Interesting (Warning - gross) Brown Recluse Spider


فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ
I think I'm going to read that "Spiders for Lunch" book, you?

Look what I found for you :)

Author’s Note: The idea for this story came from a conversation between my son, Matthew, and my wife, Andrea. One evening, after bedtime, Matthew told Andrea that he was scared of the dark. “What are you scared of that’s in the dark?” she asked. “Monsters.” he stated, and pulled the covers tighter around him, holding them with a tiny, white-knuckled clench. “Oh!” exclaimed Andrea. “Do you know what I like to do with monsters?” She smiled. He peeked out from the covers a bit. “What?” “I like to tease them – with my flashlight!” He grinned and\ said, “Oh, yeah! Me, too! And then I eat ‘em!” “What do they taste like?” It had to be asked, of course. “Monsters taste like spiders.” “Like spiders? What do spiders taste like?” “Oh, you know, they taste like grapes.” Matthew was quite matter-of-fact about it. “How do you know they taste like grapes?” We were now very curious about this. “Because they both pop in your mouth when you bite into them.” “Eeeeeeeeeeeew!” And now we have this book. ~ Adam

How do you like the grapes 'pop'? Hahaha ...


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Lol astaghfirullaah the kid is pretty gross! That is my favorite part of eating grapes - the pop sound. But now I'll have to crush them before eating 'em. Thank you for that !