What is Meant by ‘The Prophet’s Family’


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Here's something I wrote for my blog which I thought I'd share here too,

We often hear or say the du`â or prayer for the Prophet, “sall Allâhu `alayhi wa`alâ Âlihi wa’ashâbihi wasallama” (May the peace and blessings of Allâh be upon him, his family and his companions) and at times we may omit ‘wa’ashâbihi’ (and his companions) from this. In his Manhaj As-Sâlikîn, Shaykh As-Sa`dî does just this, as have many scholars before and after him. Of course this is not done out of malice towards the sahâbah or even forgetfulness, but rather because the word âl (آل) or family is not limited to mean the kinsmen of the Prophet (sall Allâh `alayhi wasallam). Ibn Jibrîn recalls some lines of poetry in his Ibhâj Al-Mu’minîn (an explanation of Manhaj As-Sâlikîn), which defines the meaning of âl,

آل الـنبـي هـم أتـبـاع مـلـتـه * مـن كـان من عجم منهـم ومـن عرب

لـو لـم يـكـن آلـه إلا قـرابـتــه * صلى المصلي على الطاغي أبي لهب

The family of the Prophet are those followers of his religion

Be he a foreigner from amongst them or an Arab,

If his family were not but his kinsmen

Then the supplicant has prayed for the tyrant Abu Lahab.​

So the companions are from the Prophet’s (sall Allâhu `alayhi wasallam) family, as are his followers and ummah. The usage of the word âl to carry this meaning has precedence in the Qur’ân,

“Make the people (âl) of Pharaoh enter the severest punishment.”
[Sûrah Al-Ghâfir 40:46]​


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Very interesting observation, Jazaaka Allaahu Khayran for sharing.

That also solves the dilemma caused by thinking that Asia, Pharaoh's wife, is part of his family, so how can she be included in the above punishment, when God has praised her for her faith and gave her as a fine example of a believing woman.

She is not from Aal Fir`awn!

As-salaamu `alaykum

Baarak Allaahu feek. I was thinking the exact same thing. Good thing you mentioned it as it clarifies the point further.


Junior Member
when making durood ibrahimi in salah i was also thinking whether aal included followers,kinsmen etc
my thought was that it meant sons or successorslike ishmael and issac for aal ibrahim and so on but thanks for clarifying any further points are welcome.
due to my thinking that aal included the children of the prophet or those who descended from him ofcourse the abu lahabor abu talib point did not come up, but i did wonder about sahaba ,tabiyeen and other religious stalwarts being included in this.
so many thanks for claryfying that it means people of Muhammad pbuh does this mean followers of Muhammad saw or ummat of Muhammad saw.


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As-salaamu `alaykum warahmatullaah

Funny, I read that âyah about Noah recently and it didn't occur to me while reading this. Alhamdulillaah, glad it's been of benefit here. May Allaah bless you all.

Concerning the darood/tashshahud, then some ahaadeeth add the words "wa`alâ âlihi wa'azwâjihi wadhurriyatihi". I've wandered why the mention of âl and then specifying azwâj (wives) and dhurriyah (offspring).

@ Ibn Uthaymin, no I didn't study at SOAS (though it's a great uni, wish I went there lol) but one of my brothers studied some Arabic there, if you're interested to know how it is. Plus, I'm in the stage of 'learning' not 'learned'.

May we be included amongst the âl of Rasool Allaah, aameen!

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
Asalamaoalikom wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu. . .

Nice thread! Just before I read this I went through the following verses:

"So We saved him and his family, all, Except an old woman among those who remained behind. Then We destroyed the others. [26:170-172]

It's about Prophet Lut peace be upon him. I guess the definition of the word "Aal" expels Lot's[peace be upon Him] wife from his family. Correct me if I've guessed wrong.