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Assalaamu Alaikum Wr Wb
Here's my problem, would greatly appreciate if you read and advise me, may Allah reward you all.
I don't know how to explain but i'll try insha'Allah. There's a constant struggle within me. I think I'm harbouring the most evil feelings ever. Whenever I bow down to Allah, I feel pain in my heart. Whenever saying 'Allahu Akbar' in my salah, I feel pain.. while doing zikr as well. Whenever I see people on Islam channel go into sujood in Makkah, I feel pained. If other people praise Allah, again I have this pain.. As if I don't want Him to be praised or worshipped, astaghfirullah.. Far exalted is Allah! The strange thing is, when I see other muslims more practicing than me, I feel very jealous. I think I have a jealousy problem as whenever something good happens to anyone, I feel a pain in my heart. But if something bad happens to someone, I can't help it but immediately there is this hint of relief.. and then I feel very guilty.. then I make Dua for them. I used to enjoy my salah, and felt such peace and happiness. I had the urge to do many good deeds in order to please Allah, and my aim was to become closer to Allah ta'aala!! He was the most beloved to me.. Allah knows best.When I was younger, I used to look at all the magnificent creations, like the sky, the stars, the moon etc... and I would feel awe for Allah and realise His greatness and admire Him and do zikr to praise Him. I believe that I loved Him sincerely for who He was, my Rabb.. However, I no longer have that admiration for Allah anymore. I feel this awful evil feeling, whenever something reminds me of His magnificence and Glory. It's so hard for me to do good deeds now. When I do zikr it's like i'm forcing myself to say, 'subhan'Allah, alhamdulillah, la ilaha ilallah, Allahu Akbar etc.' I'm not praising Allah sincerely.. it's not coming from my heart. When I read Qur'an, whenever Allah ta'aala praises Himself or whenever His Glory is described.. I feel a bad feeling. I force myself to pray now, it's difficult to even pray. During almost every prayer I'm sad and I cry due to how I feel. Literally after almost every prayer i cry and cry... why don't I love Him???? I'm fearful that I might never love Him. Allah might be displeased, I don't know what to do to get rid of this.
It's an evil feeling. I'm scared that it's a type of shirk, because naturally people feel that feeling towards other humans.. how can anyone feel such evil towards Allah, Al Khaleq! I feel like I am among the worst of human beings to ever live.. I don't think there is love for Allah in my heart, and I have been yearning for SO long for this love be instilled in my heart. I have been making Dua and have been crying to Allah about this, and I know that he will surely respond, as he never rejects a Dua of a believer.. but I don't know what else to do. there is no proper masjid here as I live in an area where there aren't many muslims at all.. and I don't think the women there can help me. I read Qur'an to seek guidance from Allah, but there doesn't seem to be a way out yet.
I have been suffering from this for almost a year now, and I think it's beginning to have an effect on my mental and physical health.. I always complained to my mum about this, and she gets very worried about me because my eyes are always wet with tears and I am always severely depressed. I never happy anymore. I've become so quiet, no one enjoys my company as much now because I'm always so serious. I think I've also developed social anxiety. I'm not normal anymore.. my mum says I might go mental if I continue like this (may Allah protect me). Now I've stopped complaining to my mum, as she gets stressed. I'm suffering on my own. Only Allah is there for me.
My question is, how do I increase my love for Allah? I'm desperate for someone to advise me, because if I don't love Allah.. then Allah might not love me... then I might not go to Jannah... and I'll never be able to see Him... And I'm scared that Allah will never be pleased with me because of this.. what if my deeds are not accepted? I know that Allah is the Most Forgiving, the All loving.. but I feel like I don't deserve to go to paradise at all! It grieves me that I don't truly love Allah.. Dear Brothers and sisters, please make a short dua in your heart for me. Could someone help me to increase my love for Allah? Awaiting your replies.. May Allah reward those who may take their time out to help me out and advise me!
