What happened to young Muslim men?


Servant of Allah
:salam2: i'm so mad and so dissappointed, disappointed in the so called young muslim men. why? because we are in need of them, they are part of our ummah but they are too blind to see that. they're too blind to see that we care for them, that we love them and that they are needed by the ummah. subhanallah. instead of being out there fighting in jihad, they're in jails for STEALING, DRUGS, RAPES, AND SO ON. what has happened to them? why can't they see that Islam would be enough for them. why are they imitating drug addicts and other idiots. what is wrong!! i'm sick of young muslim men who have left the prayer, and who do not come to the masjid any more. instead of the masjid they're in theatres. and instead of the young people being filled in the masjid, it's the elderly that are there and not them. elderly people are good but we need young people- so well you all please get your act together, train your children, and get them to want to come back to the deen! instead of them being out in the masjids and making dawah they're filled up in jail - wake up people, it's not only the boys but also the girls who've left the deen. on top of that- they're killing each other with knifes and guns because they are from this gang or that!!! :angryred::angryred::girl3::girl3::girl3::girl3:
asalamu alaykum.


Junior Member

Muslim :: Book 34 : Hadith 6448
Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: You would tread the same path as was trodden by those before you inch by inch and step by step so much so that if they had entered into the hole of the lizard, you would follow them in this also. We said: Allah's Messenger, do you mean Jews and Christians (by your words)" those before you"? He said: Who else (than those two religious groups)?

May Allah guide us all



Wa'alaikum Salaam sister,

I'm a good, young Muslim brother alhamdulillah :D

May Allah subhanahu wata'ala keep us all in love and fear of Him and guide us in the Straight Path, ameen.

