Uticaj ljubavi i samilosti na brak


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Piše: Ummu Muhammed • Casopis "El-Asr" novembar 2009.

Islam traži od supruge da bude smiraj za svoga supruga, da ga razveseli, u njegovo srce unese radost, pridobije njegovo srce svojim srcem i lijepim ponašanjem, da bude vrelo njegove sreće, lijepog života, rahatluka i smiraja. A ono što se kaže za ženu, suprugu, ono što se traži od nje, to se isto kaže i traži i od muškarca, supruga. Pa, veza izgrađena na ljubavi, samilosti, blagosti i pažnji objedinit će srca, učvrstiti međusobni odnos i život učiniti sretnim. Rekao je Allahov Poslanik, sallallahu alejhi ve sellem: „Tri stvari su razlog sreće i tri stvari su razlog nesreće!“ – Pa je od razloga sreće spomenuo: žena koja kada je pogledaš, zadivi te; kada si odsutan od kuće siguran si za nju i svoj imetak.“ – A zatim je spomenuo razloge nesreće, pa je jedan od njih: „... žena koja kada je pogledaš, oneraspoloži te, pa slušaš njen jezik; kada si odsutan od kuće nisi siguran ni za nju ni za svoj imetak...“
Ovim tekstom želim, koliko mi Allah dozvoli, ukazati na uticaj ljubavi, milosti i lijepog ophođenja na izgradnju sretne i postojane porodice. Svevišnji Allah kaže: "On vas stvara od jednog čovjeka, a od njega je i ženu njegovu stvorio.“(Prijevod značenja El-E'araf, 189.) Također, rekao je: ...i jedan od dokaza Njegovih je to što za vas, od vrste vaše, stvara žene da se uz njih smirite, i što između vas uspostavlja ljubav i samilost; to su, zaista, pouke za ljude koji razmišljaju!“ (Prijevod značenja Er-Rum, 21.)
Ovi plemeniti ajeti govore o toj ljubavi i samilosti putem kojih se ostvaruje duševni smiraj i rahatluk između dva supružnika a zatim na tom smiraju i blagostanju, uvažavanju i lijepom ophođenju, gradi se sretna i čvrsta bračna zajednica. Dakle, ljubav i samilost supružnika, jednog prema drugom, neophodni su. Ukoliko u bračnoj zajednici ponestane ljubavi, samilosti, stalne iskrenosti, tada će takva bračna zajednica biti nalik tijelu bez duše, katancu bez ključa, kući bez vrata i sl. Takav život nema svoga smisla niti budućnosti, niti se može bilo kakvo dobro od takve zajednice očekivati. Zašto? Zato što su izostali temelji na kojima se gradi sretna i čvrsta zajednica, a to su ljubav i samilost. I nema sumnje da se takva zajednica brzo rasprši i sruši nad glavama svojih članova.

Ovdje saznajemo veliku tajnu bez čijeg ostvarivanja nema bračne zajednice. Plemeniti ajeti ne ukazuju na urođeni smiraj, već ukazuju na duševni smiraj i zadovoljstvo oba supružnika. Druženje i prijateljevanje bračnih drugova mora biti izgrađeno na ljubavi, samilosti, razumijevanju i međusobnom potpomaganju. Samo ovakva bračna zajednica čvrstih je korjena i dugog životnog vijeka. Ovakva veza bračnih drugova slična je vezi samog čovjeka, njegovom odnosu prema svojoj duši. A zar nije Svevišnji Allah rekao: „One su vaša odjeća i vi ste njihova odjeća!“ (Prijevod značenja El-Bekara, 187.)

Članovi samo ovako čvrste bračne zajednice, ovako izgrađeni, milostivi supružnici, uspješno će odgajati svoju dječicu, sinove i kćeri. Svi problemi koji se eventualno i pojave u ovakvoj bračnoj zajednici, brzo se riješavaju i nestaju. Među ovakvim samilosnim supružnicima nećeš čuti: „Ovo je moje pravo a to je tvoje!“ Ili: „Ovo pripada meni a to tebi!“ Naprotiv, njih dvoje, smirujući se jedno uz drugo postali su poput jednog tijela. Jedno drugom daju prednost nad sobom. Ovakva bračna zajednica uspostavljenja na ljubavi, samilosti i potpunom razumijevanju, dalje se učvršćuje i opstoji na poptpunom međusobnom potpomaganju članova porodice. Međusobno potpomaganje supružnika ostvaruje se obavljanjem svih onih poslova koje oni, svaki ponaosob, po svojoj prirodi u mogućnosti
su da urade.

