This is not Ikhlasss...(sincerity)

saima abdullah

my life iz 4 Allah
This is not Ikhlasss..(sincerity)

When you wait for someone's appreciation and forget that, you need appreciation from Allah Alone.....
When you get offended on little issues and become hopeless .
When you think people must encourage you.
When you think people must praise you.
When you feel like leaving the work you are doing for Deen.
When you think you are indispensible in any field related to Deen.
When you forget Khairkhuwaiiii (well-being of others) and start critical analysis of people personal lives.
When you nourish grudge in your heart , only coz someone has criticized you.
When you expect people will smile at you only coz you have done a good job.!
When you think people will thank you.
When you start working good if someone has praised you.
When you don't show quality if someone hasn't praised you.
In the end , if your vision is narrow .and WHEN YOU FORGET ALLAH. in any matter.

Check your self!!!!!!!!!