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:salam2: brothers and sisters as the US election date is coming closer i would like to know who r you voting for and why


Junior Member
I dont vote. I don't think anyone of them will help Muslims, we have to start helping ourselves instead of waiting for some Kaffir to get elected to help us.

After studying & researching U.S. politics, their foreign policies, their economic system, history, media....I've come to my own conclusion - voting is just a bluff & a deception to gain attention of the world in supporting their man-made system.


Junior Member

I dont vote. I don't think anyone of them will help Muslims, we have to start helping ourselves instead of waiting for some Kaffir to get elected to help us.


Not vote?? I don't think that is the right approach that Muslims should adopt....

Of course, we should help ourselves but simultaneously Muslims should involve themselves for the betterment of the society....
Muslims should vote and elect a person who is less corrupt and lesser evil and less of a menace to the society....lol

If we don't care about the election, we have to face people like Bush who come to power and become the root cause of devastation across the world...

What do you say folks?
Salaam Sister,

No matter who you vote for they'll still continue to kill our innocent brothers & sisters in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria and still label us "Al Qaeda" "Taliban" "Terrorist" "Insurgent" "Militant" "Radical" "Extremist"....this is shocking!

How can a Muslim (or anyone) vote for an aggressive, vicious, corrupt & hypocritical system? "Involve ourselves for the betterment of their society"?? They kick us out of their cameras, send anti-Islamic DVDs in our mails, and you still want involvement?
:salam2: I agree with sister muslimah . We should vote. Cause would you rather have a fundamentalist evangelical christian like sarah palin as a VP. Maybe no one is going to be good for the muslims not mccain or obama. But what i see Mccain and sarah palin will be worse for us.


Info Warrior
:salam2: I agree with sister muslimah . We should vote. Cause would you rather have a fundamentalist evangelical christian like sarah palin as a VP. Maybe no one is going to be good for the muslims not mccain or obama. But what i see Mccain and sarah palin will be worse for us.

that is a mistake maybe you should read my column on Obama.


Junior Member
no vote is a vote

I am not from US, so I don't have to decide, who I would vote for. As some of the brothers prefer not to vote, I want to give my opinion on that. There are two possible reasons not to vote:

1. Candidates are equally bad, so my vote will not change anything.
2. Candidates are equally good, so it does not matter who I vote for.

I am sure most of the brothers actually have reason 1 in mind, when they decide not to vote. However, as one of the candidates is always elected, in practical terms you are actually saying, "they are equally good". Although you think, they are equally bad, by not voting you are implying, they are equally good. I am not saying it is bad not to vote. However, we should be aware of its implications.



Salaam Sister,

How can a Muslim (or anyone) vote for an aggressive, vicious, corrupt & hypocritical system? "Involve ourselves for the betterment of their society"?? They kick us out of their cameras, send anti-Islamic DVDs in our mails, and you still want involvement?


Reading your post i can't resist not to ask you:" Don't you think we are already involved in all this you mentioned by living in USA, by working in USA, by spending the money that we earn here from them on our family, education...ect.,.... ??? I Mean, if you really think like this, what's the point for you living here ( if you are here ) ?

And yes, i agree with sister muslimah .


Junior Member
:salam2: I got my US citizenship within the last two years (can't remember when exactly... it's all a blur, lol,, old age :) ).... i was very much looking forward to voting and helping get bush out of the white house..... anyone is better than him! however, after months and months of watching obama and mccain, i decided not to vote for either.... plus it would have meant trouble for me to register and vote from paris, where i live now..... i do hope obama wins simply because mccain wants to stay in iraq another 100 years! however, i don't think obama is going to answer all our problems either.... and at this rate, any half way decent black man that is outspoken in the usa eventually gets bumped off (malcolm x, martin luther king jr) and the plots have already begun against obama..... biden is okay but i nearly hurled when i heard him say in the vp debate... "there has been no better friend to israel than me!".... that right there was about enough of american politics for me :)



Junior Member
Why Vote?

We should not find emotional answers to social issues... an "islamic approach" is the way forward....

if you have to choose between "greater evil" and "lesser evil", you should try to stop the greater evil... this is the islamic law... we should try to bring change than think about making change....

