Why No Help?

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There is always a method to the madness in the way this government works, and if you think any differently, then you are either very young or you don't get out much. Mainstream media is so wharped here, I feel like I am living under a dictatorship!


:SMILY303: Funny but very serious too. If you think outside the box then you are considered someone "strange." Digging a little deeper - this all starts from a very young age. When these people start pledging to the flag in elementary school, middle school and high school, you build nationalistic views, which in turn controls people's brains and if you don't conform with the societies norm then you are seen as an outcast. What a sad society.


Info Warrior
Americans have always been portrayed as materialistic, selfish and confrontational. The following article is surprising if not apauling.

A Gulf in Giving: Oil-Rich States Starve the World Food Program

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and his top lieutenants on Monday are convening the first meeting of the U.N.’s Task Force on the Global Food Crisis. Ban says it will “study the root causes of the crisis,” and propose solutions for “coordinated global action” at a summit of world leaders in June.

Ban might want to consider convincing the oil-rich nations of the Middle East to provide more than the near-invisible amount of money they currently give to the World Food Program (WFP), the U.N.’s food-giving arm, which is charged with alleviating the food crisis.

WFP internal documents show that the major oil producing nations of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) gives almost nothing to the food organization, even as skyrocketing oil prices and swollen oil revenues contribute to the very crisis that the U.N. claims could soon add 100 million more people to the world’s starving masses.

The overwhelming bulk of the burden in feeding the world’s starving poor remains with the United States and a small group of other predominately Western nations, a situation that the WFP has done little so far to change, even as it has asked for another $775 million in donations to ease the crisis.

Donor listings on WFP’s website show that this year, as in every year since 1999, the U.S. is far and away the biggest aid provider to WFP. Since 2001, U.S. donations to the food agency have averaged more than $1.16 billion annually — or more than five times as much as the next biggest donor, the European Commission.

Click here to see WFP's donor lists from 2001 to 2007.

This year, the U.S. had contributed $362.7 million to WFP just through May 4, according to the website. That figure does not include another $250 million above the planned yearly contribution that was promised by President George W. Bush in the wake of WFP’s April warning that a “silent tsunami” of rising food costs would add dramatically to the world population living in hunger. Nor does it include another $770 million in food aid that President Bush has asked Congress to provide as soon as possible.

On the other hand, Saudi Arabia, with oil revenues last year of $164 billion, does not even appear on the website donor list for 2008.

Click here to see the 2008 donor list.

And while Canada, Australia, Western Europe and Japan have hastened to pony up an additional $260 million in aid since WFP’s latest appeal, the world organization told FOX News, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), the international oil cartel, tossed in a grand total of $1.5 million in addition to the $50,000 it had previously donated.

The OPEC total amounts to roughly one minute and 10 seconds worth of the organization’s estimated $674 billion in annual oil revenues in 2007 — revenues that will be vastly exceeded in 2008 with the continuing spiral in world oil prices.

The only other major oil exporter who made the WFP list of 2008 donors was the United Arab Emirates, which kicked in $50,000. UAE oil revenues in 2007 were $63 billion.

By contrast, the poverty-stricken African republic of Burkina Faso is listed as donating more than $600,000, and Bangladesh, perennial home of many of the world’s hungriest people, is listed as donating nearly $5.8 million.

