would you rather?? :)


Strength in Unity
this is just a fun question: would you rather die a v.painful death or live forever?:biggrin: the one for living forever the choices are that you can choose to live a certain age forever, but only choose anything for yourself. everything around changes..


New Member
erm......no one really wants to die a painful death and if you choose to live a certain age forever you're going to get pretty bored pretty fast, if you find a partner, your partner will age and you will remain the same age forever and they'll probably notice that theres something fishy going on leave you.
The choice is too difficult, but i guess i'd choose to die a painful death, just so that i (insha'allah) go to jannah.


Junior Member
The Death of Moses

Abu Hurairah narrated: 'The Angel of Death was
sent to Moses . When he came to Moses, Moses
slapped him on the eye. The Angel returned to his
Lord and said: You have sent me to a slave who
does not want to die.' Allah said: 'Return to him
and tell him to put his hand on the back of an ox
and for every hair that will come under it, he will
be granted one year of life.' Moses said: '0 Lord!
What will happen after that?' Allah replied: 'Then
death.' Moses said: 'Let it come now!' Moses then
requested Allah to let him die close to the Holy
Land so that he would be at a distance of a
stone's throw from it." Abu Hurairah added:
"Allah's Messenger said: 'If I were there, I would
show you his grave below the red sandhill on the
side of the road.""

Moses , Prophet of Allah and the one to whom
Allah spoke directly, met his death with a
contented soul and a faithful heart that looked
forward to righteousness and made haste to meet
with Him Who bore tidings of peace.