Why No Help?

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Junior Member
Well Waterdrop, you think my views are ignorant and I think your views are beyond ignorant. I have lived in three continents and speak four languages and am a proud sponser of ONE.org's campaign to eradicate poverty in Africa. I am a firm believer in justice and I do believe one person can make a difference.

You said you support giving aid to Israel, so therefore you must support what Israel does with this money, logically. Now, you have been made aware of what Israel does with this money, it its treatment of the Palestinians, and that is okay with you. Israel was Palestine pre-1948, did you not know that???? You seem to be completely insensitive to the plight of the Palestinian people, you are asking if the Palestinians are living in accordance to the teachings of Jesus? You are attacking the victim instead of the torturing occupier of their land and homes???? What is the matter with you??

I did not validate or justify what happened on 9/11, I was making the point that it was NOT about being envious of your freedom but about the US blind support of Israel and the US military in Saudi. Studies show that those young men did not even do their obligatory Islamic prayers so just what sort of religious fanatics were they?????

I will not apologize about my comment about born again Christians. That is my own personal experience in Florida. These are largely poor white Americans living below the poverty line but somehow giving 1/10 of their money to the pastor who lives in the luxury home on the water..hmm... and they are taught to blindly support Israel. Palestinians are dehumanized by their pastors so that they do not feel sympathy for the Palestinians, just like you. How else would the plan work?!!!! Turn on the TV in the middle of the night and you see these preachers asking their congregation to fork out some money to help send Jews back to Israel.... Funny thing is, these born agains believe that all Jews are going to Hell for sure, as they "don't come thru Jesus" and so they don't give a genuine toss about Jews sitting in Poland trying to get home really. It is just about fuelling the cause to let the raptures begin and is out of self-interest.... just typical of America!!!

I am glad you have "great compassion", just where do you direct it? It seems to be pretty selective to me and that is simply not right my friend :)

Peace out.


compassion made easy

I have great compassion, more than you'd ever know. I just think your views are ignorant.

Yes we can imagine your "compassion",
if this is your compassion like what you support then we must all agree that Mr. Bush have more compassion then any of us here, directing injustice, inhumanity (hidden sadest).

Like King Nero collecting tears, played flute while Rome was burning



Junior Member
noone is debating where they place, rather the amount..

That argument is not based on reason. Why would you expect a poor country to give as much as a wealthiest nation? It makes zero sense. And where they placed is up to debate, the article you posted said they didn't place at all, even though ALL OF THEM OUT DONATED ISRAEL, which was never mentioned in the article. Very interesting.

Those countries at least in this context of out donated many wealthier nations with far higher GDPs. And most of those nations use the program as a type of subsidy for their own farmers.
depends on what your opinion of "product' is. I was born here. Does that make me a product? We are all products of something. The innocence you expound is a little self righteous .

Supporting Isreal does not mean I support killing. That's like saying since Palastinians homocide bomb people you believe in killing children.

You are a product of oppression. You are oppressed physically, mentally, and spiritually. You are a product of propaganda, whether you like it or not. The media has oppressed your knowledge and freedom to obtain knowledge. You fail to realize that your support and aid (whether direct or indirect) to Israel have waged some of the bloodiest wars in history and it's people like you who are responsible for the worst atrocities and violations of human rights. And Don't tell me the United Nations can help resolve this, because they have similar agendas like you: greed, power, and selfishness.

For example, Palestinians went to the Madrid Conference in October 1991 with the hope that it would lead to the implementation of UN resolutions 242 and 338. Instead, the negotiations took a circuitous route and opened the way to the Oslo Peace Process in 1993. Instead, Oslo led to entrenching the Israeli domination system, the deterioration of Palestinian economic life, increase in the confiscation of their land, and the deepening of their oppression.

It is ironical that so many western Christians support or excuse the state of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians when there are both Christian Israelis and Christian Palestinians who do not! Indeed, the use of the Hebrew Bible by both Zionists and their Christian supporters to justify Zionism, illegal settlements, land confiscations, defiance of international law, humiliation and genocidal policies against the Palestinians, has been said to have turned the Old Testament almost into a modern-day Mein Kampf.
However, it is not always about Muslim vs Jew..... there are many Palestinian Christians being tortured and killed, too.


You tell me if these are debateable...