Umm Ismael

Junior Member
asselemou alaikum, i'd like to share with u this: they were MEN and they were Women to raise such children... let's read ( but sorry it is in arabic)
نرحل لوسط شبه الجزيرة العربية، في السنة الثامنة للهجرة، حيث صحراء العرب القاحلة، هنالك شبح قافلة من بعيد، لنقترب منها أكثر، فربما يسمحون لنا بالانضمام إليهم
إنها ليست قافلة!! يبدوا أنهم جيش!! ويبدوا أيضا أنهم من العرب، من هيئتهم ومن عدّتهم البسيطة!! لنسألهم عن وجهتهم.
- من أنتم؟ وأين وجهتكم؟! - نحن جيش رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم. متوجهون لجهاد الروم.
- وأين ستلاقونهم؟ - عند مؤتة.
- وكم عددكم؟ - ثلاثة آلاف مجاهد أو نزيد قليلا.
- وكم عدد جيش الروم؟ - لا علم لنا بهم!
أكمل الجيش مسيره، بجنود أقدموا على الله بأرواحهم وأموالهم، يرجون النصر في الدنيا، ليكملوا مسيرة الجهاد في سبيل الله. أو الشهادة ونيل رضوان الله تعالى وجنته.لكن هنالك منادٍ ينادي في كبار الصحابة ليجتمعوا!! ما الذي حدث يا ترى؟! لنجتمع معهم لنسمع ونرى.قام أحدهم قائلا: لقد وصلت الأخبار بأن هرقل جاء بمئة ألف من الروم وانضم إليهم من القبائل مئة ألف آخرين.فماذا نحن صانعون؟
مكث الجيش في مكانه ليلتين للتشاور. فهل يكملون المسير، أم يرسلون لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لإخباره بالأمر، منتظرين المدد أو أمر من عنده.
يا الله.. ما هذه الشجاعة!! ألم يفكر أحد بالانسحاب؟! ألم يقل أحدهم أنهم مئتا ألف ونحن ثلاثة آلاف فقط فنصرنا عليهم مستحيل. ألم يحسبها أحد بحساب المنطق في زماننا ليرى أن على كل رجل منهم مقاتلة خمسة وستين رجلا لوحده!! لماذا لا ينسحبون إذن ما دامت الكفتان غير متزنتان!!
لا عجب في ثبات هؤلاء الثلة من الرجال! فلقد رباهم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بيديه الكريمتين فتشبعت قلوبهم بالإيمان بالله وبالتوكل عليه وباليقين بأنه لن يصيبهم إلا ما كتبه الله لهموهم يعلمون أن نصرالله لا يكون بالعدد وإنما يكون بالإيمان.
من ذلك الذي قام هناك؟! إنه عبد الله بن رواحة، قام ليشجع الناس. وها هم الناس بدءوا يجهزون أنفسهم لإكمال المسير.
بهذا الإيمان، وهذه الشجاعة، استطاع أجدادنا نشر دين الإسلام، ليمتد من المحيط الأطلسي إلى حدود الصين.
التقى الجيشان. واستشهد قائد الجيش، زيد بن حارثة رضي الله عنه، وبعده استشهد خَلَفُه، جعفر بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه، وبعده استشهد آخرهم عبد الله بن رواحة رضي الله عنه.
فتفرق المسلمون، حتى لم يبقى اثنان بجانب بعضهما البعض. ثم أخذ الراية أحد شجعان المسلمين، وسلمها لخالد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه. فتمكن خالد بخطة حكيمة من الانسحاب من المعركة من غير خسائر تذكر.
وعندما وصلوا المدينة المنورة، وجدوا الصبيان في استقبالهم. نعم يحق لهذا الجيش الشجاع حسن الاستقبال على ما فعلوه. لكن كان استقبالهم من نوع آخر، آخذ الصبيان بحث التراب في وجوههم ومناداتهم: يا فرار فررتم في سبيل الله.
لكن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: ليسوا بالفرار ولكنهم الكرار إن شاء الله تعالى.
انتهت رحلتنا لهذا اليوم، وقد رأينا شجاعة المسلمين، وقوة إيمانهم بالله. وكيف أنهم أكملوا مسيرهم مع أن عددهم لا يقارن بأي حال من الأحوال بعدد عدوهم، لكن سلاحهم كان إيمانهم بالله، فوفقهم الله فيما كانوا فيه. ورأينا أيضا، التربية الحسنة للأبناء، وكيف أنهم فضلوا استشهاد آبائهم على أن يفروا من المعركة. فبهذه التربية، ظهر في الأمة رجال دافعوا عن هذا الدين ونشروه. وبمثل هؤلاء الرجال، ستبقى العزة للمسلمين، ومن دونهم يبقى حالنا مثل ما هو عليه الآن من ذل وهوان، وتعذيب وتقتيل وتشريد للمسلمين في شتى بقاع الأرض.


Subhana Allah!
jazak Allahu khayra

:ma::ma: that is very true sister i agree with u.:SMILY126::SMILY126:
may Allah increase ur knowledge ameen:tti_sister:

may Allah guide us all to the right path ameen:tti_sister:

Umm Ismael

Junior Member
AMEEN, May ALLAH guide our Men and our Women to the right path!
May ALLAH help us for the knowledge of Islam..
Ya ALLAH, irdha 'anna oua 'inna lita'atik ou ilmewta fi sebilik...


Travelling towards my grave.

although im a muslim teenage brother, i totally agree with u sister...i wonder whether this is the period of fitnah that the Prophet (saw) told us about...

it seems that we are gonna challange ALLAH (swt) :astag: by breaking the laws of islam rather than thinking about DEATH which may grab us NOW even...

may ALLAH prevent us from being Jaahileen again...amiin


-brother IbnAdam-


Servant of Allah
Wa'alaikum Salaam sister,

I'm a good, young Muslim brother alhamdulillah :D

May Allah subhanahu wata'ala keep us all in love and fear of him and guide us in the Straight Path, ameen.

mashallah brother i'm happy for you. but let me give you an example of just how many muslim boys are in jail in minnesota, mostly somalians: more than80,000 young muslim men who went to jail for drugs, gangs, murders or rapes. now it's rare or at least in many areas to find good muslim men(young men) who are practicing their deen. how much more dissapointing can that get? and keep in mind that i only told you the somali population- what about the rest, what will they add up to? asalamu alaykum.


