Wonderful website!

Happy 2BA Muslim

Assalamu alaikum Brothers and Sisters,

I am very happy to join the turntoislam family. May Allah reward all of you for your contributions.

I got blessed to discover your forum from a friend who sent me a link to one of your excellent revert videos.

I lived most of my childhood (10 years) in the USA when my father was doing his postgraduate studies. That was a long time ago, and things definitely changed.

I am currently in Canada training in a medical subspecialty (Maternal-Fetal Medicine). I will be returning to my home country in a few months (Saudi Arabia).

I am looking forward to helping this website grow in any way. I am also learning a lot.

Happy 2BA Muslim
:salam2: :arabi1:


Welcome to TTI and may allah give you success in all your good intentions and actions, including your study.
I hope you will become an exemplary muslim doctor and serve those in pain and need of help.



Junior Member
Salam & welcome brother,

Its very good to hear that some of us are making the effort to further educate ourselves as education is the means to better understanding of Islam, I think.

WaAlikum Assalam


New Member
Staff member
Welcome to the site brother. Fi Amanillaah on your trip back to your beautiful country Saudi Arabia and may Allaah swt grant me to go back there too Insha Allaah ameen.


Junior Member

Welcome from all the community and i pray that site will help you in the same way as it helped and still helping each of us to acheive and see the eternal Light in our hearts Ameen