Tako supruga brine se za dojenje djeteta, njegov odgoj, obavlja kućanske poslove, dok suprug izlazi van kuće i donosi, Allahovom dozvolom, opskrbu porodici. I pored toga, žena je dio muškarca, supruga je dio svoga supruga, a svaki dio ukazuje na svoju osnovu, pa žena ukazuje na muškarca i muškarac ukazuje na nju. Ljubav supruga prema svojoj supruzi, njegova samilost prema njoj, ljubav je i samilost osnove prema svome dijelu, onome što je od nje, jer je Allah, subhanehu ve te'ala, stvorio ženu od muškarca na njegov lik, pa muškarac teži ženi kao svome dijelu, dok, supruga teži svome suprugu kao svojoj osnovi, svojoj domovini.

Međutim, iako je žena od čovjeka, da se ne razlikuje po svojoj ženstvenosti sigurno ne bi došlo do ove potrebne ljubavi i samilosti jednog prema drugom. Svevišnji Allah iz Svoje mudrosti učinio je da se muškarci i žene u nečemu slažu a u nečemu razilaze, u nečemu su jednaki, a u nečemu različiti. Kada bi bili jednaki u onome što je On Uzvišeni dao da budu različiti (kao što to neki nastoje učiniti) i kada bi bili različiti u onome što je Slavljeni i Hvaljeni Allah učinio da budu jednaki, tada zasigurno ne bi bilo ove ljubavi i samilosti, razumijevanja i potpomaganja među supružnicima, među njima ne bi postojala sretna i čvrsta bračna zajednica koja rađa zdravo i čestito potomstvo u nadi da će ono nastaviti njihovim stopama. Islam traži od supruge da bude smiraj za svoga supruga, da ga razveseli, u njegovo srce unese radost, pridobije njegovo srce svojim srcem i lijepim ponašanjem, da bude vrelo njegove sreće, lijepog života, rahatluka i smiraja. A ono što se kaže za ženu, suprugu, ono što se traži od nje, to se isto kaže i traži i od muškarca, supruga. Pa, veza izgrađena na ljubavi, samilosti, blagosti i pažnji objedinit će srca, učvrstiti međusobni odnos i život učiniti sretnim.

Muhammed b. Sa'd prenosi od svoga oca da je Allahov Poslanik, sallallahu alejhi ve sellem, rekao: „Tri stvari su razlog sreće i tri stvari su razlog nesreće!“ – Pa je od razloga sreće spomenuo: žena koja kada je pogledaš, zadivi te; kada si odsutan od kuće siguran si za nju i svoj imetak.“ – A zatim je spomenuo razloge nesreće, pa je jedan od njih: „... žena koja kada je pogledaš, oneraspoloži te, pa slušaš njen jezik; kada si odsutan od kuće nisi siguran ni za nju ni za svoj imetak ...“(Šejh Albani ocijenio je hadis dobrim, Silsila ehadisi sahiha, 1047.)
Dobra i čestita žena vjernica jeste supruga koja čini sretnim svoga supruga: u njegovoj odsutnosti čuva svoju i njegovu čast, njegov imetak i njihovo potomstvo; kada je pogleda na njenom licu primjeti sreću i zadovoljstvo bračnom zajednicom, pa se i on smiruje i biva zadovoljan, sretan i radostan; kada razgovara s njom, od nje čuje blage riječi, pune mudrosti i istinske ljubavi; kada joj naredi dobro, ona ga u tome posluša, pa njegovom srcu biva prijatna i spasonosna. Allaha molimo da sve nas učini takvim čestitim vjernicama i sačuva nas suprotnih osobina.

Napominjući prethodno spomenuto kažemo: ljubav i samilost najbitniji su stubovi sretne porodice i bračne zajednice. Bračna zajednica neće opstati osim sa smirajem jednog supružnika uz drugog, međusobne ljubavi, razumijevanja i potpomaganja u bogobojaznosti i dobročinstvu. Allahu Uzvišenom neka je svaka hvala! Neka je salavat i selam na Allahovog poslanika, sallallahu alejhi ve sellem, njegovu časnu porodicu i sve ashabe.


Junior Member

Is this English translation right?
Written by: Ummu Muhammad • Magazine "Al-Asr" November 2009th