Islam is my life
Staff member
salam aleikum
I agee with u sister ,but there is something that bothering me more nowdays ,Is that I just here everywhere around that muslim men having girlfriends :( here on the west ,dont know about other countries ,but here its just became normal or what ?
Im really sorry to say that but its true ,muslim men dating kafir women and not even ashamed of that :mad:
Im sorry to say that ,but its really sad ..
Masjids are empty :( Women go more to the Masjids then men ,in my area at least :( men's area is empty ,nobody to make athan even .Isn that sad :(

waaleikum salam


Servant of Allah
salam aleikum
I agee with u sister ,but there is something that bothering me more nowdays ,Is that I just here everywhere around that muslim men having girlfriends :( here on the west ,dont know about other countries ,but here its just became normal or what ?
Im really sorry to say that but its true ,muslim men dating kafir women and not even ashamed of that :mad:
Im sorry to say that ,but its really sad ..
Masjids are empty :( Women go more to the Masjids then men ,in my area at least :( men's area is empty ,nobody to make athan even .Isn that sad :(

waaleikum salam

i know dear sis. it makes me angry and sad. and disapointed that they act so "cool" by leading themselves to the fire. i swear if all the young muslim men were let out of jail and they returned to the deen, our ummah would be successful and on top of that our lands of islam would become free. but obiviously they're blind. having illegal sex, and becoming drug addicts and straying away from allah's path. my intention isn't to make people go "wow, that's sad", no wallahi no, neither for anyone to take pride and say "hey i'm not like them oh yeah", but rather to say " are these my brothers in jail, is this why our masjids are empty- is this where the future of our ummah lies...we must do something and we must get our brothers back to the deen and we must unite as one ummah again, not late, NOW!". and as an individual wallahi i cannot tell you how much i worry about the other muslims, it's making me sad- and i'm trying my best to reach out to those whom i see and to those who go to school with me. but i wish people would realize that we are in a ditch and we must clim the ladder allah has provided us upto the top of the ditch to reunite once again and to return to our deen. asalamu alaykum. and thanks sis. :salam2::girl3:


Shahid abdullah
Understanding of problem is not that simple. When one not suffer from these problems he/she can not understand. I dont know about the places like USA and Uk and financially strong countries but countries like somalia and other Muslim countries this issue is not that simple to address. Huh.


Junior Member
salam aleikum
I agee with u sister ,but there is something that bothering me more nowdays ,Is that I just here everywhere around that muslim men having girlfriends :( here on the west ,dont know about other countries ,but here its just became normal or what ?
Im really sorry to say that but its true ,muslim men dating kafir women and not even ashamed of that :mad:
Im sorry to say that ,but its really sad ..
Masjids are empty :( Women go more to the Masjids then men ,in my area at least :( men's area is empty ,nobody to make athan even .Isn that sad :(

waaleikum salam

I think its better and more civil to use non-muslim women than kafir women ..... I dont speak arabic much but I do know what the word means and I think it will be an offending word to some NON-MUSLIM visitors to this site ...I even find it offending


Junior Member
And also look at the muslim countries ..you have to understand that how can a muslim in those financial difficient muslim countries act as a muslim when their governments are not ruling their country as muslims . i read something on conditions on those islamic nations are so bad that people had to steal food just to feed the family.

Also we have to blame parents for not raising their kids right .

If you go to countries like pakistan , saudia arabia or the UAE im sure a lot of muslims young and old go to mosques and pray five times a day .


american muslima
I think its better and more civil to use non-muslim women than kafir women ..... I dont speak arabic much but I do know what the word means and I think it will be an offending word to some NON-MUSLIM visitors to this site ...I even find it offending

I see both points here. I don't know how it is in every city in the US, but in this part of the US, the girls these young men are after are not your average girl next door. They are the skanky (pardon my language) girls with bleached hair, 5 pounds of mascara, tiny skirts and high heels. I am an American woman and I dont feel offended by "kafir" because it is not a blanket term used to describe all western women, just bad, sinful people, and a kafir can be found in any country and can be male or female.
Not all Americans fit the description of kafir. Some are still "People of the Book"- true christians, etc. These are the people who follow Allah to the best of their ability and knowledge.
I think if the word kafir offends someone (not necessarily you- you are just trying to prevent people from being offended, which is nice), it's because they are doing something bad and feel a sense of guilt or shame upon hearing the word. We should not try to be politically correct and avoid calling people "kafir." Political correctness is a way of masking the truth so everyone can be bad and not feel guilty about it.
If we cant say bad people are bad, how will we differentiate between good and bad people? After a while it will all blend together.
If I offended anyone with this post, I appologize.


