would you share iman to 100




Lets remind one another of little things that gives us iman rush (increase our iman).

Should we take it to like 100?! Ambitious, don't you think? or may be not.

I'll start us off:

1. Surround yourself with righteous muslim friends.

Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said,“The example of a good companion and a bad one is the bearer of musk and the worker on the bellows. A bearer of musk would give you some, you might buy some from him, or you might enjoy the fragrance of his musk. The worker on the bellows, on the other hand, might spoil your clothes with spasparks from his bellows, or you get a bad smell from him.” (Bukhari)


3. Read at least a page of the Qur'an before creeping back into your bed after salatul fajr.


Since no one else wants to share their tips i'll go on shall i.

5. Save your money in the best bank (give it in sadaqa)


6. If you are doing a non religious act, convert your intention so that you get rewarded for it.



Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: When there comes the month of Ramadan, the gates of mercy are opened, and the gates of Hell are locked and the devils are chained,



Always Say bismillah before you eat, drink, enter the house, prepare food etc...

Always sleep on your right side


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

I have a few I would like to share...I will put them in one post so I don't cause clutter..and I don't know if what I will write will be what you *exactly* wanted sister stiks..but they're just things I thought of or have heard about from people which helps them with worship and iman and thought I should share with you and everyone else

11. Fast the fast of Sayidina Dawood (as) for a month (he (as) used to fast every other day).

12. Keep up with morning and evening remembrances..pick your favorites (out of the many authentic ones out there)..and say them every day..eventually you will even memorize them.

13. Make a schedule and for every day of the week plan to do one ibadah all day..along with obligatory worship..so you do something such as tasbeeh for monday..takbeer for tuesday..istighfar for wednesday..etc. in addition to any fardh ibadah.

14. Find a credible site with free books (or google specific books) about different topics in Islam..make a folder on your desktop and name it *Islamic Library*..and save/download any and all books (or even articles!) you find in that folder..then read through the books..by order..or according to category to increase your general knowledge in Islam.

15. Set a day or two (aside from Friday) during the week where you go to the masjid to pray in congregation or at least read Qura'an..and to add to your ajer..why not take a friend with you? (this is mostly directed at sisters).

16. Start a halaqah for you and your friends (to begin with ;))..where every week..one of you researches a topic and speaks about it to all of you so you'd all learn from each other..and again..why not add to your ajer..and make it at the local masjid?

17. Every month or every other month..pick a friend..and give them an Islamic item as a small gift (i.e. book, prayer rug, hijab, jilbab, prayer beads, etc.) and help soften the heart of a brother/sister of yours :).

18. Do an act of charity..AND KEEP IT A COMPLETE SECRET..DO NOT LET A SOUL KNOW ABOUT IT..repeat this as often as you can.

19. Make a list of all times when it is *mustahhab* to make a *dua'a*..and go over it everyday..when a time of these comes..raise your hands in a dua'a for the ummah..your family..your friends..and yourself (in that order :)).




oh goody! we are upto 19!

sis you have some good ones mashaallah especialy about the books!

ahem, lets make 20.

20. Do not procrastinate.
21. Always make the dua to ward off lazyness (Allahumma inni a'udhubika minal hammi wal hazan, wal'ajzi wal kasal wal bukhni wa jubn, wadala'i dayn waghalabati rijaal.)


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

25. Read 5 pages of Qura'an after each Fardh Prayer (to finish the Qura'an in about a month).

26. Read a Sura (chapter) of Qura'an everyday (to finish the Qura'an in 114 days).

27. Look up Tafsir (commentary) of the Qura'an and read through it.

28. Pray Tahajjud.

29. Fast 3 days a month or every Monday and Thursday.

30. Read biographies of the companions of Rasulullah (saaws).

Thought I should bump up the number to 30 and encourage people to write what they have in mind as well..if people pay attention to this thread they will benefit very much inshallah..I know I did :)



Junior Member

jazak Allahu ckairan for this beautiful thread sister sticks, the advices are really great... reading all the comments is so motivating, elhamdulliah :)

I want to add this: read Asma el husna ( the 99 names of Allah) with tefsir. everyday one name of Allah...

I like to go out to quite places with a stunning nature and do thikr or I just look up in the sky and my heart is filled with joy to see how beautifull Allah´s art is


33. Study tawheed, subhanallah your relationship with Allah and reliance on Him increases a million fold!

34. Love for others what you love for yourself (feel the power of giving)


35. Always consult with Allah before making a decision (Pray istikharaa)

36. Teach what you have learned (realise that by doing this your understanding of that you learned increases).

37. Try to study the life of a sahabi each day.


38. Be truthful for the day (yep! complete honesty, none of those little white lies!).

39. Remember that you are never alone (even when you think you are) the angels are keeping record and most definately Allah sees you (say cheers! you are on Allah's camera).

"Have you not considered that Allah knows what is in the heavens and what is on the earth? There is no private conversation of three but that He is the fourth of them, nor are there five but that He is the sixth of them - and no less than that and no more except that He is with them [in knowledge] wherever they are. Then He will inform them of what they did, on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed Allah is, of all things, Knowing." [Sura Mujadilah:7]

40. Thank Allah even when things don't go your way (Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli haal).


41. Plan and attend gatherings where Allah is remembered at least once a week.

42. Forgive those who have wronged you (even though they haven't apologised!)


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

43. Find books of *unauthentic* and *false* hadiths and be aware of them..they will benefit you at one point or another.

44. Do not forget to smile and say Salam to a Muslim should you see one..even if you do not know them.

45. Send out emails of da'awa nature to fellow Muslim friends..da'awa is not exclusive to non-Muslims you know!

(we can do this!..almost at the half ;))
