seeker
The one I speak is not mentioned.I mean URDU.

This spoken by 180 million people in Pakistan.


Most of the Indians .I mean a Majority also speaks Urdu.

Hindustani is I would say much similar to Urdu .there is just a difference of dialect.

But most of the modern Indians actually speak Urdu instead of Hindustani.

PERSIAN is also missing.


AFGHANI (PUSHTOO) too spoken by 50 million pathans.

True bro ,where is our language .urdu ,,,


Junior Member
where u got this analysis from?
wat i have heard is that english is on no.1 whereas french is on no. 2.
should we turn this list upside down?


Junior Member
just for everyone's interest, arabic has its influence on present day language in spain

The word which crowd utters while watching bull fighting " OOOOO LEH" or "OLEH" in short is the form of word "ALLAH" or GOD


Junior Member
The mian language I can speak fluently is English. Through out school though I've been taught basic French and Welsh but I hardly use it. I can say a few sentences in Urdu and then a very little bit of Arabic.

I would love to speak more than just English fluently.


Sub Han Allah
I agree to that.
the Arabic language is spoken by all the Muslims in the world & not just Arabs.
Thanks Salam

Salamo Alikom dear brothers & sisters,
I never thought that sush a comment can make a big fuss like shymuslima1:
What I meant was simply that the language of Qura'n is universal due to the universality of the daawa. It is widly used by all muslims not because it is the Arabic language but because it is the language of Qura'n karim.
Salamo Alikom


Junior Member
Asalam alaikum, what up freaks? lol

English, and Spanish baby! I don't know about dutch kissing (eww) but hehe Spanish kissing is alright lol kidding! hahaha! :lol:


Umm Zubayr
Assalam aleikum,

I am surprised.

Personally, i am a multi-linguist, without course :rolleyes:

I'm just jocking ;)


Seek The Almighty
by India (where the population is growing so fast, just breathing the air can get you pregnant)



Had to burst out laughing for that.
Funny, I wonder if men can get pregnant by breathing in the air. :D

No supriseMandarin --the first, China thier population is flying like a rocket.


Servant of Allah
Do you know that arabic used to be # 1 language spoken? and look where it is now. subhanallah. anyways mine is not listed either. well actually i prefer arabic over all languages. it's gotten my heart. and i'm trying so hard to learn it. sometimes i give up and sometimes i go back to learning it.


Junior Member

just for everyone's interest, arabic has its influence on present day language in spain

The word which crowd utters while watching bull fighting " OOOOO LEH" or "OLEH" in short is the form of word "ALLAH" or GOD

ya akhi, what has bull fighting got to do with Allah?