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Always Alhamdulilah
If I lived in US and could vote i would Vote for OBAMA.. i've read about him and he's great...I think his mother is a MUSLIM---
He don't talk about islam, because he knows how to pay attention to the americans!!

Also because he is against the war in IRAQ..!!
so what do u say?



Striving for Paradise
If Obama was a (secret) Muslim or he had any sympathy with Muslims then he could not have risen to this place where he is right now. This is America we are talking about, where FreeMasons and Illuminatis rule supreme. He is one of them otherwise he wouldn't even become a state (local) senator.

I have voted for Bush in 2000 and Kerry in 2004. They both turned out to be "Skull and Bone" guys, they both belong to this Lucifarian cult. So this time I am not going to vote for any one. Maybe I will just vote for Nader just to increase his vote count by 1. :lol:

Here is an article from Prof. James Petras

Twelve Reasons to Reject Obama

1. Obama publicly and repeatedly promises to escalate the US military intervention in Afghanistan, increasing the number of US troops, expanding their operations and engaging in systematic cross-border attacks. In other words, Obama is a greater warmonger than Bush.

2. Obama publicly has declared that his regime will extend the ‘war against terrorism’ by systematic, large-scale ground and air attacks on Pakistan, thus escalating the war to include villages, towns and cities deemed sympathetic to the Afghan resistance.

3. Obama opposes the withdrawal of US troops in Iraq in favor of redeployment; the relocation of US troops from combat zones to training and logistical positions, contingent on the military capability of the Iraqi Army to defeat the resistance. Obama opposes a clearly defined deadline to withdraw US forces from Iraq because US troops in Iraq are essential to pursuing his overall policies in the Middle East, which include military confrontations with Iran, Syria and Southern Lebanon.

4. Obama has declared his unconditional support for the position of the pro-Israel Lobby and the colonial expansionist and bellicose policies of the Jewish state. He has promised to back Israeli military attacks whatever the cost to the US. His abject servility to Israel was evident in his speech at the annual AIPAC conference in Washington 2008. Top advisers who have long and notorious links to the top echelons of the principle Zionist propaganda mills and the Presidents of the Leading Jewish American Organizations wrote the speech and formulate his Middle East policy.

5. Obama has promised to attack Iran if it continues to process uranium for its nuclear programs. Twice, just weeks before the elections, Obama’s running mate Joseph Biden spelled out a series of ‘points of conflict’ (including Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia and North Korea) emphasizing that Obama ‘would respond forcefully’. Obama’s senior Middle East advisers include leading Zionists like Dennis Ross, closely linked to the ‘Bipartisan Policy Center’, which published a report serving as a blueprint for war with Iran. Obama’s proposed offer to negotiate with Iran is little more than a pretext for issuing an ultimatum to Iran to surrender its sovereignty or face massive military assault.

6. Obama unconditionally supports Israel’s expulsion of Palestinians and the expansion of Jewish settlements in the West Bank, the leading cause of Middle East hostility, warfare and the discredit of US policy in the region. With three dozen Israel-Firsters among his leading campaign organizers, top policy advisers, speech writers and among the likely candidates for cabinet positions, there is virtually no hope of ‘influencing from within’ or ‘applying popular pressure’ to change Obama’s slavish submission to the Zionist Power Configuration. By supporting Obama, the “progressive intellectuals” are, in effect, allies of his Zionist mentors.

7. On the domestic front, Obama’s key economic advisers have impeccable Wall Street credentials. He gave unquestioning and immediate endorsement to Treasury Secretary Paulson’s $700 billion dollar taxpayer bailout of the richest investment banks in the US. Obama has failed to challenge Paulson or the banks over the use of Federal funds for buyouts and acquisitions instead of loans and credit to producers and homeowners. Obama’s backing of Paulson and the Wall Street bailout is matched by his meager proposals to suspend mortgage foreclosures for a three-month period, pending re-negotiations of interest payments. Obama proposes to escalate transfers of government funds to mismanaged financial institutions and bankrupt capitalist corporations, in efforts to save failed capitalism rather than pursue any new large-scale, long-term public investment programs which will generate well-paid employment for workers.

8. Obama’s economic team has openly declared their embrace and practice of ‘free market’ ideology and opposition to any effort to engage in large-scale injections of government funds in publicly-owned productive activity and social services in the face of wide-spread private sector failure, corruption and collapse.

9. Obama embraces failed private sector health plans, run and controlled by corporate insurance companies, conservative medical and hospital associations and Big Pharma. He publicly rejects a universal national health program modeled after the successful Federal Medicare program in favor of inefficient, state-subsidized private for profit plans that are costly and beyond the means of over one third of US families.

10. Obama is and continues to be an advocate for Big Agro and its highly subsidized and profitable ethanol program, which has increased food prices for millions in the US and for hundreds of millions in the world.

11. Obama advocates continuing the criminal embargo on Cuba, hostile confrontation with Venezuela’s populist President Chavez and other Latin American reformers and the duplicitous policy of promoting protectionism at home and free market access to Latin America. His key policy advicers on Latin America propose cosmetic changes in style and diplomacy but unrelenting support for re-asserting US hegemony.

