
warda A


I actually did it and i was stumped, any geniuses out there who can explain this math?

Here is a maths trick so unbelievable that it will stump you. Personally
I would like to know who came up with this and why that person is not
the country. .

1. Grab a calculator. (You won't be able to do this one in your head)
2. Key in the first three digits of your home phone number (NOT the area
3 Multiply by 8
4. Add 1
5. Multiply by 250
6. Add the last 3 digits of your phone number
7. Add the last 3 digits of your phone number again.
8. Subtract 250
9. Divide number by 2

Do you recognize the answer? Do you?


ok calculators out,


Junior Member

I actually did it and i was stumped, any geniuses out there who can explain this math?

Here is a maths trick so unbelievable that it will stump you. Personally
I would like to know who came up with this and why that person is not
the country. .

1. Grab a calculator. (You won't be able to do this one in your head)
2. Key in the first three digits of your home phone number (NOT the area
3 Multiply by 8
4. Add 1
5. Multiply by 250
6. Add the last 3 digits of your phone number
7. Add the last 3 digits of your phone number again.
8. Subtract 250
9. Divide number by 2

Do you recognize the answer? Do you?


ok calculators out,

Mash'Allah sister,
U seems u are very educated person more than me. Coz I see always ur intelligent post. Are u graduate?

warda A

Mash'Allah sister,
U seems u are very educated person more than me. Coz I see always ur intelligent post. Are u graduate?

jazaka allahu kheiran for your kind words.
Inteligence is a matter of common sense
you do not have to have a college education in fact any education
There are many people who are intelligent but never went to school mashalla
yes i did it.....and u r is really weird cause i didnt c any resemblance of that number with anything......:p

meer suhail

ILM seeker
Asalam o Alykum
ahh yeah amazing ,,,,it gave the first 3 numbers and last 3 numbers ,,,thats awesome
but who ever made it ,is not for my country (pakistan)
my telephone number is 7 digits ,,,,,,,,and ,what i got was 6 digits ,,,,,,first 3 and last 3 ,,,,,,but where is the 7th number ,heh =P
i dont think i didnt it wrong