That argument is not based on reason. Why would you expect a poor country to give as much as a wealthiest nation? It makes zero sense. And where they placed is up to debate, the article you posted said they didn't place at all, even though ALL OF THEM OUT DONATED ISRAEL, which was never mentioned in the article. Very interesting.

Those countries at least in this context of out donated many wealthier nations with far higher GDPs. And most of those nations use the program as a type of subsidy for their own farmers.

*sigh*..go back and read the article. It's stated there.


Junior Member
*sigh*..go back and read the article. It's stated there.

Really? Go read it again and quote me where its stated. It says Opec tossed in 1.5 million. LOL that's from the organization itself not the aggregate donation of all its members.

And i found this interesting fact.

"The kingdom is the world's leading donor of international aid with 5 per cent of GDP devoted to the support of other countries."

South China Morning Post
by Robin Lynam

"In the course of Taiwan's transformation from an agricultural backwater into an industrial powerhouse, Yeh recalled that Taiwan received a total of US2.41bn dollars in development aid from the World Bank, the World Health Organization, the International Development Association, the Asian Development Bank, Japan, the United States and Saudi Arabia."

BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific - Political
Supplied by BBC Worldwide Monitoring
By Sofia Wu

Now i know for a fact you don't have the same information resources as I do. But do you have anything to add? Or just short little statements that only reveal you didn't closely read the article.


Yes we can imagine your "compassion",
if this is your compassion like what you support then we must all agree that Mr. Bush have more compassion then any of us here, directing injustice, inhumanity (hidden sadest).

Like King Nero collecting tears, played flute while Rome was burning


This is not and IF/THEN argument. Weak, very weak and lazy thinking. I don't support the palastinians but I also don't want them dead. I support Isreals right to exist. It's really quite simple. Like I said. The only way they will get their land back is the complete destruction of Isreal, the last time it was tried egypt, Syria and Jordan ran away with their tails between their legs.
if i start this topic will get locked as usual.....:(


first of all forget bout the aid talk bout the wars and the number of nuclear n biological weapons u have.....u give aid as a form of loan not as a form of goodwill,,,loan means u want it back and with INTEREST TOO.....u might b a patriot but i am too OF ISLAM.......u say that muslim countries dont give??....well that money is given to the US as a form of tribute which is not told to the world but they do show US throwing food from helicopters here and there....oh shut up! stop the hypocrisy! i mean it mite work for an average US citizen as u live in a bubble even worse!....... the US has armies around the world including surrounding Saudi arabia so ever if saudi does reject to give the US oil ull jz attack it and label it making some nukes.....u bombed japan using the A-bomb ,u have the most nukes, the most shamful and dirty cheap presidents and then u talk bout peace.....

and then u say other countries are making more powerful weapons andd this and that but i c US troops holding modified weapons everytime they destroy a country....i mean wth ......

i really believe in what goes round always comes back around....so jz prepare to become like some third world country.....my idea china is going to crush u

u mite say i am going off topic but then the truth is the truth and it is jz in reply of ur US poodle known as the UN which cant do anything but agree to watever the US says ..... u always talk bout peace when the other man turns around u stab him with a 10 inch knife and u dont leave it there , u pull it out inch by inch...now thats the truth....

u wont accept anything i said cause ur nothing but an average arrogant american ....u must b something like ron paul if ud ever accept ur mistakes...infact if some1 like ron paul accepts his countries mistakes u dont elect him....infact u dont even show him on tv...i didnt c any of ron pauls interviews on cnn or some other hypocrit channel of urs.....lets jz sum it up u people are ARROGANT.....SELFISH....AND NOTHING BUT HYPOCRITS

u r quick to point out that we dont give but wth do u want us to give???....we already give u so much tribute but still the dogs cant b satisfied.....what is it that ur country wants???......nothing but power and it wants every1 kneeling on their knees asking for mercy...thats the true US

but then ur jz too arrogant to accept it......ull jz highlight ur answer in bold showing as if u have a response....i dont talk too arrogant people that much but for an intro i think that is enough for some1 like u....i can go on all day
about ur black slavery and invention of words like the N word for black people...but the hell, i aint got time to talk u......

