

New Member

asalamu aleikum sisters and brothers.

this question is about woman's right in our deen, so the issue is
that . if a married woman come to know that her husband is getting married to another woman..

do the firs woman have the rigth to ask her husband to not bring his wife in her place, if they both know that he can affort to build or rent an appartment for his second wife and specialy when you know all of you can find peace in the same house like we know it won' be easy==== mass salaman


New Member
I would say YES

Well, first of all, are you ok with this? He shouldn't be getting married to a second person unless you have approved this. If you are ok with the marriage but just don't want her to move in with you. Yes you have a right to not allow her to live with you regardless of your husband's financial situation. He should only marry a second woman if he has the financial strength to support both wives. He should definitely keep you guys at different apartments and spend same amount of time. I hope this works out for you. On a side note, if you live in US, it is very strange to find out a man to marry a second wife. The reason islam allow this is because back in the day there weren't enough man to take care of all the women. Women needed protection and financial support. In a place like america, government provides protection, there are enough men and a woman can easily find a job to support herself. So there is really now reason for a man to have mutliple wives. These are my thoughts.



New Member
I would say YES

Well, first of all, are you ok with this? He shouldn't be getting married to a second person unless you have approved this. If you are ok with the marriage but just don't want her to move in with you. Yes you have a right to not allow her to live with you regardless of your husband's financial situation. He should only marry a second woman if he has the financial strength to support both wives. He should definitely keep you guys at different apartments and spend same amount of time. I hope this works out for you. On a side note, if you live in US, it is very strange to find out a man to marry a second wife. The reason islam allow this is because back in the day there weren't enough man to take care of all the women. Women needed protection and financial support. In a place like america, government provides protection, there are enough men and a woman can easily find a job to support herself. So there is really no reason for a man to have mutliple wives. These are my thoughts.


Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
I agree, firstly will the woman concern agree and happy her husband to practice poligamy? We seldom hear woman giving approval to their man to take second one. In my opinion it is good if the first wife can negotiate with the husband and let the second wife to stay separately. Poligamy is a hot topic and will draw a lot of criticism though this is something halal to do. Some men can afford to have more than one wife and they are ready for both financially and physically so instead of they plunge into illegal affair with other women, it will be good if the wife allows her husband to remarry. Sisters, sorry if I say anything wrong but I would like to affirm my stand that I do not promote poligamy and I do not have intention to practice one. But what I said from the point of Islam.