
*Fear Allah*

The Say beauty is in the eye of the beholder
But that is not what society sees
Everybody sees a little different when they take a glimpse at me

They judge, gossip and leave the media to mislead
No matter how much good I do they look past those deeds
No matter how hard I try they won’t see the beauty through those eyes
I am done with asking myself why Allah why

He took a while but he answered me
He said beauty is in the eye of the beholder and you know exactly who I be
Listening to society has an effect on you but you must listen to me
A Muslim is the most beautiful, when I look down on thee
Draw your veils and dress in appropriate attire
Disregard the media I won’t fail you their the liars

Anything good for you is worth working for
You give yourself to me I’ll give you so much more
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the beholder is me
I left you a set of instructions, so the Quran is all you need
Anytime you need advice, pick it up and read
Oh by the way my angels record all of those deeds

I can see right through you, so you know I see your heart
But I need you to continue strong, so you can do your part
Stay steadfast in prayers and obedient to Islam
If paradise is your finish how could you finish wrong

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so bow done to me
I see beauty in every Muslim the one who is subservient to me

By me Amirah80