Brother Anas jazak'Allahu khairan for replying.. I accidentally posted my post when I wasn't even finished! So I had to edit my post afterwards.. I hope I haven't confused you!
I really need to know how to increase my love for
Please help me out, anyone.
How to love Allah?..eheh my answer will be a question '' what things make you fall in love for a person(mother,father,brother,friends or husband)? As for the feelings you quoted from me yes, i also had evil feeling and as i already wrote ''i talked to Him as if He was there in front of me..cause He WAS in front of me..always there watching for me,protecting me,He was my friend My beloved and He said that if someone goes to him walking He comes to him at speed! And i knew Allah was there...'' wa SalamJazak'Allah Khair for everyone who replied, they have helped me feel a bit better Alhamdulillah! I appreciate your answers. May Allah raise your ranks and admit you all into Jannah.. and reward you multiple fold for every letter you wrote... and may Allah swt unite the Ummah with love and mercy May Allah protect you all from every kind of evil and fitna... and protect you all in this world and in the hereafter.. and make us all among those who humble themselves before Him, and among those who love Him more than anything and everything, and among those servants who will be among the righteous and among those servants who worship Him sincerely and wholeheartedly.. and Whom Allah will bestow His Mercy upon on the Day of Judgment!!! Please say Ameen! Ameen.
Please make Dua that I feel better and normal soon.. And ask Allah swt to forgive me and guide me!
Brother Muhammad Sabri, have you really been through the exact situation as me? I thought it was only me. You mentioned, "then i started to feel that pain you described and i was sad..depressed,cause i knew i loved Him and didn't know what to do" What do you mean by that? You felt this evil feeling towards Allah as well? Have I understood wrong? Could you elaborate if possible? And also "but still that feeling was crushing me, so i took a period off everything, away from people,just me and Allah" What feeling was crushing you? Your answer was very helpful. Please could you or anyone else give me some pointers as to how to increase my love for Allah swt?
I really need to know how to increase my love for
Please help me out, anyone.
How to love Allah?..eheh my answer will be a question '' what things make you fall in love for a person(mother,father,brother,friends or husband)? As for the feelings you quoted from me yes, i also had evil feeling and as i already wrote ''i talked to Him as if He was there in front of me..cause He WAS in front of me..always there watching for me,protecting me,He was my friend My beloved and He said that if someone goes to him walking He comes to him at speed! And i knew Allah was there...'' wa SalamJazak'Allah Khair for everyone who replied, they have helped me feel a bit better Alhamdulillah! I appreciate your answers. May Allah raise your ranks and admit you all into Jannah.. and reward you multiple fold for every letter you wrote... and may Allah swt unite the Ummah with love and mercy May Allah protect you all from every kind of evil and fitna... and protect you all in this world and in the hereafter.. and make us all among those who humble themselves before Him, and among those who love Him more than anything and everything, and among those servants who will be among the righteous and among those servants who worship Him sincerely and wholeheartedly.. and Whom Allah will bestow His Mercy upon on the Day of Judgment!!! Please say Ameen! Ameen.
Please make Dua that I feel better and normal soon.. And ask Allah swt to forgive me and guide me!
Brother Muhammad Sabri, have you really been through the exact situation as me? I thought it was only me. You mentioned, "then i started to feel that pain you described and i was sad..depressed,cause i knew i loved Him and didn't know what to do" What do you mean by that? You felt this evil feeling towards Allah as well? Have I understood wrong? Could you elaborate if possible? And also "but still that feeling was crushing me, so i took a period off everything, away from people,just me and Allah" What feeling was crushing you? Your answer was very helpful. Please could you or anyone else give me some pointers as to how to increase my love for Allah swt?
I really need to know how to increase my love for
Please help me out, anyone.
Anyone? I wanted to know about when to do ruqya, like how many times a day, when do you know when to stop doing ruqya.. Do I have to do it everyday? Should I ever stop doing it? I haven't started ruqya yet because I don't know when and how many times I should do it, or for how long.