Well I was working on a column that was on a similiar topic so I will try to keep this brief. Just from the language in this article it is easy to see that this article is nothing more than a hit piece on the OPEC countries. They are the ones always blamed for high oil prices and being that boogey man oligopoly. However it is the Anglo-American oil cartel that really controls oil prices through a multitude of ways. 1) Lets look at speculation these hedge funds. These are highly risky and highly speculative investments. These traders buy and sell back and forth oil futures literally thousands of times thus driving up the price of oil. Former Chancellor of Germany Gerhardt Schoeder said " the hedge funds are responsible for at approximately 50% of the price of oil. The price of a barrel of oil is somewhere around 120 dollars, so fix the speculators and suddenly oil is affordable again or at least beginning to be affordable. 2) Peak-Oil. Peakniks as I call them go back to their guru M. King Hubert at Royal Dutch Shell. One interesting thing to note is that he writes what Lord Victor Rothschild who tells King Hubert what to write. This is the same Rothschild of the infamous banking dynasty. Keep this in mind Peak oil is not an empirical survey of the world's oil fields that says how much oil is left. It is quite the opposite it is a metaphysical statement that says eventually oil will run out. No one has ever checked their code to see if that peak has already happened, will happen in a year, 2 years, or a hundred years. Another thing that should be noted is Soviet science because the Russians have an absolutely fantastic science tradition. They say that oil is not biotic in origin and is constantly being produced deep within the earth. 3) The phony environmental movement was financed by the Anglo-american oil cartel. Of course the environmental movement lobbied congress to make it more difficult to build new refineries and eventually nuclear reactors. It would eventually become nearly impossible to build new refineries. The reason for not building more refineries is to restrict supplies and drive up the price of gasoline. This mostly a western issue though.


since the mid 1970's with Henry Kissinger authored National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) The US has openly followed genocidal policies. NSSM 200 states the most populous countries are represent a clear and present danger to the US because they are going to use our oil, our food etc. The US would now deny developing countries access to oil and they discontinued Dwight Eisenhower's Peaceful Atoms program which encouraged the development of nuclear power around the world as long as that country wasn't allied with the Soviet Union. But now US policy is completely and totally Malthusian towards the third world especially when you look at global warming coupled with peak oil. Man made global warming is a fraud that is being used ultimately for population control. It prevents the third world from developing and posing a challenge to US/UK world domination.


9/11 Synthetic Terror Made In USA by Webster Griffin Tarpley
George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography by Webster Griffin Tarpley
Surviving The Cataclysm by Webster Griffin Tarpley
A Century of War: Anglo American Oil Politics and the New World Order
by F. William Engdahl
Secrecy or Freedom by A.B. Jones
How The World Really Works by A.B. Jones


Servant of Allah
What does this have to do with providing food to the poor? America doesn't condone bulldozing homes down, the aid that we give Isreal isn't so the bulldozers can evict people.

waterdrop, you may think that america doesn't condone bulldozing but honestly they do. i do not hate americans as their are many muslim ones and also kind non muslims but in reality sis America provides $5 billion of aid to israel. and that money is used to buy weapons of mass destruction to destroy palestinians. i ask you to do one thing- go look at a map and look up palestine on it. u won't find it cause it has been taken of the map. but muslims all know where palestine is. they are cut off from food, water, and so many other things. women are raped and killed by zionists who are israelis. they give the world a picture, a fake picture of themselves portraying peace when they actually do committ terrorism. yes the rich oil countries are being selfish- but america and israel are always giving fake smiles while at the same time killing innocent civilians. how do i know? cause they have destroyed my homeland too. shut down communication places, and targeted innocent people as being terrorists. so AMERICA AND ISRAEL ARE THE REAL TERRORISTS. just being honest sis.


Junior Member
I agree, Jazak Allahu Khair, Brother Taxhonesty. Dear Waterdrop, I highly encourage you to tune into NPR radio sometimes in the afternoon to get a different perspective on things. The rulers of this country are war-mongers and bullies and they want to control the rest of the world. It is okay for Israel to have nuclear weapons and occupy and torture a Palestinian nation, Muslim and Christian. But, that is okay, it is our dear ally and best friend, Israel!! However, the US wants to dictate to Iran that they are not allowed nuclear weapons. Here we have two countries, US and Israel who constantly disobey UN rulings trying to dictate what the rest of the world does, it is pathetic. When the tanks are approaching the Palestinians to bomb them or bulldoze their homes, they say "Made in America". This country is a military country and flag waving and pin wearing are all part of the nationalistic propaganda. "War on Terror" => control the oil industry in the Middle East and heroin trafficking from Afghanistan.
"War on Drugs" => control drug trafficking and put profit from dealers hands into hands of government...... Every time they declare a "war" on something, the situation gets worse. There were no "terrorists" in Iraq before the US went in there!!! The heroin trade was not thriving in the US like it is now until they went into Afghanistan. The US wants to bully the whole world and keep the poorest and disadvantaged minorities in its own country down and suppressed. God forbid should they declare "War on Aids"....... they will be targeting another sector(s) to obliterate. When a young kid, all starry eyed and after years of flag waving and pin wearing, signs up to join the military and make his dad proud, little does he know what he is really getting himself into. Training to feel rage and hatred and carry out missions blindly without question, murdering men, women and children. No wonder they come back and some murder their wives or others commit suicide or go insane. If you could have heard "Winter Soldier" on non profit radio.... stories from soldiers returned from Iraq and the horrifics of what they were instructed to do right from the horse's mouth. There is nothing noble about any of these "causes" or "wars" the US is involved in, rest assured. I know there are a lot of really good Americans out there, but few know the real truth as they have been brainwashed by patriotical bull.... since they were in kindergarten.