12. Obama has not proposed, nor do his free market advisers and billionaire financial backers envision, any comprehensive plan or strategy to get us out of the deepening recession. On the contrary, the course of piecemeal measures presented by Obama are internally inconsistent: Fiscal austerity is incompatible with job creation; bailing out Wall Street drains funds from productive investment; and pursuing new wars undermine domestic recovery.

Read in more detail here: http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=10749

I am not saying that one shouldn't vote in the elections, I am just saying that voting wouldn't change anything. The Illuminati plan will go on no matter who goes into the White House. I believe Obama in his first year will do the next 9/11 (even though I pray that it doesn't happen), and then the next phase will begin.


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Staff member
As-salaamu `alaykum.

Maashaa Allaah, in today`s khutbah at the masjid, the Imaam reminded us that the kuffaar will never help us. He cited some examples to demonstrate what he meant, that we need to help ourselves as Muslims and not rely upon the false notion that help is going to come from Allaah without our own effort. He stressed following the sunnah, citing an example when some companions were facing difficulties in a war and requested the khaleefah , `Umar, for some reinforcements. He instead told them to look at what sunnah of the Prophet (sall-Allaahu `alayhi wasallam) they've abandoned, and that they only lose aid from Allaah by leaving off a sunnah... The khateeb also mentioned how useless it is to ask for the kuffaar for help in affairs that concern the Muslims in general. Maashaa' Allaah, he is right.

Further yet, the upright `Ullemaa' have differed on voting. Many of them say that you should not participate in democratic-elections, due to the system being of kufr, whereas the other scholars say that you should vote if by voting for a certain candidate, harm will be removed from the Muslims. I remind my US brothers and sisters to reflect on the issue before voting, considering what real benefits you will gain. I can't think of a case where the Muslims have benefited from electing a certain president, can you? And if you decide to vote, then remember to go for whoever is better for the Muslims!!!



Junior Member
politics or mess??

Well, democrats are slightly better than "blood-sucking and war-mongering" republicans.....

as for the palestine problem, neither democrats or republicans are interested in solving it....

obama did say he will "attack pakistan and get bin laden", it is highly unlikely that he will do that...
mccain is more likely to continue bush's policies....


Striving for Paradise
As-salaamu `alaykum.

I remind my US brothers and sisters to reflect on the issue before voting, considering what real benefits you will gain. I can't think of a case where the Muslims have benefited from electing a certain president, can you? And if you decide to vote, then remember to go for whoever is better for the Muslims!!!


Bill Clinton was good to Muslims, he started inviting Muslims in the WhiteHouse during Ramadan for Iftar and on Eid etc. I think Carter was a decent and non-violent man.
So Sister Muslimah-2k8 is right in saying that Democrats have shown in the past that they are slightly less "blood-sucking and war-mongering" than republicans.
At the same time I fear that this time it would be different. But Allah knows best.


Striving for Paradise

Check this out brother Munawar:

Republican Ron Paul said the real wasted vote is voting for one of the two parties and not for what you want.

Source: http://www.opednews.com/articles/1/Ron-Paul-Press-Conference-by-Kevin-Zeese-080910-177.html

I urge everyone to read the above article. It'll open minds up.

Yes brother that is why I wrote in my previous post:
I have voted for Bush in 2000 and Kerry in 2004. They both turned out to be "Skull and Bone" guys, they both belong to this Lucifarian cult. So this time I am not going to vote for any one. Maybe I will just vote for Nader just to increase his vote count by 1.



Junior Member
As-salaamu `alaykum.

Maashaa Allaah, in today`s khutbah at the masjid, the Imaam reminded us that the kuffaar will never help us. He cited some examples to demonstrate what he meant, that we need to help ourselves as Muslims and not rely upon the false notion that help is going to come from Allaah without our own effort. He stressed following the sunnah, citing an example when some companions were facing difficulties in a war and requested the khaleefah , `Umar, for some reinforcements. He instead told them to look at what sunnah of the Prophet (sall-Allaahu `alayhi wasallam) they've abandoned, and that they only lose aid from Allaah by leaving off a sunnah... The khateeb also mentioned how useless it is to ask for the kuffaar for help in affairs that concern the Muslims in general. Maashaa' Allaah, he is right.

Further yet, the upright `Ullemaa' have differed on voting. Many of them say that you should not participate in democratic-elections, due to the system being of kufr, whereas the other scholars say that you should vote if by voting for a certain candidate, harm will be removed from the Muslims. I remind my US brothers and sisters to reflect on the issue before voting, considering what real benefits you will gain. I can't think of a case where the Muslims have benefited from electing a certain president, can you? And if you decide to vote, then remember to go for whoever is better for the Muslims!!!


Very well said akhi:ma:


Junior Member

Asalaamu Alaikum Brothers and sisters

I want to say something about American election and Islam,whenever u want to vote from 2 to 1, and to of them not Good 4 Muslims and ur vote is very important what u r going to do?according to our religion get the one that is better than the other one.if u don,t want to vote note bad one will be win,help ur vote from worest to bad.


