tips for a revert?


Islam is a way of life
Assalamu alaylum Daniel. I am a revert as well. Have you been to a Mosque yet?


mommys boy
salaams to all
find a good sheikh/a'lim/moulana etc that you have confidence in and stick to him. take his advice for any/everything that you are not sure about.
the sign of a good islamic scholar is that from his appearance, dressing, character, habits, actions etc you can see that he practices upon the knowledge he posesses.
it can be confusing with so many muslims from different backgrounds with different cultures & customs who seem to think that their way is the right way.
they dont realise that they have mixed up their traditional beliefs with the actual teachings of Islam & you, being a new muslim, would not be able to always seperate the two.
and try to always keep good company. you dont have to worry about being cool or popular.

and Allah ta'ala knows best


New Member
Ah okay. Sorry looking for "tips" is a bit vague, haha.
Can you give more information as to what sort of tips you're looking for?

yeh abit vague. well, if anything i need some advice on prayer. thats probably the first thing to think about


Junior Member
My main tips;

- Don't let others put you off your faith. It's a sad but true fact that there are alot of people out there who mis-represent this beautifuil faith and poeple who don't think outside the box end up judging the faith rather then the person.

- Take advice from Brothers/Sisters that are trying to help you, but always research about it to make sure it's right/correct advice. Knowledge is important, especially when confirming facts about your religion.

- Stay away from anti-Islam sites/people who just want to try and debate with you. Believe me, no matter how you come across to them, their debate is fueled with hate rather then pure curiousity or attempt to disapprove. Alot of it is insulting and can make you fed up for stupid reasons.

- Probably the most important advice; Being a revert isn't the easiest task, but remember your not doing this for anyone but Allah(swt). Your not doing it to pleace your family, your wife, your friends - absolutly no one but Allah(swt). And if your going through difficulty, just think about the Sahaba's (the first ever reverts to Islam). When a Man(pbuh) came out of knowhere stating that whatever they believe in is false and that there is only one True God. Imagine how they must've felt, they've been worshiping idols all their life and this man comes and commits Blasphemy. Yet they believed in him, they believed Muhammad(pbuh) is a Prophet of God. Some of them had to fight against their own fathers, brothers and get disowned by their mothers and families. Some of them went through so much intense torture that you just can't even imagine, yet they stayed true to their faith, Islam. They really went through hardships uncomparable to the reverts today, but they hung in there and Mashallah Islam pierced through the dark lands of Arabia with a glowing light.

Stay strong Brother and see the beauty that you've come to re-accept.


Junior Member
Why was the kalamullah website removed? They've got really good books in pdf format and audio to download.


Welcome To TTI brother.

hello. i am a pretty new revert to islam. does anyone have any tips that could help me? assalamu alaikum



Welcome To TTI
brother daniel.

~You can visit and contact Islamic religious council
near your place and get good details and guide.

~May Allah swt help and guide you~Amin!

Take care,
~Wassalam :)


Junior Member
Asalamalykum brother I would advise you to go on masjid on weekend and try to discuss with some brothers..btw wer u frm england?