Junior Member
salam alaykum

america america america...oh how GENEROUS you are AMERICA....you do realise all this money that is given to poor countries are burdened with never ending debts....its funny you mention the facts come from the UN which actually is controlled by AMERICA...its headcourters are there as well....why should we care what america gives the damage it did in many countries past and present far outweights their so called GENEROSITY.
and GOD will not anyway accept their "GENEROSITY" .


very well said sister. I agree with u



What does this have to do with providing food to the poor? America doesn't condone bulldozing homes down, the aid that we give Isreal isn't so the bulldozers can evict people.

waterdrop, you may think that america doesn't condone bulldozing but honestly they do. i do not hate americans as their are many muslim ones and also kind non muslims but in reality sis America provides $5 billion of aid to israel. and that money is used to buy weapons of mass destruction to destroy palestinians.

I'm sorry but Giving aid to Isreal does not equal evil. This also has nothing to do with International food aid. Many here have skipped that detail.

i ask you to do one thing- go look at a map and look up palestine on it. u won't find it cause it has been taken of the map. but muslims all know where palestine is. they are cut off from food, water, and so many other things.

Then perhaps Muslim countries should take them in and help them. Not too many Muslim countries are offering space to live. There is only one way the palastinians will get Isreal back, unfortunatly it is the destruction of one side or the other.

women are raped and killed by zionists who are israelis. they give the world a picture, a fake picture of themselves portraying peace when they actually do committ terrorism.

Don't think for a minute that Isreal is the only group that does things wrong. That's where many from the West turn a blind eye to your "plight".

yes the rich oil countries are being selfish- but america and israel are always giving fake smiles while at the same time killing innocent civilians.

You won't get an argument from me concerning greed. America, Isreal AND Muslim countries are drowning in Greed. The older I get the more I see Greed take over the world. It's been with us forever, but It seems to be getting worse exponentially. Unfortunatly no religion or country is innocent.

how do i know? cause they have destroyed my homeland too. shut down communication places, and targeted innocent people as being terrorists. so AMERICA AND ISRAEL ARE THE REAL TERRORISTS. just being honest sis.

Like many here say terrorist is a relative term. I support giving Isreal aid as long as it does not hamper my homeland. I don't hate any group and don't get caught up in the religious side of it.


Junior Member
Like many here say terrorist is a relative term. I support giving Isreal aid as long as it does not hamper my homeland. I don't hate any group and don't get caught up in the religious side of it.

Waterdrop - I am sorry, I can't believe you just said that! You support giving aid to Israel as long as it does not hamper your homeland.... how incredibly selfish...... but you are a product of the US, are you not? This country is a country of self-interest and this rings true in your words.... Wow, I am just floored.... religion aside, you support the state of Israel in its mission of exterminating the Palestinians, MUSLIMS and CHRISTIANS, by the way.... You don't mind that the State of Israel completely occupies the entire country of Palestine and makes their lives, if they are allowed to live, a complete misery every single day? Israel tortures, rapes and murders innocent Palestinians, religion aside, every single day, cruelly and coldly and systematically. But is okay by you as long as it does not affect you putting bread and butter on your table? Listen, I agree with you, if the 1.5 billion Muslims and all the Muslim countries of this world banded together, surely we could fix this problem and create a proper Palestinian state, peacefully, and it is a shame and disgrace that we cannot get our act together to do so. However, it is not always about Muslim vs Jew..... there are many Palestinian Christians being tortured and killed, too. Palestine was the home of Jesus, born in Bethlehem and living in Nazereth. It is a matter of human decency to care about our fellow human-being, regardless of skin colour or creed. This is what our beloved Prophets, peace be upon them, Abraham, Jesus and Mohammed and all the rest were trying to teach us.