Jamal Badawi answers to the question....

SS: I understand that you said you did not want to give a Fatwa (Islamic legal verdict) of any sort but can you perhaps share your understanding, very briefly, going back to the original question, more specifically: a. should Muslims vote b. should Muslims run for political office and c. should they support candidates, Muslim or otherwise in the current political system in North American, in the US and Canada?

JB: On the first question I don't need to give verdict because many scholars, like the names I mentioned earlier, are of the opinion that if a person is doing that within the boundaries and the precautions that you can speak about then there is no harm if indeed it falls within these basic rules of Shariah. That the voting is likely to bring greater benefit or remove greater harm.

I'll just give you one specific example. Suppose you have two candidates for president, for example. Both of them might be not even sympathetic to just Muslim causes, suppose. In most cases that is actually the situation.

However, in terms of relative harm and benefit which is a rule of Shariah it may be the collective wisdom, for example, of Muslim voters that one of them would do even greater harm to Muslim causes than the other. Do you see what I mean?

Well in that case, obviously, the lesser of the two harms, i.e. electing or voting for someone who will do less harm to Muslims obviously would be much better than sitting on the sidelines and just criticizing both and doing nothing about it. Having no clout or no use of the Muslim voting power to minimize the harm that is being done to Muslims whether in North America or overseas.

By the way, it's not all a matter of overseas. Suppose two presidential candidates who are hostile, even, to Muslim candidates but one of them may be more inclined on the basis of the principles of democracy and American constitution to repeal the Secret Evidence Act which has terrorized many innocent people, for example, I'm just giving a practical example of the things that are current even in the news.

Is it better to try to remove some of that harm than just sitting there and being totally apathetic to what is going on? So yes, in terms of our best judgment, if that is beneficial, yes we can vote, no problem. ..........


Reading your post i can't resist not to ask you:" Don't you think we are already involved in all this you mentioned by living in USA, by working in USA, by spending the money that we earn here from them on our family, education...ect.,.... ??? I Mean, if you really think like this, what's the point for you living here ( if you are here ) ?

And yes, i agree with sister muslimah .


Yes, I do live in America. Yes, I do use the money I earn for my family, education, etc. Do you think I'm satisfied with money or what I do? I do not worship money. I could careless if I was making $100,000 or $10,000. Happiness is relative. True freedom comes from inside the soul. That's where we are really free.

It sounds good on paper when people mention America is "the home of the free," however, I do not feel this inside of me. Are you content with your own complacency when the rest of our brothers & sisters in the world are being oppressed? No one is free when others are oppressed. This is how I feel inside. I feel like a prisoner of my body.

I did not make the decision to come over here. I was a baby. The only reason I'm here now is because this is where Allah Azza Wa Jal (God Almighty) wants me to be, I'm not somewhere else because Allah does not want me to be there. I don't know my future, maybe inshallah I will move to a Muslim country. I've been contemplating this recently.

So I guess maybe you can say I'm here in America because I'm trying give da'wah and/or educate myself so I can go back to a Muslim country and help my brethrens.
:salam2: sister muslimah thats exactly my point. Not voting at all is wrong. I know a lot of pakistani who dont want to vote cause they say obama will bomb pakistan. And Mccain they hate. But Mccain can do much more harm to muslims then obama in my point of view.
I am not from US, so I don't have to decide, who I would vote for. As some of the brothers prefer not to vote, I want to give my opinion on that. There are two possible reasons not to vote:

1. Candidates are equally bad, so my vote will not change anything.
2. Candidates are equally good, so it does not matter who I vote for.

I am sure most of the brothers actually have reason 1 in mind, when they decide not to vote. However, as one of the candidates is always elected, in practical terms you are actually saying, "they are equally good". Although you think, they are equally bad, by not voting you are implying, they are equally good. I am not saying it is bad not to vote. However, we should be aware of its implications.



Good analysis, but I believe there is also a 3rd option. It's a win-win situation for Muslims! At the end only Muslims & those who believe in righteousness will be victorious. Truth always prevails & falsehood always gets destroyed. Whatever evil plot each make, they will make a fatal mistake that will cripple & bring the system down. What goes up, must come down. It's the gravity rule. Look at the history of the great empires of the world. This is pre-known to Allah swt.


