Violence Against Women in America

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Junior Member
salamu alaykum

may Allah protect who? The kuffar? Why should Allah sva protect those who do sirk to Allah, who do adultery, zina, alcohol, homosexuality. Better said, is may Allah sva guide them. Remember, that Allah sva destroyed the people of Lut because they were homosexual. What is going on here in states, is much worse. Everything that Allah sva forbad is being done here. Those women dress naked, showing every part of their body. Allah sva tells the believing women to cover their bodies so they would not be attacked by someone who has evil in their heart. These women dress with a purpose to get the attention of the opposite sex. So, that is what they got. Allah sva says in the quran,

"Everything good that happens to you (O Man) is from God, everything bad that happens to you is from your own actions". (Quran 4:79)

All these consequences such as rapes, murder, crimes, are the result of haraam that spread within that society. Also, tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanoes, tsunamis, etc. are the punishments that ALlah sent to those places because of the haraam.

We have to fear Allah sva as much as we can.

Allah knows best


How about compassion, because they're humans too? I'm sorry, but treating women this way isn't right. Ever. I don't care if you're the most Muslim woman or the trashiest prostitute, no woman should ever have to go through that.
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