Also, don't be fooled into thinking "it does not hamper my homeland"...... Why do you think 9/11 happened? Do you really believe those "terrorists" were envious of America's footloose and fancy free society!!! What a crock that Bush and Co. fed those poor fools who believe that!! Those people had one thing in common, they were not religious fanatics.... no, they were furious with the USA in their support of the terrorist state of Israel and military presence in the holy lands of Saudi Arabia.... that is what brought them together, even though their mission was wrong and misguided in my opinion. The killing of innocents anywhere is wrong. However, this "hampered" your homeland and America's blind support of Israel continues to put its citizens at risk every day, unfortunately. Sad thing is, most of them don't even understand it and have no idea that Israel was created in 1948 and before that, Israel was Palestine..... And then you have those born again Christians who blindly support Israel as they are trying to bring on the "raptures".... they are told by their preachers not to question Israel's treatment of the Palestinians but give Israel money to make the "raptures" begin.... It sounds ridiculous, but it is sad but true. What a hoax and the Israelis must be laughing all the way to the bank when the idiots sitting in their trailer park in Mississippi or wherever make a collection for Israel!! What a country!!!!!

Waterdrop, I pray that some of this may register with you, that the Almighty will open your eyes and you begin to think about things with more compassion for our fellow human-beings all over the world.


Like many here say terrorist is a relative term. I support giving Isreal aid as long as it does not hamper my homeland. I don't hate any group and don't get caught up in the religious side of it.
Yes and we do not agree with your relative perspective of it. Thats it !


Junior Member

Did you actually check the list yourself?

Sudan is number 11

Bangledesh 25

Saudi 27

Pakistan 31

Indonesia 32

Turkey 33

Just as reference China is 34

Azerbaigan 37

UAE 38


All those countries gave at least a million dollars.

In fact Sudan gave almost as much as Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, and Australia. All are far wealthier nations, and don't have sanctions imposed on them.

To continue the list.

Egypt 53

Organization of islamic conference 57

Tunisia 71

Jordan 72

for reference Israel is 80

Compared to their GDPs the muslim states and opec in particular are donating a fair bit.Relatively they could be donating a higher percentage as compared to wealthier nations. So the question remains. Why did the author state that opec countries didn't even show up on the list? Maybe because the article is a waste of time?

By the way donating to this program for many of the nations on the list is a hidden subsidy. Instead of governments giving money to farmers and being accused of subsidizing them they do it through these types of programs. But Saudi which has just canceled the wheat harvest because of the lack of water still gives a fair bit. In 2006 it placed 15, ahead of France Italy and Switzerland. All nations are far wealthier.

And i'm wondering if you read my earlier post.


Info Warrior
Like many here say terrorist is a relative term. I support giving Isreal aid as long as it does not hamper my homeland. I don't hate any group and don't get caught up in the religious side of it.

Waterdrop - I am sorry, I can't believe you just said that! You support giving aid to Israel as long as it does not hamper your homeland.... how incredibly selfish...... but you are a product of the US, are you not? This country is a country of self-interest and this rings true in your words.... Wow, I am just floored.... religion aside, you support the state of Israel in its mission of exterminating the Palestinians, MUSLIMS and CHRISTIANS, by the way.... You don't mind that the State of Israel completely occupies the entire country of Palestine and makes their lives, if they are allowed to live, a complete misery every single day? Israel tortures, rapes and murders innocent Palestinians, religion aside, every single day, cruelly and coldly and systematically. But is okay by you as long as it does not affect you putting bread and butter on your table? Listen, I agree with you, if the 1.5 billion Muslims and all the Muslim countries of this world banded together, surely we could fix this problem and create a proper Palestinian state, peacefully, and it is a shame and disgrace that we cannot get our act together to do so. However, it is not always about Muslim vs Jew..... there are many Palestinian Christians being tortured and killed, too. Palestine was the home of Jesus, born in Bethlehem and living in Nazereth. It is a matter of human decency to care about our fellow human-being, regardless of skin colour or creed. This is what our beloved Prophets, peace be upon them, Abraham, Jesus and Mohammed and all the rest were trying to teach us.