Strength in Unity
Salaam Sister,

No matter who you vote for they'll still continue to kill our innocent brothers & sisters in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria and still label us "Al Qaeda" "Taliban" "Terrorist" "Insurgent" "Militant" "Radical" "Extremist"....this is shocking!

How can a Muslim (or anyone) vote for an aggressive, vicious, corrupt & hypocritical system? "Involve ourselves for the betterment of their society"?? They kick us out of their cameras, send anti-Islamic DVDs in our mails, and you still want involvement?


True, they do that. Too much propaganda.



Islam is my life
Staff member
salam aleikum
I hate politics and any debates about politics ,but since we already living in this country ,just my personal opinion is that Muslims have to vote,because for the future of their children .We should not just say ,I dont care who win .Yes we have to care ,even if many of us hate to be here ,as I do ,still we live here ,and we have to vote ...ahd we have to care .
If I was able to vote I would vote for Obama ,only because I think he knows muslims better,because his father or family or I dont know were Muslims ,and who knows if he is from such a background may be one day he will become a Muslim...
We should stop getting upset at the whole world ,instead should try our best to make it better...

waaleikum salam


Junior Member

Good analysis, but I believe there is also a 3rd option. It's a win-win situation for Muslims! At the end only Muslims & those who believe in righteousness will be victorious. Truth always prevails & falsehood always gets destroyed. Whatever evil plot each make, they will make a fatal mistake that will cripple & bring the system down. What goes up, must come down. It's the gravity rule. Look at the history of the great empires of the world. This is pre-known to Allah swt.

Allah said, “Verily Allah will never change the condition of a people until they change themselves” (13:11)

We should not leave everything to Allah... we should change our condition when we could...

An islamic approach... see what renowned scholar Jamal Badawi says...

Suppose you have two candidates for president, for example. Both of them might be not even sympathetic to just Muslim causes, suppose. In most cases that is actually the situation.

However, in terms of relative harm and benefit which is a rule of Shariah it may be the collective wisdom, for example, of Muslim voters that one of them would do even greater harm to Muslim causes than the other. Do you see what I mean?

Well in that case, obviously, the lesser of the two harms, i.e. electing or voting for someone who will do less harm to Muslims obviously would be much better than sitting on the sidelines and just criticizing both and doing nothing about it.

Is it better to try to remove some of that harm than just sitting there and being totally apathetic to what is going on? So yes, in terms of our best judgment, if that is beneficial, yes we can vote, no problem. ..........

Obama and Mccain do not have 100% same policy towards muslim causes...
the election is not about anti-islamic dvds or anti-islam propaganda... muslim-haters will always be there.... From a muslim's viewpoint, the election is about who is less of a "menace" to us... who will harm us less... vote and eliminate the one who is "greater harm" to the muslim world...


Junior Member

I guesswhat we are arguing is why should we vote. but i don't understand why shouldn't we vote. It's true that any US candidate will continue the war on terrerosim which mainly kills innocent muslims, and they will continue to support the aggressive actions of Israel. i understand when a muslim says why would i vote. But we should vote. although we don't agree with their foreign policies, i think it's worth taking the risk. In one hand you have the bush policies, which is mainly attack first and then ask questions. on the other hand, you have this new candidate who is willing to sit down with his enemy, and end the iraq war. there are many reasons why need to vote, voting is way to send a message to the candidate and tell him where you stand on the issues. Muslims living in America lost their jobs because of the failed economy and i think Obama has the best economy plans. so there are many reasons why it think people should vote. especially muslims, we can't afford another Bush maniac to control the white house. so we either sit and see who wins, because one of them will win, or we chose the lesser of the two evils.

voting for a candidate doesn't mean you are supporting his polices, is just that you are affording the other guy to who is more evil to be in controll. In minnesota they elected the first muslim congressman, i think that is a forward step we took, so PLZ don't tell other people not to vote. we can elect another muslim congressman just like the jews have done. so muslim i encourage you to vote for Obama. not because his middle name is a muslim but his polices are much better then mccains.
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