To all the creative people here!!!


New Member
Calling all the creative individuals here! (Creative or not I would love the help of everyone here).

We are running a "One God" campaign on our campus for our Islam Awareness Week in January 2010. However in September (For the new semester) we want to launch promo videos etc to pull in Muslims on campus to get involved throughout the process...

Unfortunately as of now Im in a slight situation where I need the following and I make dua that some of you may help:
1. Someone who would like to help put together a short promo video
2. Video clips of YOU talking about Islam (To be used in the promo).

JazakumAllahu Khairan!


Junior Member
Assalam O Alaikum wr wb

may Allah swt help you
I am sure here are many Muslims and Specially new muslims video's can be very
useful for this Campaign.


New Member
JazakAllah Khair...

I'll consider this, however I myself wont be able to do this and I may need one of our talented Muslim brother or sisters who would be interested in helping do so. Im just the event coordinator, I only wish I could focus on these things and do it...

May Allah swt reward you all...