Servant of Allah

Not vote?? I don't think that is the right approach that Muslims should adopt....

Of course, we should help ourselves but simultaneously Muslims should involve themselves for the betterment of the society....
Muslims should vote and elect a person who is less corrupt and lesser evil and less of a menace to the society....lol

If we don't care about the election, we have to face people like Bush who come to power and become the root cause of devastation across the world...

What do you say folks?

ukhti voting is haram. even if you're voting for the lesser of two evils. here it is:



Servant of Allah
you know this is so funny. you're all so excited about voting for kaffirs. hello have you forgotten that they both will harm you in someway. they are both for killing your brothers and you're excited?! wow. subhanAllah. i'm amazed that you would be excited about voting for two kaffirs, both which take pride in being who they are that they despise others. and besides obama may be less evil then mccain but the man can't even support his grandma, or should i say he won't. and she's an elderly. and you expect him to help you? puh- lease.


Junior Member
there is a difference of opinion among scholars... some say do not vote at all...
some say vote to eliminate the worst guy for muslims... i have earlier posted jamal badawi's opinion...
:salam2: brother palestine i disagree with you . Sarah palin says islam does not exist. For a person like that to kill muslims means nothing. Such a person should never be in the white house. I know obama is not for muslims but atleast he is not as bad as sarah palin. Unless you live in palestine and i feel you see blood shed all the time and for you i feel is more like you have lost hope. I feel it is important to vote for someone who wont harm muslims like mccain and sarah palin


Servant of Allah
i'm actually not palestinian nor do i live in palestine sister. and i'm a sister as well. but as i said before it would not benefit either of us to vote for either of them. why? because if one of the them changes their mind and decides to kill a muslim because they don't have iman, then you and i would be sinning becuase our vote counts for them. however each person is an individual and can vote for whom they like. but as for me i'm not going to vote for anyone. asalamu alaykum sister


Junior Member
salam to all

Are you content with your own complacency when the rest of our brothers & sisters in the world are being oppressed? No one is free when others are oppressed. This is how I feel inside. I feel like a prisoner of my body.

I love it what u wrotte brother/sister. I just love to see there are muslims who r thinking like that.... but u r nor right by saying no one is free when others are oppressed cuz the most of them (non-muslims) and us do not give a damn about the oppressed ones....

I think everyone is free in his decission whether to vote or not to vote but I would´t vote... no matter who will get ellectet the foreign policy of the US will not change....


Junior Member

When one votes for a party, it does not necessarily mean that one agrees completely with their beliefs and ideologies, rather the intention is that the candidate (or party) will be of help to the whole community.

“If people see an oppressor and don’t prevent him, then it is very likely that Allah will include all of them in the punishment.” (Sunan Tirmidhi & Sunan Abu Dawud)

“If a believer is being humiliated in front of a individual, and he despite having the capability of preventing this humiliation, abstains from doing so, Allah will him humiliate him (on the day of resurrection) in the presence of all the creation.” (Jam al-Fawa’id, 2/51)

Personally, I believe one should exercise the right to vote because by not voting you are just making the opressors more powerful. The day will come in the history of Islam when every Muslim vote will make a difference. Contribute in whatever way you can. Show them that your vote counts. I ask you to make yourself and your community so powerful that people come and ask your opinion before making policies. Raise your economy and knowledge as the Muslims can achieve a real future only with an economic concept, not with anarchic violence.

This world is as much for the Muslims as it is for those of other faiths.

The another question that what if we don't agree with their ideology so why become party in it...Let us put it this way...if you are living in a Non-Muslim country where at least the ideologies and beliefs of the relevant parties are contrary to the teachings of Islam), then the vote should be given to the one who is the better and more trustworthy than the other candidates.


I dont vote. Everybody is just out to win and still nothing gets done. Either way it goes, muslims will still be dying and people like me who are struggling will only get worse. With the economic crisis, they have millions to spend on an election and not give to those who need.

It will make history if Obama wins, the first black president, one for the history books. Just my two cents.:hearts:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
you know this is so funny. you're all so excited about voting for kaffirs. hello have you forgotten that they both will harm you in someway. they are both for killing your brothers and you're excited?! wow. subhanAllah. i'm amazed that you would be excited about voting for two kaffirs, both which take pride in being who they are that they despise others. and besides obama may be less evil then mccain but the man can't even support his grandma, or should i say he won't. and she's an elderly. and you expect him to help you? puh- lease.

I share same thoughts with the sister above.
I think if we should vote then we should vote only for people in our community where we know we as muslims would benefit from it. But here I am not sying it is halal.We do not have any benefits from these elections not does our brothers oversees. So u all should put it in your mind VOTING FOR ONE OR OTHER WILL BE OF NO BENEFIT FOR MUSLIMS!!!!!!!!!!

Can someone tell me how we would benefit from these elections ,here in the USA??????????

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