Junior Member
I think the root of this problem is parents are lacking knowledge how to raise their children as required by islam. I am sure many adult muslims get married but actually do not understand their role or not motivated enough to raise their children as required by islam. Some parents actually don't do anything significant to develop their children spiritually. To them it is enough if their children get enough food, clothing and 'A' grades in their education. Significant role, I mean, not enough if the children just given islamic knowledge alone. The parents shall have practice it together with their children. In previous thread there was a post where one brother was delighted and captured a video seeing his boy imitate their prayers. This is evident that if parents obey Allah, their offsprings will do the same, insyaAllah.
Another point we should remember that if we teach our children for example reading quran can we imagine how much Allah will reward us for each hurf recited by the children!! Not to mention other ibadah when children perform we also rewarded. When we died later, isn't this a great contribution to us from our children practice the knowledge that we taught them. This is really good business. Remember a hadeeth saying that when we died, one of remaining contribution to us is knowledge taht being practiced, in this case our children.
So brother and sister let change this problem by change ourselves and our families... :SMILY139:


Junior Member
It is this life that weakens the heart and sucks the faith and belief out of it, the heart of one who is already weak.

-they fear to die out of hunger, so they work to live. when they are supposed to live in order to warship Allah.

-they became so obsessed with the future, a future they know nothing about.

-One says i'll do this and that, without having in consideration that he/she might die any second.

-you see those who fear death, living thier lives as they are immortals.

-when a man gets blessed with lots of money he might say "Alhamdulillah", but you see him acting as if Allah has nothing to do with it, and starts to ignore his family and friends.

All that above is caused by the lack of faith and strong belief. most people don't realise that they are nothing without Allah.
Having a good life doesnt mean that Allah is satisfied. life is fitnah for those who forget thier creator.

(Al-Anfal 8)
O you who believe! Betray not Allâh and His Messenger, nor betray knowingly your Amânât (things entrusted to you, and all the duties which Allâh has ordained for you).[] (27) And know that your possessions and your children are but a trial and that surely with Allâh is a mighty reward. (28) O you who believe! If you obey and fear Allâh, He will grant you Furqân [(a criterion to judge between right and wrong), or (Makhraj, i.e. a way for you to get out from every difficulty)], and will expiate for you your sins, and forgive you; and Allâh is the Owner of the Great Bounty. (29)

(Al-Hashr 59)
And be not like those who forgot Allâh (i.e. became disobedient to Allâh) and He caused them to forget their ownselves, (let them to forget to do righteous deeds). Those are the Fâsiqûn (rebellious, disobedient to Allâh). (19) Not equal are the dwellers of the Fire and the dwellers of the Paradise. It is the dwellers of Paradise that will be successful. (20)

(Al-Baqara 2)
And be afraid of the Day when you shall be brought back to Allâh. Then every person shall be paid what he earned, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly. (281)

(Luqman 31)
And whosoever submits his face (himself) to Allâh, while he is a Muhsin (good¬doer i.e. performs good deeds totally for Allâh's sake without any show - off or to gain praise or fame and does them in accordance with the Sunnah of Allâh's Messenger Muhammad SAW), then he has grasped the most trustworthy hand¬hold [Lâ ilâha illallâh (none has the right to be worshipped but Allâh)]. And to Allâh return all matters for decision. (22) And whosoever disbelieves, let not his disbelief grieve you (O Muhammad SAW),. To Us is their return, and We shall inform them what they have done. Verily, Allâh is the All¬Knower of what is in the breasts (of men). (23) We let them enjoy for a little while, then in the end We shall oblige them to (enter) a great torment. (24)