Also, don't be fooled into thinking "it does not hamper my homeland"...... Why do you think 9/11 happened? Do you really believe those "terrorists" were envious of America's footloose and fancy free society!!! What a crock that Bush and Co. fed those poor fools who believe that!! Those people had one thing in common, they were not religious fanatics.... no, they were furious with the USA in their support of the terrorist state of Israel and military presence in the holy lands of Saudi Arabia.... that is what brought them together, even though their mission was wrong and misguided in my opinion. The killing of innocents anywhere is wrong. However, this "hampered" your homeland and America's blind support of Israel continues to put its citizens at risk every day, unfortunately. Sad thing is, most of them don't even understand it and have no idea that Israel was created in 1948 and before that, Israel was Palestine..... And then you have those born again Christians who blindly support Israel as they are trying to bring on the "raptures".... they are told by their preachers not to question Israel's treatment of the Palestinians but give Israel money to make the "raptures" begin.... It sounds ridiculous, but it is sad but true. What a hoax and the Israelis must be laughing all the way to the bank when the idiots sitting in their trailer park in Mississippi or wherever make a collection for Israel!! What a country!!!!!

Waterdrop, I pray that some of this may register with you, that the Almighty will open your eyes and you begin to think about things with more compassion for our fellow human-beings all over the world.

9/11 was not pulled off by a bunch of rag tag arabs. It was made in USA no other place not Saudi Arabia, Not Afghanistan, Not Israel ( even though I don't like them.), not even Great Britain. That is all I am going to write for now.



Did you actually check the list yourself?

Sudan is number 11

Bangledesh 25

Saudi 27

Pakistan 31

Indonesia 32

Turkey 33

Just as reference China is 34

Azerbaigan 37

UAE 38


All those countries gave at least a million dollars.

In fact Sudan gave almost as much as Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, and Australia. All are far wealthier nations, and don't have sanctions imposed on them.

To continue the list.

Egypt 53

Organization of islamic conference 57

Tunisia 71

Jordan 72

for reference Israel is 80

Compared to their GDPs the muslim states and opec in particular are donating a fair bit.Relatively they could be donating a higher percentage as compared to wealthier nations. So the question remains. Why did the author state that opec countries didn't even show up on the list? Maybe because the article is a waste of time?

By the way donating to this program for many of the nations on the list is a hidden subsidy. Instead of governments giving money to farmers and being accused of subsidizing them they do it through these types of programs. But Saudi which has just canceled the wheat harvest because of the lack of water still gives a fair bit. In 2006 it placed 15, ahead of France Italy and Switzerland. All nations are far wealthier.

And i'm wondering if you read my earlier post.
JazakAllah khayran brother. Now there is no argument left :)


fair enough, just as I don't believe your perspective is correct. Can't have your cake and eat it too. It works both ways.


Waterdrop - I am sorry, I can't believe you just said that! You support giving aid to Israel as long as it does not hamper your homeland.... how incredibly selfish......

please get off of your high horse. That is the pot calling the kettle black. I've made no secret that I support Isreal's right to exist. Like the topic implies, OPEC countries are incredibly selfish outside of their own people..even then it's debateable.

but you are a product of the US, are you not? This country is a country of self-interest and this rings true in your words.... Wow, I am just floored....

depends on what your opinion of "product' is. I was born here. Does that make me a product? We are all products of something. The innocence you expound is a little self righteous .

religion aside, you support the state of Israel in its mission of exterminating the Palestinians, MUSLIMS and CHRISTIANS, by the way....

Did I say that? Please show me where I said I want the palastinians to be exterminated. This is not a Black and White issue. I support their right to exist in peace.

You don't mind that the State of Israel completely occupies the entire country of Palestine and makes their lives,

Where exactly is the country of palastine?

if they are allowed to live, a complete misery every single day?

perhaps the other countries in the area should help them out. Possibly takes them in. To date no country seems to be willing to do that.

