what is your understanding of tribalism?


Junior Member

It's been a journalist play on ideas and principles lately where they align it with something negative/uncivilized. They are misinforming many about the facts and significance of it in certain parts of the world.

so back to my question:

what is your understanding of tribalism?

the muslim point of view.

Um Ibrahim

Alhamdulilah :)

It's been a journalist play on ideas and principles lately where they align it with something negative/uncivilized. They are misinforming many about the facts and significance of it in certain parts of the world.

so back to my question:

what is your understanding of tribalism?

the muslim point of view.

Well if you look at the dictionary for this word, it is defined as:

1. the customs and beliefs of tribal life and society.
2. strong loyalty to one's own tribe, party, or group.

My understanding and view of "tribalism" is the second definition. Many people will hold strong loyalty and admiration for his/her tribe only and will not like any one else. That is what I think of when I hear tribalism. Now tribe on the other hand, or to know ones own tribe, or other people's tribes, I see no problem with this and I think it is even good to know others' tribes. Tribalism becomes a problem when someone thinks highly of their tribe and hates others.

In the Quran Allah says, "(O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another.) so that they get to know each other by their nation or tribe."

Unfortunately, we all know that many people from around the world use tribe for the wrong reasons thus tribalism becomes a dangerous disease!


Assalaam walaikum,

You are asking a very global question. It can go into a hundred directions. I actually went on goggle scholar.

Narrow your question.


New Member

If tribalism is used to glorify one's own tribe and place one's own tribe above the ummah, then it can lead to assobiyah which is haram in Islam. WaLLahu aklam.


May Allah Forgive us

Tribalism and nationalism is haraam in Islaam. After one becomes a Muslim, the loyalty is to the whole ummah and not just for a particular tribe or nation. Tribes and nations were made so that people may recognize the beauty of Allah's creation and its variance, not that we use it to be modes of war/disagreement , selfishness, etc.