Three questions.....


Junior Member
I have a bible that I've had for about 12 do I get rid of it? Is it okay to throw it away or recycle it? It's obviously been replaced by the Qur'an! :hearts:

At what age should children start praying? My seven year old daughter is having a hard time learning about Islam because she's sorta had Christianity pushed on her her whole life (from family). Are there any good children's books or websites out there for kiddos?


Here to help
i think it would be better to burn the bible.
but i have one, just incase someone(obviously christian) wants to debate with me, i always get it out and show them the highlighted points, that its WRONG, jesus is NOT God,mohammad(peace be upon him) was mentioned there, it has points about killing people and cutting hands ,etc...etc...etc...

so i would recomend keeping it and highlighting the good points to arge and win a debate over an xtian

there are lots of sites for KIDS mashallah !
but unfortunatly dont know any :)


A Kashmiri

Junior Member
Well Osman brother has a good point, keep it with you with summary of the mistakes and errors in case you need it for a debate or a discussion.

However if you dont want to keep it and dont think you need it , then leave it on the door of the church or throw it in a river, lake etc but dont burn it.

Our religion requires us to respect other religions even if we differ with them and consider them to be corrupted by either human intervention in the teaching of God/Allah or being invented by humans who had no idea of one ness of God/ Allah.

In Surah Anam, Ch. No. 6, V.108 that… ‘Revile not those people, abuse not those people who worship gods besides Allah, lest in their ignorance, they will revile Allah (swt).’


Here to help
Well Osman brother has a good point, keep it with you with summary of the mistakes and errors in case you need it for a debate or a discussion.

However if you dont want to keep it and dont think you need it , then leave it on the door of the church or throw it in a river, lake etc but dont burn it.

Our religion requires us to respect other religions even if we differ with them and consider them to be corrupted by either human intervention in the teaching of God/Allah or being invented by humans who had no idea of one ness of God/ Allah.

In Surah Anam, Ch. No. 6, V.108 that… ‘Revile not those people, abuse not those people who worship gods besides Allah, lest in their ignorance, they will revile Allah (swt).’
brother im not abusing any religion
we even do this in my house
my mom used to burn the calender in wich it was islamic and had the word of Allah on it . etc..
thats something required ,because bible still has some UN-changed words ..etc..
so we shouldnt throw it anywhere . :|
im surprized u dont know that or i maybe wrong (plz correct me) everyone i know(ie muslims) did the same thing!!


warda A

I have a bible that I've had for about 12 do I get rid of it? Is it okay to throw it away or recycle it? It's obviously been replaced by the Qur'an! :hearts:

At what age should children start praying? My seven year old daughter is having a hard time learning about Islam because she's sorta had Christianity pushed on her her whole life (from family). Are there any good children's books or websites out there for kiddos?


children will learn from their parents, before the advent of the world wide web, where did we learn? from our parents ofcourse, so if you know the basics of prayer, that should be a beginning for your child, teach them slowly and with patience.
am sorry if i sounded rude but most people leave their children with the computer to learn.
And we are told to teach the young ones salah when they reach the age of six or seven? i think that is a good age,
Inshallah your daughter grows up to be a good muslimah, ameen

A Kashmiri

Junior Member
Brother Osman.. Asallamau alaikum

We throw things on which name or Allah is there or calenders etc in rivers or lakes culturally.

Well burning them to save them from being torn and walked on is a better way and shows respect.... ( I didnt thoght it that way)

I didnt meant that you dont respect the other religions, inshallah i believe you are alhamdullilah a good pious muslim..... Sorry if you misunderstood my writting..

By the way i like the cartoon in your Avtar it is quite funny....



Here to help
Brother Osman.. Asallamau alaikum

We throw things on which name or Allah is there or calenders etc in rivers or lakes culturally.

Well burning them to save them from being torn and walked on is a better way and shows respect.... ( I didnt thoght it that way)

I didnt meant that you dont respect the other religions, inshallah i believe you are alhamdullilah a good pious muslim..... Sorry if you misunderstood my writting..

By the way i like the cartoon in your Avtar it is quite funny....

baraka Allah fee`kum brother
dont worry we are brothers in Islam

PS. thnx, its really funny the pic :D


Junior Member

try its kids section

u may find it usefull. U can either burn it, put it in river or u can keep it widh you for the reasons ppl have mentioned in other threads


sister in Islam
salams, children are encourged to pray at seven years old and smacked if they don't at ten years old. The best thing to do (my opinion and experiance) is to have your children pray with you when you pray ,so that it becomes a habit, then inshallah explain how important it is, how it brings us closer to Allah Talaa' etc.. Don't worry if they miss the timing of some prayers some time if they are go etc but impress on them the importance of it.
Also sister I think for you , you have to teach your daughter Islam as this is your duty as a mother to give her this gift,
Being a parent is not easy but with Allah Talaa's help we can make the next generation good God fearing people inshallah,
Um Mustafa


Junior Member
بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

Asalama aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu: About prayers (children) you start teaching them from 7 years and when they reach 9 years its obligatory for them. Some scholars say from 13 years is obligatory

"Acquire knowledge, it enables its professor to distinguish right from wrong; it lights the way to heaven. It is our friend in the desert, our company in solitude and companion when friendless. It guides us to happiness, it sustains us in misery, it is an ornament amongst friends and an armour against enemies." (widely attributed to the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh))

One site for children that i should recommend is Your child can learn the quran through repeting what the teacher says some stories of the companions of the prophet( p.b.u.h) and many are some more i hope ALLAH (S.W.T) make this journey easy for fot you and the rest of believers Amin.

Treasure Hunt
Albalagh Children
Bismillah: The Islamic Page for Kids
Glorifying Allah: A Site for Muslim Children!
Islamic Typing Test
Let's Practice the Arabic Alphabet
Stories of the Prophets
Treasure Hunt


Junior Member
Thank you everyone! I think I will either throw the bible in the river or leave it on a church doorstep. I wasn't sure how to handle that, I know we're supposed to respect other religions and I didn't want to disobey that by carelessly throwing it away.

As for the websites, thanks for those too. And just to clear things up, I know that parents are the best teachers for their children. I don't plan on sticking her in front of the computer and making her learn from it. I just want to use it for her just as I do with this website and others that are so helpful.....kind of like a "back-up" learning tool. I just want my children to grow up to be good and knowledgable muslims!!!

Thanks again everyone! You are beautiful people and I'm proud to call you my brothers and sisters! :hearts:


New Member
I have a bible that I've had for about 12 do I get rid of it? Is it okay to throw it away or recycle it? It's obviously been replaced by the Qur'an! :hearts:

At what age should children start praying? My seven year old daughter is having a hard time learning about Islam because she's sorta had Christianity pushed on her her whole life (from family). Are there any good children's books or websites out there for kiddos?

i would advise u to keep the bible with u.... so that u can poin out the mistakes and really appreciate the beauty of Quran.....Regarding your children... you must advise them to pray from the age of 7......