Today's Youth


Junior Member

Today I saw something very sad and I wanted to share it with you. However bear with me as it is a bit to write. =)

I was waiting for the bus at my bus stop in mid daylight, around 5pm. There was a boy with 3 girls, all the same age, around 18-19, all looked to be from a country in which the majority of people would be Muslim. They were behaving extremely inappropriately. EXTREMELY. Trying not to be graphic or horrid, they were all somewhat "drunk" as they smelt of alcohol and were clinging onto each other etc.

People passed by. All types of people. People with children, people coming back from work, Elderly people and alot of Muslim men, women, young and old. Most were disgusted. But no one said anything. Not just yet.

I turned my back towards them but could hear them clearly. They were seeking the attention of people, being foul mouthed, loud and obnoxious.

Then this one brother with a thaub and a beard and a kufi, clearly identifiable as a muslim stopped. He was also in their age. He stopped them.

He said something like: " Guys, don't do this in public. What are you doing? Why are you being so indecent for? This is not a place for such things. Look, this sisters has to stand out with you guys and people around you as well. What is this?" etc. And MashaAllah I was so proud of this brother. Because he cared about this guy and the girls...

He continued saying " Girls, why are you letting him treat you this way? Why are you allowing yourself to be like a piece of meat for him. have better respect for yourselves." And the guy was arguing back with him. And the drunk guy went to say " you just go, go go, keep walking mind your business."

Huh...we were minding our own business until you decided to not only disrespect yourself but also clearly show that you disrespect everyone around you.

And mashaAllah the brother kept calm, and said to him ...

" Aren't you muslim? I invite you towards Islam and La Illaha Illa Allah"

and the girls went quiet and the drunk guy said " Yes, I am Allhamdulillah. Now go."

Then one girl said: "Wait let him finish what he has to say (ie the brother). I respect what he says, I "get" you."

The impact of this on them, even though they continued walking down the street to leave the bus stop, I don't know. But the impact on the people who saw this brother care about people he didn't know I hope will show even one person on that street that you know what...maybe Islam is not what the media say it is.

I was very inspired by this brother mashaAllah. Although it was horrible seeing that today's youth are spiraling out of track, it was seeing this young brother's attitude and dignity and respect that gave me so much inspiration to better myself. Maybe next time I'll try to advise someone.




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Wa alaikumussalaam warahmatullaah,

Jazaakillaahu khayr for sharing. Mashaa'Allaah the brother is so brave and his sincerity towards his deen showed as he was concerned with his brothers and sisters. I hope everyone of us are like that. Inshaa'Allaah from now we could do the same thing.