Junior Member
asselemou alaikum, i'd like to share with u this: they were MEN and they were Women to raise such children... let's read ( but sorry it is in arabic)
نرحل لوسط شبه الجزيرة العربية، في السنة الثامنة للهجرة، حيث صحراء العرب القاحلة، هنالك شبح قافلة من بعيد، لنقترب منها أكثر، فربما يسمحون لنا بالانضمام إليهم
إنها ليست قافلة!! يبدوا أنهم جيش!! ويبدوا أيضا أنهم من العرب، من هيئتهم ومن عدّتهم البسيطة!! لنسألهم عن وجهتهم.
- من أنتم؟ وأين وجهتكم؟! - نحن جيش رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم. متوجهون لجهاد الروم.
- وأين ستلاقونهم؟ - عند مؤتة.
- وكم عددكم؟ - ثلاثة آلاف مجاهد أو نزيد قليلا.
- وكم عدد جيش الروم؟ - لا علم لنا بهم!
أكمل الجيش مسيره، بجنود أقدموا على الله بأرواحهم وأموالهم، يرجون النصر في الدنيا، ليكملوا مسيرة الجهاد في سبيل الله. أو الشهادة ونيل رضوان الله تعالى وجنته.لكن هنالك منادٍ ينادي في كبار الصحابة ليجتمعوا!! ما الذي حدث يا ترى؟! لنجتمع معهم لنسمع ونرى.قام أحدهم قائلا: لقد وصلت الأخبار بأن هرقل جاء بمئة ألف من الروم وانضم إليهم من القبائل مئة ألف آخرين.فماذا نحن صانعون؟
مكث الجيش في مكانه ليلتين للتشاور. فهل يكملون المسير، أم يرسلون لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لإخباره بالأمر، منتظرين المدد أو أمر من عنده.
يا الله.. ما هذه الشجاعة!! ألم يفكر أحد بالانسحاب؟! ألم يقل أحدهم أنهم مئتا ألف ونحن ثلاثة آلاف فقط فنصرنا عليهم مستحيل. ألم يحسبها أحد بحساب المنطق في زماننا ليرى أن على كل رجل منهم مقاتلة خمسة وستين رجلا لوحده!! لماذا لا ينسحبون إذن ما دامت الكفتان غير متزنتان!!
لا عجب في ثبات هؤلاء الثلة من الرجال! فلقد رباهم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بيديه الكريمتين فتشبعت قلوبهم بالإيمان بالله وبالتوكل عليه وباليقين بأنه لن يصيبهم إلا ما كتبه الله لهموهم يعلمون أن نصرالله لا يكون بالعدد وإنما يكون بالإيمان.
من ذلك الذي قام هناك؟! إنه عبد الله بن رواحة، قام ليشجع الناس. وها هم الناس بدءوا يجهزون أنفسهم لإكمال المسير.
بهذا الإيمان، وهذه الشجاعة، استطاع أجدادنا نشر دين الإسلام، ليمتد من المحيط الأطلسي إلى حدود الصين.
التقى الجيشان. واستشهد قائد الجيش، زيد بن حارثة رضي الله عنه، وبعده استشهد خَلَفُه، جعفر بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه، وبعده استشهد آخرهم عبد الله بن رواحة رضي الله عنه.
فتفرق المسلمون، حتى لم يبقى اثنان بجانب بعضهما البعض. ثم أخذ الراية أحد شجعان المسلمين، وسلمها لخالد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه. فتمكن خالد بخطة حكيمة من الانسحاب من المعركة من غير خسائر تذكر.
وعندما وصلوا المدينة المنورة، وجدوا الصبيان في استقبالهم. نعم يحق لهذا الجيش الشجاع حسن الاستقبال على ما فعلوه. لكن كان استقبالهم من نوع آخر، آخذ الصبيان بحث التراب في وجوههم ومناداتهم: يا فرار فررتم في سبيل الله.
لكن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: ليسوا بالفرار ولكنهم الكرار إن شاء الله تعالى.
انتهت رحلتنا لهذا اليوم، وقد رأينا شجاعة المسلمين، وقوة إيمانهم بالله. وكيف أنهم أكملوا مسيرهم مع أن عددهم لا يقارن بأي حال من الأحوال بعدد عدوهم، لكن سلاحهم كان إيمانهم بالله، فوفقهم الله فيما كانوا فيه. ورأينا أيضا، التربية الحسنة للأبناء، وكيف أنهم فضلوا استشهاد آبائهم على أن يفروا من المعركة. فبهذه التربية، ظهر في الأمة رجال دافعوا عن هذا الدين ونشروه. وبمثل هؤلاء الرجال، ستبقى العزة للمسلمين، ومن دونهم يبقى حالنا مثل ما هو عليه الآن من ذل وهوان، وتعذيب وتقتيل وتشريد للمسلمين في شتى بقاع الأرض.
this is the trnsaletion.
Trips to Central Arabian peninsula, in the eighth year of immigration, where the arid desert Arabs, there is the spectre of a convoy from afar, the more we approach them, it may allow us to join them
It is not a convoy!! They show the Army!! It seems that they are also Arabs, from the body and having promised simple!! To ask them about their destination.
-- From you? Wayne faced?! -- We Army Allah peace be upon him. Roman heading for Jihad.
-- Where is the convergence? -- When Mutah.