my wish would b judgement day falls ur country b4 it falls upon me....cause i would like to hear and see ur screams when it happens jz like u watch other people dye on tv bcause of ur obsession with oil and robbing other countries if they dont give in to ur countries demands.....

oh yeah i forgot to mention u sure have a prob with pedos in ur countries not to mention rapists...i mean jz look at the latest scandal of that law minister was it??...some splitzer guy ...lol paying money to a prostitute ....tsk tsk tsk shameful as u always r but talk big as u always do....AHAHAHHAHAHAH......u should focus on them more rather than on the money of other countries-----> in simple words as u say it MIND UR OWN BUSINESS

This is not and IF/THEN argument. Weak, very weak and lazy thinking. I don't support the palastinians but I also don't want them dead. I support Isreals right to exist. It's really quite simple. Like I said. The only way they will get their land back is the complete destruction of Isreal, the last time it was tried egypt, Syria and Jordan ran away with their tails between their legs.

lol....ur country was giving it all the support it could and to tell u pakistan also came in which hardly any1 knows but it was only for a short while cause then the US found out and told them to go back or they will suffer the consequences....lol israel fighting by itself...lmao...they cant even kill a mosquito....the Israelis should hewad back to germany their original land...they have no place where they call home rite now.....but then debating with u is jz like debating with a dead person ...ull jz talk ur part and ignore us....im reporting this post and i hope every1 else does too cause its only a click ...thank u(not the arrogant 1 here)


lol....ur country was giving it all the support it could and to tell u pakistan also came in which hardly any1 knows but it was only for a short while cause then the US found out and told them to go back or they will suffer the consequences....

i'm not sure what you're saying, elaborate.

lol israel fighting by itself...lmao...they cant even kill a mosquito....the Israelis should hewad back to germany their original land...they have no place where they call home rite now.....but then debating with u is jz like debating with a dead person

wow, your grammar is appalling, like a dead person?

...ull jz talk ur part and ignore us....im reporting this post and i hope every1 else does too cause its only a click ...thank u(not the arrogant 1 here)

Wow, i'm one person answering a hundred. This is typical. Call me what you want, weak thinking, however what i say must really hurt. The truth usually does. report me if you will, I've been civil but unfortunatly some on this site equate dissagreement with hate and intolerance. My culture allows disagreement in the spirit of debate.
My culture allows disagreement in the spirit of debate.[/B]

Yeah like when Ahamdinejad was courteously invited by Columbia University president but was smacked on the cheek by it's ignorant two-faced president, student body, and media. It's like inviting someone to your home but then stabbing him with a knife. They sure allow disagreement, but with a price. Is this your culture?



Junior Member
Your blind support of Israel and lack of compassion for the Palestinian people is clear and less than civil, Waterdrop. I thought you didn't know their plight but it is clear you actually do and you do not care at all. You are very misguided and one day the truth will be made clear to you and you will hear it even if you dislike it. And this life is very short :)
lol....ur country was giving it all the support it could and to tell u pakistan also came in which hardly any1 knows but it was only for a short while cause then the US found out and told them to go back or they will suffer the consequences....

i'm not sure what you're saying, elaborate.

lol israel fighting by itself...lmao...they cant even kill a mosquito....the Israelis should hewad back to germany their original land...they have no place where they call home rite now.....but then debating with u is jz like debating with a dead person

wow, your grammar is appalling, like a dead person?

...ull jz talk ur part and ignore us....im reporting this post and i hope every1 else does too cause its only a click ...thank u(not the arrogant 1 here)

Wow, i'm one person answering a hundred. This is typical. Call me what you want, weak thinking, however what i say must really hurt. The truth usually does. report me if you will, I've been civil but unfortunatly some on this site equate dissagreement with hate and intolerance. My culture allows disagreement in the spirit of debate.

yes i am a very rude person cause im sick of ur countries hypocrisy and bull....u talk like really civilised people but u piss me off with such dumbfounded questions like we donate this much and that...ahh cut the crap already...what r u trying to prove...ur countrys a hero or something??....ur only good at what u do...that is hypocrisy.....yes a dead person that is the rite word for me.....u say u have been civil...very true but i cant stand ur country anymore...n i mean none of u ......the hypocrisy is jz too much for me too handle.......................altough u say like u know alot ur nothing but an average arrogant american not going to accept its countries mistakes
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