Islam requires the husband to be the twilight of his wife, to cheer, to bring joy to his heart, win his heart, his heart and nice behavior, to be the source of his fortune, a beautiful life, rahatluk and sunset. And what is said to wife, husband, what is required of it, it says the same search and the man's wife. Well, the relationship built on love, compassion, gentleness and attention objedinit the heart, strengthen the relationship and make life happy. He said the Prophet of Allah, the Prophet sallallahu sallam: "Three things are the reason for happiness, and three things are the reason for the accident" - Well, the luck of the reasons mentioned a woman who when you look, and wondered, when you're absent from the house are safe for her and her possessions. "- And then he mentioned reasons for the accident, and one of them "... woman when you look, oneraspoloži you, and listen to her language, when you're absent from the house not sure any of it either for your property ... "
This text I want, how we allow Allah, show the influence of love, grace and beautiful manner of construction of the happy and stable family. Almighty Allah says: "He created you from one man, and him and his wife created." (Translation of the meaning of El-E'araf, 189.) Also, he said: ... and one of His evidence is that for you, from your kind, creates women in tranquility with them, and what of you put love and compassion, these are, indeed, lessons for those who reflect "(Translation of the meaning of er-Rum, 21)
These noble verses that speak of love and compassion which is achieved through mental and sunset rahatluk between the spouse and then to the Calm prosperity, respect and lovely relations, build a happy marriage and strong communities. So, love and compassion of a spouse, to one another, are necessary. If you run out of the marital community of love, compassion, honesty constant, then such a union will be like body without soul, without katancu key, the house without doors, etc. Such a life has no meaning nor her future, nor can it be any good from these communities expect. Why? Because they are missing based on which build happy and strong communities, and to have love and compassion. And there is no doubt that such communities scattered and quickly fell over the heads of its members.

Here we learn the big secret without which no marriage achieve the community. Noble verses do not indicate inherent sunset, but point to the sunset of mind and satisfaction of both spouses. Socializing and friendship spouses must be built on love, compassion, understanding and supporting each other. Only such a union is strong roots and a long life. This relationship is similar to the spouses about the man, his relationship to his soul. And did not Allah Almighty said: "They are your garments and ye are their garments" (Translation of the meaning of Al-Baqarah, 187.)

Only members of this community a strong marriage, thus constructed, gracious spouses, will successfully bring up their little children, sons and daughters. All the problems that can possibly occur in such a marital community, quickly resolve and disappear. Among these Merciful spouses will not hear: "This is my right, and it's yours!" Or, "This belongs to me and to you!" On the contrary, two of them, calming the next to each other have become like one body. Prefer each other over them. Such a union established in love, compassion and complete understanding, further strengthens and existing in mutual poptpunom supporting family members. Each spouse concurrence is achieved by performing all the tasks they each individually, by their nature are able
have to do.

So the wife takes care of feeding the child, his education, does the housework while the husband goes out and brings home, Allah's permission, the supply of the family. Nevertheless, the woman is part of man, wife of her husband, each indicating its basis, and the wife points to the man and he shows it. Love the husband to his wife, his compassion toward her, love and compassion is the basis for her part, what is it, because Allah, subhanehu ve te'ala, he created woman from man to his character, and he tends to his wife as part, while his wife seeks his wife as his basis, his country.

However, although women from men, that is no different in its femininity would not have come to this need of love and compassion toward one another. Almighty Allah in His wisdom has made the men and women to agree to something and breaking something, something in the same, and something different. If they were equal to what he Illustrious had to be different (as some tend to do) and if they were different in what was celebrated and praised Allah made to be equal, then surely it would not be the love and compassion, and facilitate understanding between spouses, among them there would not be happy and strong union that gives birth to healthy offspring, and sincerely hope that it will keep their feet. Islam requires the husband to be the twilight of his wife, to cheer, to bring joy to his heart, win his heart, his heart and nice behavior, to be the source of his fortune, a beautiful life, rahatluk and sunset. And what is said to wife, husband, what is required of it, it says the same search and the man's wife. Well, the relationship built on love, compassion, gentleness and attention objedinit the heart, strengthen the relationship and make life happy.

Muhammad b. Sa'd transferred from his father that the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, said: "Three things are the reason for happiness, and three things are the reason for the accident" - Well, the luck of the reasons mentioned a woman who when you look, and wondered, when you're absent from the house are safe for her and her possessions. "- And then he mentioned reasons for the accident, and one of them "... woman when you look, oneraspoloži you, and listen to her language, when you're absent from the house not sure any of it either for his wealth ..."( Shaykh Albani said good hadith, sahih Silsila ehadisi, 1047.)
Good and honest woman believer is the wife who makes her husband happy: in his absence and it keeps his honor, his fortune and their offspring, when he looked at her face notices marital happiness and satisfaction with the community, and he calms down and is satisfied happy and joyful, when talking with her and hear her gentle words, full of wisdom and true love, when her well-ordered, she listened to it, and his heart is agreeable and salutary. Allah, please do us all such a decent and keep us believing opposite characteristics.

Noting the previously mentioned say love and compassion are the most important pillars of the family and the happy marriage of the community. Union will not survive unless the sunset with one spouse to another, mutual love, understanding and facilitate the bogobojaznosti and charity. Allah Uzvišenom let any thanks! Let Salavat and salaam on Allahovog Prophet, sallallahu Prophet sallam, his family and all the honorable companions.