-- How many? -- Three thousand Mujahid or increase slightly.
-- How many Roman army? -- We have no knowledge of them!
Army completed the march, troops attacked them, God lives and money, hope for victory in the world, to complete the march of jihad for God. Or certificate and Neil Radwan God and his committee. But there paging calls in the senior companions to meet!! What happened I wonder?! We meet with them to hear and to see. By someone saying: You have reached the news that the Hercules came one hundred thousand Roman joined by the tribes hundred thousand others. What we makers?
Army stayed in place for two nights for consultation. Will complete walk, or sent to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him for his news organizations, waiting periods or order from there.
O God .. What is this courage!! Did not think a withdrawal?! Did not they at least one of them two hundred thousand and three thousand we only have our victory is impossible. Did not calculated by one calculation logic of our times to see that every man whom fighter Sixty-five men alone!! Why does not withdraw permission as long as the pans-Metzntan!!
No wonder the stability of such a group of men! The Messenger of Allah Rabbani peace be upon him with his hands creams Farms hearts with faith in God and trust in the certainty that he will not suffer only what God worries that Nasrallah does not know the number, but have faith.
That he has there?! It Abdullah Bin lives, to encourage the people. And now those people have started their own devices to complete the walk.
This faith and courage of these, our ancestors managed to disseminate the religion of Islam, extending from the Atlantic to the borders of China.
Met upheaval. He cited the army commander, Zeid Bin Syndicate may Allah be pleased with him, and later died of his successor, Jaafar bin Abi Taleb, may Allah be pleased with him, and after the last was quoted Abdullah Bin lives may Allah be pleased with him.
Muslims teams, did not even keep the two beside each other. Then take the baton one brave Muslims, and handed it over to the Khaled ibn al-Walid may Allah be pleased with him. Khalid enabling prudent plan to withdraw from the battle-loss negligible.
When I arrived in Medina, they found the boys in the reception. Yes eligible for this courageous army of good receivers on what they did. But it was another type of reception, the boys discuss the sand in their faces and them to be paged: O escape flee to God.
But the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: do not escape, but again that God Almighty.
The journey to this day, Muslims have seen the courage, strength and faith in God. How they have completed his career with the numbers do not compare in any way with the enemy, but was disarmed their faith in God, as God as they were in it. We also saw, good education for children, and how they killed their parents preferred to flee from the battle. Only education, appeared on the nation's men defended this debt and innovation. The ideals of these men, will remain pride of Muslims, from whom remain our situation such as what it is now and Zl hwan, torture and killing and displacement of Muslims in various parts of the earth.
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Junior Member
well sister palestine , u r right to a certain extent. In my country, i can see the guys between age of 16-20 turning rapidly towardsa ALLAH and u can see masjid filled up with these lads. There are more such lads then white bearded persons in masjid, at our place.

But your point of view is right as well. There are lot of them who need fine tuning and they are the asset we all know.