Israel tortures, rapes and murders innocent Palestinians, religion aside, every single day, cruelly and coldly and systematically.

I'm sure it happens, however that happens throught the world and is dispicable. Do the Palastinians do anything wrong?

But is okay by you as long as it does not affect you putting bread and butter on your table?

Supporting Isreal does not mean I support killing. That's like saying since Palastinians homocide bomb people you believe in killing children.

Listen, I agree with you, if the 1.5 billion Muslims and all the Muslim countries of this world banded together, surely we could fix this problem and create a proper Palestinian state, peacefully, and it is a shame and disgrace that we cannot get our act together to do so.

right, it's easier to blame Isreal and the US for all of the problems...trust me, I understand.

However, it is not always about Muslim vs Jew..... there are many Palestinian Christians being tortured and killed, too.


Palestine was the home of Jesus, born in Bethlehem and living in Nazereth. It is a matter of human decency to care about our fellow human-being, regardless of skin colour or creed. This is what our beloved Prophets, peace be upon them, Abraham, Jesus and Mohammed and all the rest were trying to teach us.

I agree, do you think that palastine is acting in accordance with this? Do you think other countries in the area follow these guidlines. One needs only look at Iran to see the answer. My whole point is that it's not a one sided argument.

Also, don't be fooled into thinking "it does not hamper my homeland"...... Why do you think 9/11 happened? Do you really believe those "terrorists" were envious of America's footloose and fancy free society!!! What a crock that Bush and Co. fed those poor fools who believe that!!
Those people had one thing in common, they were not religious fanatics.... no, they were furious with the USA in their support of the terrorist state of Israel and military presence in the holy lands of Saudi Arabia....

No you're getting rediculous. They were religious fanatics and if you remember Saudi "BEGGED" us to protect them. How come The middle east didn't help them?

that is what brought them together, even though their mission was wrong and misguided in my opinion.

really?, just a second ago you validated it..hmmm.

The killing of innocents anywhere is wrong. However, this "hampered" your homeland and America's blind support of Israel continues to put its citizens at risk every day, unfortunately.

so be it, i'm not shaking in my boots everyday. no fear.

Sad thing is, most of them don't even understand it and have no idea that Israel was created in 1948 and before that, Israel was Palestine..... And then you have those born again Christians who blindly support Israel as they are trying to bring on the "raptures".... they are told by their preachers not to question Israel's treatment of the Palestinians but give Israel money to make the "raptures" begin.... It sounds ridiculous, but it is sad but true. What a hoax and the Israelis must be laughing all the way to the bank when the idiots sitting in their trailer park in Mississippi or wherever make a collection for Israel!! What a country!!!!!

wow, your true colors come out. Apparantly if you're a born again christian you are a hick in a trailor park. *sigh*

Waterdrop, I pray that some of this may register with you, that the Almighty will open your eyes and you begin to think about things with more compassion for our fellow human-beings all over the world

I have great compassion, more than you'd ever know. I just think your views are ignorant.



Did you actually check the list yourself?

Sudan is number 11

Bangledesh 25

Saudi 27

Pakistan 31

Indonesia 32

Turkey 33

Just as reference China is 34

Azerbaigan 37

UAE 38


All those countries gave at least a million dollars.

In fact Sudan gave almost as much as Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, and Australia. All are far wealthier nations, and don't have sanctions imposed on them.

To continue the list.

Egypt 53

Organization of islamic conference 57

Tunisia 71

Jordan 72

for reference Israel is 80

Compared to their GDPs the muslim states and opec in particular are donating a fair bit.Relatively they could be donating a higher percentage as compared to wealthier nations. So the question remains. Why did the author state that opec countries didn't even show up on the list? Maybe because the article is a waste of time?

By the way donating to this program for many of the nations on the list is a hidden subsidy. Instead of governments giving money to farmers and being accused of subsidizing them they do it through these types of programs. But Saudi which has just canceled the wheat harvest because of the lack of water still gives a fair bit. In 2006 it placed 15, ahead of France Italy and Switzerland. All nations are far wealthier.

And i'm wondering if you read my earlier post.

noone is debating where they place, rather the amount..
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